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Drug cTherapy cProblem c(DTP) c- ccorrect canswers✔✔A cNORMAL cpart cof ccare
c(Process) cthat cshould cbe crecognized c& cresolved.
They calways cinvolve cthe cpatient.
Some cDTPs cmay cnot cbe cserious, cwhile cothers ccan cbe cmore cserious cleading cto
Another cdefinition: cAny ccircumstance cthat ca ccompetent cprofessional cwould cjudge cto
cbe cinconsistent cwith cachieving ca ctherapeutic cobjective.
Drug cRelated cMorbidity c(DRM) c- ccorrect canswers✔✔An cOUTCOME cof ca cdrug
ctherapy cproblem.
Must cbe ctwo cthings cto cbe ca cDRM: cAn cactual cproblem cthat cis c1) csevere,
cdangerous, cinjurious, cor cdisabling cbeyond cthe cnormal cprocess cof ccare cand c2) cis
cnot ccorrectable cor crequires cadditional cmedical ccare cto ccorrect.
Has ca cscientifically cplausible crelationship cto c"drug ctherapy".
A ctherapeutic cmalfunction cin cwhich ctherapy cA chas cproduced can cadverse cor ctoxic
ceffect cand cB chas cfailed cto cproduce cthe cdesired ceffect cwith cthe creasonable cperiod
cof ctime.
"Drug cTherapy" c- ccorrect canswers✔✔Includes cboth ctherapy cactually cgiven cand
ctherapy cthat cshould chave cbeen cgiven, cbut cwasn't.
What c4 crequirements cmust cbe cmet cfor ca cDRM cto cbe cconsidered cpreventable? c-
ccorrect canswers✔✔1) cThe cDRM cwas cpreceded cby ca cRECOGNIZABLE cDTP.
2) cThe cDRM cwas cFORESEEABLE cunder cthe ccircumstances.
3) cThe ccauses cof cthe cresulting cDRM cwas cIDENTIFIABLE.
4) cThe cidentified ccause cof cthe cDTP c(& cresulting cDRM) cwas cCONTROLLABLE
cwithin cthe ccontext cof ctherapy.
How cmany cdeaths cin cU.S. cHospitals care cdue cto cadverse cdrug creactions c(ADRs)? c-
ccorrect canswers✔✔76,000 c> c100,000
Making cit cthe c4th cleading ccause cof cdeath cin cthe cU.S. ceach cyear, cwith cthe clower
cestimate cbeing cthe c6th cleading ccause.
What care cthe c4 cobjectives cof cbeneficent ccare? c(in corder cof cpriority) c- ccorrect
canswers✔✔1) cNot cto cinflict charm
2) cTo cprevent charm
3) cTo cremove charm
4) cTo cpromote cgood
,Preventable cadverse cdrug cevents creflect chow cmuch cof cU.S. cdeaths cannually? c-
ccorrect canswers✔✔1/6th
About cwhat cpercentage cof cadverse cdrug ctherapy coutcomes care cpreventable? c-
ccorrect canswers✔✔50%
Simplified cmedication cuse cprocess c(5 csteps) c- ccorrect canswers✔✔Recognize
cpatient cproblem c→ cClinical cimpression c(diagnosis) c→ cPlan c(prescribe cmedicine) c→
cImplement cplan c(dispense c& cadvise) c→ cImplement cplan c(administer/consume)
Latency c- ccorrect canswers✔✔Significant cerror cthat cis cnot csufficient cenough cto
cinjure ca cpatient
What care cthe c7 cDTP cCategories? c- ccorrect canswers✔✔1) cIndication- cunnecessary
cdrug ctherapy
2) cIndication- cadditional ctherapy cneeded
3) cEffectiveness- cineffective cdrug ctherapy
4) cEffectiveness- cdose ctoo clow
5) cSafety- cadverse cdrug creaction
6) cSafety- cdose ctoo chigh
7) cAdherence- cpt cis cnot cwilling cor cable cto ctake cthe cdrug ctherapy cintended
What care cthe c5 celements cof cthe cInterpersonal cCommunication cModel? c- ccorrect
canswers✔✔1) cSENDER- ctransmits cmessage cto canother cperson
2) cMESSAGE- cthe celement cthat cis ctransmitted cfrom cone cperson cto canother
c(thoughts, cideas, cemotions, cinfo, cetc.); ccan cbe cverbal cand cnonverbal
3) cRECEIVER- creceives cthe cmessage cfrom cthe csender, cthen c"decodes" cthe
cmessage cand cassigns cmeaning cto cit
4) cFEEDBACK- cprocess cwhereby creceivers ccommunicate cback cto cthe csenders ctheir
cunderstanding cof cthe csenders' cmessage c(being csensitive cto cothers ccan cstrengthen
cour cability cto creceive cand cprovide cuseful cfeedback)
5) cBARRIERS- caffect cthe caccuracy cof cthe ccommunication cexchange c(ex. cvacuum
ccleaner, ctelephones, chearing cdeficiency, cetc.)
