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TEST BANK for Fundamentals of Nursing 11TH Edition by Potter Perry PDF A+ 2024 $18.39
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TEST BANK for Fundamentals of Nursing 11TH Edition by Potter Perry PDF A+ 2024

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  • Fundamentals Of Nursing 11th Edition

TEST BANK for Fundamentals of Nursing 11TH Edition by Potter Perry PDF A+ 2024TEST BANK for Fundamentals of Nursing 11TH Edition by Potter Perry PDF A+ 2024TEST BANK for Fundamentals of Nursing 11TH Edition by Potter Perry PDF A+ 2024TEST BANK for Fundamentals of Nursing 11TH Edition by Potter P...

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  • November 3, 2024
  • 856
  • 2024/2025
  • Exam (elaborations)
  • Questions & answers
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  • Fundamentals of Nursing 11th Edition
  • Fundamentals of Nursing 11th Edition


1. Which BNnurse BNmost BNlikely BNkept BNrecords BNon BNsanitation BNtechniques BNand BNthe
BNeffects BNon BNhealth?
a. Florence BNNightingale
b. Mary BNNutting
c. Clara BNBarton
d. Lillian BNWald
Nightingale BNwas BNthe BNfirst BNpracticing BNnurse BNepidemiologist. BNHer BNstatistical
BNanalyses BNconnected BNpoor BNsanitation BNwith BNcholera BNand BNdysentery. BNMary
BNNutting, BNClara BNBarton, BNand BNLillian BNWald BNcame BNafter BNNightingale, BNeach
BNcontributing BNto BNthe BNnursing BNprofession BNin BNher BNown BNway. BNMary BNNutting
BNwas BNinstrumental BNin BNmoving BNnursing BNeducation BNinto BNuniversities. BNClara
BNBarton BNfounded BNthe BNAmerican BNRed BNCross. BNLillian BNWald BNhelped BNopen
BNthe BNHenry BNStreet BNSettlement.

DIF:Understand BN(comprehension)
OBJ:Discuss BNthe BNinfluence BNof BNsocial, BNhistorical, BNpolitical, BNand BNeconomic BNchanges BNon
BNnursing BNpractices.
TOP: Evaluation MSC: B N Health BNPromotion BNand BNMaintenance

2. The BNnurse BNprescribes BNstrategies BNand BNalternatives BNto BNattain BNexpected BNoutcome.
BNWhich BNstandard BNof BNnursing BNpractice BNis BNthe BNnurse BNfollowing?
a. Assessment
b. Diagnosis
c. Planning
d. Implementation
In BNplanning, BNthe BNregistered BNnurse BNdevelops BNa BNplan BNthat BNprescribes
BNstrategies BNand BNalternatives BNto BNattain BNexpected BNoutcomes. BNDuring BNassessment,
BNthe BNregistered BNnurse BNcollects BNcomprehensive B N data BNpertinent BNto BNthe
BNpatient’s BNhealth BNand/or BNthe BNsituation. BNIn BNdiagnosis, BNthe BNregistered BNnurse
BNanalyzes BNthe BNassessment BNdata BNto BNdetermine BNthe BNdiagnoses BNor BNissues.
BNDuring BNimplementation, BNthe BNregistered BNnurse BNimplements BN(carries BNout) BNthe
BNidentified BNplan.

DIF:Understand BN(comprehension)
OBJ:Discuss BNthe BNdevelopment BNof BNprofessional BNnursing BNroles. TOP:
BNPlanning BNMSC: B N Management BNof BNCare

3. An BNexperienced BNmedical-surgical BNnurse BNchooses BNto BNwork BNin
BNobstetrics. BNWhich BNlevel BNof BNproficiency BNis BNthe BNnurse BNupon BNinitial
BNtransition BNto BNthe BNobstetrical BNfloor?
a. Novice
b. Proficient
c. Competent
d. Advanced BNbeginner

