Client Centered Care Exam 2
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1. what are vitamins? non-energy producing com-
pounds that are needed in small
quantities to perform specific
metabolic functions
2. what are the 2 types of vitamins? fat-soluble and water-soluble
3. what are the differences between the two fat-soluble are stored in body tis-
types of vitamins? sues; water-soluble are excreted
when not needed
4. food sources of vitamin A chicken livers, sweet potato with
skin, carrots, spinach, pumpkin
5. results of deficiency of vitamin A night blindness, exophthalmia,
decreased immunity
6. food sources of vitamin D tuna fish, whole or fortified milk,
fortified soy milk, fortified cereal
7. results of deficiency of vitamin D rickets, osteomalacia, osteo-
8. food sources of vitamin E fortified cereal, sunflower seeds,
tomato sauce, safflower oil
9. results of deficiency of vitamin E anemia, nervous system disor-
10. food sources of vitamin K green leafy vegetables, tuna fish,
tomato sauce
11. results of deficiency of vitamin K hemorrhagic disease (new-
borns); defective blood clotting
12. food sources of vitamin C citrus fruits, berries, broccoli,
cabbage, chili peppers, toma-
13. results of deficiency of vitamin C
, Client Centered Care Exam 2
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easy bruising, poor wound heal-
ing, gingivitis, anemia
14. food sources of Thiamin pork, beef, whole grains,
15. results of deficiency of thiamin beriberi, neuropathy, wer-
nicke-korsakoff syndrome
16. food sources of roboflavin milk products, organ meats, en-
riched grains, cereal
17. results of deficiency of roboflavin cheilosis, glossitis, seborrheic
18. food sources of niacin meat and dairy products,
peanuts, enriched grains and ce-
19. results of deficiency of niacin pellagra, weakness, scaly der-
matitis, neuritis
20. food sources of pantothenic acid egg, milk, liver
21. results of deficiency of pantothenic acid problems with lipogenesis,
amino acid activation, formation
of cholesterol steroid hormones
and heme
22. food sources of biotin egg yolk, liver; synthesized by in-
testinal bacteria
23. results of deficiency of biotin problems with skin and hair
24. food sources of vitamin B6 meat, organ meats, legumes, ba-
nanas, potatoes
25. results of deficiency of vitamin B6 hypochromic anemia, CNS ab-