v v v v v v v v
,Table v of v vContents 1
Chapter v 01: v Introduction v to v Nursing Chapter
Chapter v 02: v Theory, vResearch, v and v Evidence- v 46:
Based vPractice vChapter v03: vHealth, vWellness, vand vHealth v Spirituality
vDisparities vChapter v04: vHealth vof vthe vIndividual, vFamily,
vand vCommunity v Chapter v 05: v Cultural v Diversity
Chapter v06: vValues, vEthics, vand vAdvocacy vChap
vter v v v07: v v vLegal v v vDimensions v v vof v v vNursing
vPractice vCha v pter v 08: v Communication
Chapter v 09: v Teaching v and v Counseling
vChapter v 10: v Leading, v Managing, v and
v Delegatin
g vChapter v 11: v The v Health v Care vDelivery v System
Chapter v12: vCollaborative vPractice vand vCare vCoordination vAcross vSettings
Chapter v 13: v Blended v Competencies, v Clinical v Reasoning, vand
v Processes v ofv Person
- vCentered v Care
vChapter v 14:
v Assessing
Chapter v 15: v Diagnosing
Chapter v 16: v Outcome v Identification v and
v Planninvg vChapter v 17: v Implementing
Chapter v 18: v Evaluating
Chapter v 19: v Documenting v and
v Reportinvg vChapter v 20: v Nursing
v Informatics
Chapter v21: vDevelopmental vConcepts vChap
vter v22: vConception v Through v Young
vAdult Cha v pter v 23: v The v Aging v Adult
Chapter v 24: v Asepsis v and v Infection
v Controvl vChapter v 25: v Vital v Signs
Chapter v 26: v Health v Assessment
Chapter v 27: v Safety, v Security, v and v Emergency
v Preparednessv Chapter v 28: v Complementary v and
v Integrative v Health
Chapter v 29: v Medications
Chapter v 30: v Perioperative
vNursin v g vChapter v 31: v Hygiene
Chapter v 32: v Skin v Integrity v and v Wound
v Carve vChapter v 33: v Activity
Chapter v 34: v Rest v and v Sleep
Chapter v 35: v Comfort v and v Pain
v Managemenv qi t Chapter v 36: v Nutrition
Chapter v37: vUrinary vEliminatio
n vChapter v38:
v v Bowel
vEliminatio v n
Chapter v 39: v Oxygenation v and
v Perfusion vChapter v 40: v Fluid,
v Electrolyte, v and v Acid-v Base v Balance
vChapter v 41: v Self-Conceptv Chapter v 42:
v Stress v and v Adaptatio
n vChapter v43: vLoss, vGrief, vand vDyi
vng vChapter v44: vSensory
vFunctionin vg vChapter v45: vSexuality
, 2 316
11 326
20 336
29 346
37 356
45 365
54 375
62 384
69 393
77 403
, Chapter 01: Introduction to Nursing
v v v v
1. Which v of v the v following v statements v accurately v describe v an v element v of v nursing? v Select v all v that
v apply.
A) The v skills v involved v in v nursing v are v primarily v technical v in v nature.
B) The v primary v focus v of v nursing v is v to v assist v individuals v to v recover v from v illness.
C) The v science vof v nursing v is v the v knowledge v base v for v the v care v that v is v given.
D) The v art v of v nursing v is v the v collection v of v knowledge v through v research.
E) Nursing v is v considered v to v be v both v an v art v and v a v science.
F) Nursing v is va v profession v that v used v specialized v knowledge v and v skills.
2. Which vof v the v following v set v of v terms v best v describes v nursing v at v the v end v of v the v Middle v Ages?
A) continuity, v caring, vcritical v thinking
B) purpose, v direction, v leadership
C) assessment, v interventions, v outcomes
D) advocacy, v research, v education
3. Which v of v the v following v is v a v characteristic v of v nursing v practiced v from v early
v civilization v tov the v 1 v 6thcentury?
A) Most v early v civilizations v believed v that v illness v had v supernatural v causes.
B) The v physician v was v the v vpriest v who v treated v disease v with v prayer.
C) The v nurse v was v a v nun v committed v to v caring v for v the v needy v and v homeless.
D) Nursing v changed v from v a v spiritual v focus v to v an v emphasis v on v knowledge v expansion.
4. In v what v time v period v did v nursing v care v as v we v now v vknow v it vbegin?
A) pre-civilization
B) early v civilization v to v16th v century