ANBI 139 Exam Latest Update
LE 1: Give an example each of heritable and non-heritable variation: - Answer Eye color
(heritable), hobbies (non-heritable)
Give an example each of random and non-random events during biological evolution: -
Answer Mutation (random), survival under certain environmental conditions
What happens to the rate of evolution in small populations? - Answer the rate gets
higher, evolution accelerates.
What are the three key ingredients of biological evolution. - Answer Replicating entities,
Heritable Variation, Differential Reproduction.
What is the difference between somatic cells and germ cells? - Answer Somatic cells are
the majority of the cells in the body, germ cells are the ones that can give rise to
Can somatic mutation be passed on to the next generation? - Answer No, only germ line
mutations can.
Are most mutations dangerous to the survival of the individual in which they occur? -
Answer NO, most mutations appear to be neutral.
Why is the evolutionary tree of life made up of branches? - Answer B'cause most of the
time, once two populations or organisms have stooped exchanging DNA, they become
incompatible and cannot start exchanging DNA again.
Why is it impossible to place viruses on the tree of life? - Answer Because viruses do not
contain any DNA that can be directly compared to the DNA in cellular life forms.
What does convergent evolution mean? - Answer Independent evolution leading to
similar outcomes (biochemistry: caffeine, anatomy: spindle shaped swimmers, behavior:
paternal care of the young)
What four very different perspectives on disease can be considered? - Answer Patient,
Doctor/Care provider, Evolving Pathogen, Evolving Host.
Give a proximate mechanisms for disease: - Answer mutation in important immune gene,
e.g. interleukin 10 (IL10)
Give an evolutionary explanation for disease: - Answer Hygiene hypothesis.
What is the size of a human cell, a bacterium and that of a virus? - Answer Human cell 30
micrometers, bacterium ~ 3 micrometers, virus ~100 nanometers.
Can a mutation in a single gene cause disease? - Answer Yes, there are over 4000
,human diseases caused by a single gene mutation!
What is the pathogen that causes malaria? - Answer Several species of the protozoan
called Plasmodium.
What is the pathogen that causes tuberculosis? - Answer The bacterium Mycobacterium
What is the pathogen that causes HIV/AIDS? - Answer The HIV virus, a lentivirus
belonging to the group of retroviruses
why is the name SIV a misnomer? - Answer B'cause the virus does not cause
immunodeficiency in most non-human primates.
Why is it impossible to rid the world of influenza A virus? - Answer Because there is a
huge and diverse reservoir of influenza viruses in wild water birds.
What is unusual about prion diseases? - Answer They are cause by a mis-folded protein,
not by a living, replicating organisms. A misfolded protein from outside the body, causes
additional misfolding of the patient's own prion molecules.
What is one of the long-term negative effects of fire use on human health? - Answer Air
pollution causing lung and other diseases.
Give an example of a disease which was abolished relatively recently? - Answer
Homosexuality, Hysteria.
How could menopause be thought of as an. Adaptation rather than a disease? - Answer
Long post reproductive survival in female humans my be an adaptation to the
importance of cultural transmission and the human reproductive pattern.
Give an example of a disease which was established relatively recently? - Answer
Cannabis use disorder, gaming disorder.
What is the origin of the word vaccination? - Answer the latin word vacca=cow, given
that cowpox was used to immunize humans against smallpox.
What is the difference between variolation and vaccination? - Answer Variolation
(Inoculation) uses scabs from smallpox patients to immunize naive persons, while
vaccination uses scabs from cows infected by cow pox to immunize against smallpox.
Vaccination has since been applied to other methods of immunization.
LE 2 start: What is the origin of the word vaccination? - Answer the latin word
vacca=cow, given that cowpox was used to immunize humans against smallpox.
Why is the difference between variolatiin and vaccination? - Answer Variolation is
immunization using smallpox virus, vaccination is immunization against smallpox using
the related cow pox virus.
What is the difference between variolation and vaccination? - Answer Variolation
, (Inoculation) uses scabs from smallpox patients to immunize naive persons, while
vaccination uses scabs from cows infected by cow pox to immunize against smallpox.
Vaccination has since been applied to other methods of immunization.
How long is the haploid genome of each of our cells and how many "letters" base pairs
dos it contain? - Answer About 1 meter long and it contains 3 billion bp
What does chromatin consist of? - Answer Histone and non-histone proteins and DNA
Give three example of chromosomal changes during evolution? - Answer Fusion,
Inversion, reciprocal translocation.
How can different parts of the genome have different histories? - Answer Genetic
recombination breaks apart and brings together different parts of the genome. The
further apart on a chromosome two segments of DNA are, the likelier that these do not
share the same precise history.
What 2 different parts of our genomes do not get reshuffled but are rather inherited from
one parent only? - Answer Mitochondrial DNA and most of the Y-chromosome
What are the four major classes of biomolecules? - Answer Nucleic acids, proteins,
lipids and glycans
How many pieces of DNA are there in the nuclear genome of a human? - Answer 46 ,
visible as chromosome when a cell is dividing.
What is a haplotype? - Answer A unique combination of DNA variants along the same
strand of DNA.
What are post translational modifications ? - Answer Changes to protein molecules after
these have been synthesized (translated from mRNA).
What could be the advantage of our genomes having multiple versions (copies) of the
same gene (e.g. hemoglobin)? - Answer Slightly different variants of the same gene can
be used at different times during development and life (embryonic, fetal, adult).
What is an enhancer (in the genome)? - Answer A stretch of DNA that interacts with
transcription factors and the promoter of genes to regulate their expression.
Give two examples of RNA that is functional despite the fact that it does not code for a
protein: - Answer Ribosomal RNA is part of the RNA translating machinery of a cell,
micro RNA takes on a 3 D fold and can interact with proteins to modify gene expression.
Give four characteristics of the genome that can affect gene expression? - Answer
Chromatin remodeling, histone modification, DNA methylation, non-coding and micro
RNA (+RNA binding proteins, DNA-binding proteins = transcription factors)
What does the queen bee have to do with epigenetic? - Answer Enzymes acting on
histone modifications in the royal jelly produced by worker bees and fed to the