LCAS Exam - NC
regular use - up to several times a week. may begin use during the day. may be using
along rather than with friends. There are behavioral indicators in this phase of addiction,
such as a decrease in activities, declined in school or work performance, and greater
interest in use. May use to manipulate emotions in this phase. May sell drugs or keep
supply for personal use. - ✔️✔️Abuse of Drugs and Alcohol (stage 2)
This treatment approach should minimize the risk of re-traumatization or replicating prior
trauma dynamics. Ex: Clients may express feelings of powerlessness or being trapped if
they are not active involved in treatment decisions or if providers mirror specific
behaviors/dynamics from client's past traumatic experiences. - ✔️✔️Trauma-informed
The first two steps in in this process are to determine whether the client as a history of
trauma and whether he/she has trauma related symptoms. - ✔️✔️Screening
Often the first contact between client and treatment providers, this interaction can set
the tone of treatment and being the relationship with the client. - ✔️✔️Screening
When a client screens positive for substance abuse, trauma-related symptoms, or
mental health disorders, the counselor should follow up with a comprehensive
_______________________ - ✔️✔️Assessment
This process should reoccur throughout treatment, to provide valuable information and
details as client's trust in staff members grow and progress occurs. - ✔️✔️Assessment
Most PTSD and SA models involve ________________ that integrates cognitive and
behavioral theories by incorporation two ideas: that thoughts mediate between
situational demands and one's attempts to effective respond and that behavioral change
influences acceptance of altered cognition about oneself or a situation and
establishment of newly learned patterns - ✔️✔️CBT
the only long-acting full opioid agonist approved for treatment, at this time. It provides a
range of effects similar to those of short-acting opitates like Heroin and Morphine,
surpressing withdrawal symptoms and avoiding cravings as the opioid is eliminated
from the body. Dose needed for cross-tolerance depends on client's level of tolerance
for the drug(s). - ✔️✔️Methadone
a manualized 12-session treatment approach which can be administered in group or
individual practice, which involves Exposure Therapy. - ✔️✔️Cognitive Processing
, This type of therapy asks clients to directly describe and explore trauma-related
memories, objects, emotions, or places. Intense emotions are evoked, but decrease,
desensitizing clients through repeated encounters with traumatic material. -
✔️✔️Exposure Therapy
occasional - perhaps a few times monthly, usually on weekends or at parties with
friends. May use when alone. Little to no behavioral changes, occasional, moderate
hangover. - ✔️✔️Experimental and Social Use of Drugs and Alcohol (stage 1)
daily use, continuous. will take serious risks to obtain drugs/alcohol, potentially including
criminal behavior. Drugs/Alcohol help client to feel normal. Behavioral indicators can
include changes in weight, health issues, poor appearance, memory loss, volatile mood
swings, employment loss, possible overdoses, lack of concern about being caught.
Chronic relapsing disorder in his phase. - ✔️✔️Dependency/Addiction Phase (Stage 3)
The most widely used and accepted drug, past and present. A depressant, similar to the
anesthetic drug ether. The only non-medical drug taken "only" orally. It slows heart rate
and slows breathing. It depresses the brain. This is the only drug with which a large
number of those who use it do not become physically dependent on it. An estimated
10% of those who use it become dependent. - ✔️✔️Alcohol
sedative and hypnotic agents which are non-barbiturate or non-benzodiazepines,
including Quaaludes, Ambien (Zolpidem), and Lunesta (Eszopiclone). - ✔️✔️Other
Drugs that cause sedation and euphoria by causing depression of the central nervous
system. - ✔️✔️Narcotics or Opiates/Opioids
Used medically to relieve pain, suppress cough and control diarrhea, as well as some
anxiety relief. - ✔️✔️Narcotics or Opiates/Opioids
Overdose can cause death by respiratory depression - ✔️✔️Narcotics or
Hydromorphone (Dilaudid), Oxycodone, Heroin - ✔️✔️Semi-synthetic Opiates
Demerol, Methadone, Buprenorphine, Propoxyphene (Darvone) Pentazocine (Talwin),
OxyContin - ✔️✔️Synthetic Narcotics
These drugs can be substituted for the drug of abuse to provide a more controllable
form of addiction. Using them alleviates many withdrawal symptoms. It acts similarly to
opiates, and bonds with an opiate receptor to trick the brain and take the place of an
opiate. Substitution Therapy. Ex. Methadone, Clonidine. - ✔️✔️Opiate Agonist