, A BNbeginning BNnursing BNstudent BNor BNany BNnurse BNentering BNa BNsituation BNin BNwhich
BNthere BNis BNno BNprevious BNlevel BNof BNexperience BN(e.g., BNan BNexperienced BNoperating
BNroom BNnurse BNchooses BNto BNnow BNpractice BNin BNhome BNhealth) BNis BNan BNexample
BNof BNa BNnovice BNnurse. BNA BNproficient BNnurse BNperceives BNa BNpatient’s BNclinical
BNsituation BNas BNa BNwhole, BNis BNable BNto BNassess BNan BNentire BNsituation, BNand BNcan
BNreadily BNtransfer BNknowledge BNgained BNfrom BNmultiple BNprevious BNexperiences BNto
BNa BNsituation. BNA BNcompetent BNnurse BNunderstands BNthe BNorganization BNand BNspecific
BNcare BNrequired BNby BNthe BNtype BNof BNpatients BN(e.g., BNsurgical, BNoncology, BNor
BNorthopedic BNpatients). BNThis BNnurse BNis BNa BNcompetent BNpractitioner BNwho BNis
BNable BNto BNanticipate BNnursing BNcare BNand BNestablish BNlong-range BNgoals. BNA BNnurse
BNwho BNhas BNhad BNsome BNlevel BNof BNexperience BNwith BNthe BNsituation BNis BNan
BNadvanced BNbeginner. BNThis BNexperience BNmay BNonly BNbe BNobservational BNin
BNnature, BNbut BNthe BNnurse BNis BNable BNto BNidentify BNmeaningful BNaspects BNor
BNprinciples BNof BNnursing BNcare.

DIF:Apply BN(application)
OBJ:Discuss BNthe BNdevelopment BNof BNprofessional BNnursing BNroles. TOP:
BNEvaluation BNMSC: B N Management BNof BNCare

4. A BNnurse BNassesses BNa BNpatient’s BNfluid BNstatus BNand BNdecides BNthat BNthe BNpatient
BNneeds BNto BNdrink BNmore BNfluids. BNThe BNnurse BNthen BNencourages BNthe BNpatient BNto
BNdrink BNmore BNfluids. BNWhich BNconcept BNis BNthe BNnurse BNdemonstrating?
a. Licensure
b. Autonomy
c. Certification
d. Accountability
Autonomy BNis BNan BNessential BNelement BNof BNprofessional BNnursing BNthat BNinvolves
BNthe BNinitiation BNof BNindependent BNnursing BNinterventions BNwithout BNmedical BNorders.
BNTo BNobtain BNlicensure BNin BNthe BNUnited BNStates, BNthe BNRN BNcandidate BNmust BNpass
BNthe BNNCLEX-RN. BNBeyond BNthe BNNCLEX-RN, BNthe BNnurse BNmay BNchoose BNto
BNwork BNtoward BNcertification BNin BNa BNspecific BNarea BNof BNnursing BNpractice.
BNAccountability BNmeans BNthat BNyou BNare BNresponsible, BNprofessionally BNand BNlegally,
BNfor BNthe BNtype BNand BNquality BNof BNnursing BNcare BNprovided.

DIF:Apply BN(application)
OBJ:Discuss BNthe BNroles BNand BNcareer BNopportunities BNfor BNnurses. TOP:
BNImplementation BNMSC: B N Management BNof BNCare

5. A BNnurse BNprepares BNthe BNbudget BNand BNpolicies BNfor BNan BNintensive BNcare BNunit.
BNWhich BNrole BNis BNthe BNnurse BNimplementing?
a. Educator
b. Manager
c. Advocate
d. Caregiver

, A BNmanager BNcoordinates BNthe BNactivities BNof BNmembers BNof BNthe BNnursing BNstaff
BNin BNdelivering BNnursing BNcare BNand BNhas BNpersonnel, BNpolicy, BNand BNbudgetary
BNresponsibility BNfor BNa BNspecific BNnursing BNunit BNor BNfacility. BNAs BNan BNeducator,
BNyou BNexplain BNconcepts BNand BNfacts BNabout BNhealth, BNdescribe BNthe BNreason BNfor
BNroutine BNcare BNactivities, BNdemonstrate BNprocedures BNsuch BNas BNself-care BNactivities,
BNreinforce BNlearning BNor BNpatient BNbehavior, BNand BNevaluate BNthe BNpatient’s
BNprogress BNin BNlearning. BNAs BNa BNpatient BNadvocate, BNyou BNprotect BNyour BNpatient’s
BNhuman BNand BNlegal BNrights BNand BNprovide BNassistance BNin BNasserting BNthese BNrights
BNif BNthe BNneed BNarises. BNAs BNa BNcaregiver, BNyou BNhelp BNpatients BNmaintain BNand
BNregain BNhealth, BNmanage BNdisease BNand BNsymptoms, BNand BNattain BNa BNmaximal
BNlevel BNfunction BNand BNindependence BNthrough BNthe BNhealing BNprocess.

