FTCE: NavaEd PeD
2nd Grade Culture - ANS-Engage students in activity by discovering common elements in
various cultural backgrounds as well as unique features.
Abuse Hotline - ANS-1(800) 96 ABUSE. Mandatory for Florida educators (including doctors,
nurses, social workers, police officers, childcare workers, and any school personnel).
Academic words - ANS-Teach in context (prefixes, suffixes, and roots). This aligns to making
learning relevant and related to the real world. Students should interact with vocabulary in order
to make meaningful connections.
Accommodations - ANS-Modifying instruction or using supports to help ELLs achieve.
Accommodations do NOT involve lowering the standard or delaying learning.
Accountability Movement - ANS-Standards, school choice, vouchers, magnet schools, and
school grades.
Acculturation - ANS-Process of cultural contact and exchange through which a person or group
comes to adopt certain values and practices of a culture that isn't originally their own, to a
greater or lesser extent (original culture remains).
Action research - ANS-When teachers continuously collect both formative and summative data
and use it to differentiate instruction. It's ongoing and part of everyday practice. This usually
takes place in professional learning communities (PLCs) or department/grade-level teams.
*data-driven decision making.*
Affective Filter Hypothesis - ANS-Describes external factors that can act as a filter that impedes
acquistion, such as motivation level, self-confidence level, and anxiety.
Allocating resources - ANS-Portioning resources so all students have equal opportunity and
time while balancing curriculum and instruction is essential in effective classroom management.
Alternate Assessments - ANS-Data folders, portfolios, interactive notebooks, multi-step,
long-term research with multiple products, analytical essays, multi-media presentations.
**Diagnostic assessments, progress monitoring checks**
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA 1990) - ANS-Civil rights law that prohibits discrimination
based on disability. Similar to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Amphetamines - ANS-Irritability, restlessness, paranoia, and aggression.
Analyzing data - ANS-Teachers consult multiple sources of information/data to make the most
informed decision when planning further instruction.
Anecdotal notes - ANS-Rich, qualitative, data about lesson engagement and student
understanding (also for student behavior).
Appeals Process - ANS-Step 1: Complain Filed (PPS receives complaint, reviews to see if there
is jurisdiction to investigate).
Step 2: Case is opened (educator is notified, as well as employing school or schools district).
Step 3: Investigation > meeting offered, educator can provide explanation, rebuttal, or
Step 4: Legal counsel reviews the findings. Probable cause needs to be supported by clear and
convincing evidence.
, Step 5: Commissioner of Education issues findings. Probable or No Probable Cause. Educator's
certificate is a property right, so due process must follow.
Step 6: Educator can surrender certificate, settlement agreement (must be accepted by EPC),
informal hearing, or a formal hearing.
Step 7: Notification of the Final Order. EPC prepares this binding document.
Assessment sequence - ANS-"Ongoing" to drive instructional decisions. NEVER use multiple
1.) Diagnostic (pre-assessment)
2.) Formative Assessments (ongoing - targeted interventions)
3.) Summative Assessment (measure outcomes and make decisions moving forward. Where
strategies and interventions impactful?)
Assessment tools - ANS-Used to monitor student progress, achievement, and learning gains
(test, rubric, survey, etc).
Assimilation - ANS-Original culture is wholly abandoned; new culture adopted in its place (very
traumatic for families).
Assistive technology - ANS-Must be used if it's outlined in the student's IEP. Includes mobility
aids, hearing aids, computer software.
auditory learners - ANS-Grasp concepts best through listening and speaking situations
(lectures, podcasts, and group discussions).
Bilingual Approach - ANS-Be culturally responsive in the classroom. The best teachers use a
bilingual approach, First Language (L1) + Second Language (L2) = English Proficiency.
*Teachers help ELLs feel safe and comfortable in the classroom*
Bloom's Taxonomy - ANS-Remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create.
Bloom's taxonomy (levels) - ANS-Remember & Memorize
Understand & Identify
Compare & Contrast
Box and whisker plot - ANS-A graph that displays the highest and lowest quarters of data as
whiskers, the middle (median) is where students are considered proficient.
Bruner - ANS-Learning is an active process, learners construct new ideas or concepts based on
current/past knowledge.
Examples: Socratic Seminar, Curriculum is a spiral (student build upon prior learning).
Problem-solving skills (inquiry/discover), child's way of viewing the world, and mastery of skills
leads to mastery of more powerful ones.
Celebrate culture - ANS-Activities in the classroom that help students learn and observe other
cultures (NOT one and done).
Choral Reading - ANS-A way for students to participate in reading (fluency) without being put on
the spot to read aloud in front of everyone.
*NEVER Round Robin or Silent Sustained Reading*
*Fluency, self-confidence, and motivation*