We ctend cto cinterpret cmessages cbased con cour cperception cof cwhat ctwo cthings? c-
ccorrect canswers✔✔1) cWhat cwe cbelieve cthe cmessage csays
2) cThe cindividual csending cthe cmessage
Both ctreatment cfailure c& cadverse ceffects ccan clead cto cwhat? c- ccorrect
canswers✔✔Drug-related cdeath
, What cis cthe cdifference cbetween cDTP cand cDRM? c- ccorrect canswers✔✔The
cdistinction cbetween cthe cprocess cof cmedical ccare cand cthe coutcome cof cmedical
Documentation cof ccare cis cnecessary cfor cwhat c4 creasons? c- ccorrect canswers✔✔1.
2. cCoordination
3. cCooperation
4. cQuality cmanagement
What care cthe cmain cconcepts cof ca cSOAP cnote? c- ccorrect canswers✔✔Keeps
cpractitioner cfocused con cthe cpatient c& cfacilitates ccooperation
What care cthe c5 csteps cto cthe cPharmacists' cPatient cCare cProcess? c- ccorrect
canswers✔✔1. cCollect
2. cAssess
3. cPlan
4. cImplement
5. cFollow-up/Monitor c& cEvaluate
Literature cindicates cthat cthere care c3 cmajor ccauses cof casthma cdeath. cWhat care
cthey? c- ccorrect canswers✔✔1. cDelay cin cseeking cor creceiving cappropriate ccare
2. cMedication cmisuse; cpoor cadherence c→ cunder-use cof ccorticosteroids cand cover-
use cof cbeta-agonists; cinteraction cand ctoxicity
3. cInappropriate ccare: cinsufficient ccorticosteroids
In cthe cUF cCOP cstudy cin cGainesville, cwhat c% cof cpatients cwere cpicking cup ctheir
calbuterol cway ctoo cearly? c- ccorrect canswers✔✔40%
In cthe cUF cCOP cstudy cin cGainesville, cwhat c% cof cpatients cwere cpicking cup ctheir
ccorticosteroids c(beclomethasone) cway ctoo clate? c- ccorrect canswers✔✔60%
Ideal cof cPharmaceutical cCare c- ccorrect canswers✔✔"Responsible, ccooperative
cprovision cof cdrug ctherapy cfor cthe cpurpose cof cachieving cdefinite coutcomes cintended
cto cimprove ca cpatient's cquality cof clife."
Effective cdrug ctherapy crequires cwhat c3 coverlapping cfunctions? c- ccorrect
canswers✔✔1. cPrescribing- cinitiation cof ctherapy cbased con cmedical cproblem
2. cSupervision- cby ca cprescriber cor cco-therapist
3. cFacilitation- cactual cadministration cof ctherapy cby cthe cpt cor cthe cpatient's ccaregiver
Therapeutic cOutcomes cMonitoring cModel c(8 csteps) c- ccorrect canswers✔✔Purpose→
cfor cpharmacists' cfunction cas cco-therapists