DIF:Apply BN(application)
OBJ:Discuss BNthe BNroles BNand BNcareer BNopportunities BNfor BNnurses. TOP:
BNImplementation BNMSC: B N Management BNof BNCare

6. The BNnurse BNhas BNbeen BNworking BNin BNthe BNclinical BNsetting BNfor BNseveral BNyears
BNas BNan BNadvanced BNpractice BNnurse. BNHowever, BNthe BNnurse BNhas BNa BNstrong
BNdesire BNto BNpursue BNresearch BNand BNtheory BNdevelopment. BNTo BNfulfill BNthis
BNdesire, BNwhich BNprogram BNshould BNthe BNnurse BNattend?
a. Doctor BNof BNNursing BNScience BNdegree BN(DNSc)
b. Doctor BNof BNPhilosophy BNdegree BN(PhD)
c. Doctor BNof BNNursing BNPractice BNdegree BN(DNP)
d. Doctor BNin BNthe BNScience BNof BNNursing BNdegree BN(DSN)
Some BNdoctoral BNprograms BNprepare BNnurses BNfor BNmore BNrigorous BNresearch BNand
BNtheory BNdevelopment BNand BNaward BNthe BNresearch-oriented BNDoctor BNof BNPhilosophy
BN(PhD) BNin BNnursing. BNProfessional BNdoctoral BNprograms BNin BNnursing BN(DSN BNor
BNDNSc) BNprepare BNgraduates BNto BNapply BNresearch BNfindings BNto BNclinical BNnursing.
BNThe BNDNP BNis BNa BNpractice BNdoctorate BNthat BNprepares BNadvanced BNpractice BNnurses
BNsuch BNas BNnurse BNpractitioners.

DIF:Understand BN(comprehension)
OBJ:Compare BNand BNcontrast BNthe BNeducational BNprograms BNavailable BNfor BNprofessional
BNregistered BNnurse BN(RN) BNeducation. TOP: B N Teaching/Learning
MSC: B N Management BNof BNCare

7. A BNnurse BNattends BNa BNworkshop BNon BNcurrent BNnursing BNissues BNprovided BNby
BNthe BNAmerican BNNurses BNAssociation. BNWhich BNtype BNof BNeducation BNdid
BNthe BNnurse BNreceive?
a. Graduate BNeducation
b. Inservice BNeducation
c. Continuing BNeducation
d. Registered BNnurse BNeducation
Continuing BNeducation BNinvolves BNformal, BNorganized BNeducational BNprograms BNoffered
BNby BNuniversities, BNhospitals, BNstate BNnurses BNassociations, BNprofessional BNnursing
BNorganizations, BNand BNeducational BNand BNhealth BNcare BNinstitutions. BNAfter BNobtaining
BNa BNbaccalaureate BNdegree BNin BNnursing, BNyou BNcan BNpursue BNgraduate BNeducation
BNleading BNto BNa BNmaster’s BNor BNdoctoral BNdegree BNin BNany BNnumber BNof BNgraduate
BNfields, BNincluding BNnursing. BNInservice BNeducation BNprograms BNare BNinstruction BNor
BNtraining BNprovided BNby BNa BNhealth BNcare BNfacility BNor BNinstitution. BNRegistered
BNnurse BNeducation BNis BNthe BNeducation BNpreparation BNfor BNan BNindividual BNintending
BNto BNbe BNan BNRN.

DIF:Apply BN(application)
OBJ:Compare BNand BNcontrast BNthe BNeducational BNprograms BNavailable BNfor BNprofessional

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