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IFGC exam questions with complete solutions 2024
IFGC exam questions with complete solutions 2024
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IFGC exam questions with complete
solutions 2024
fall jrestraint j- jANS✓✓-Guards jare jnot jrequired jfor jrooftop jappliances jrequiring
jservice jwhere japproved jpermanent j__________________ jdevices jare jinstalled
oxygen-depletion-sensitive j- jANS✓✓-Unvented jroom jheaters jshall jbe jequipped
jwith jan j_________________________________ jsafety jshutoff jsystem
polyvinyl jchloride j(PVC), jchlorinated jpolyvinyl jchloride j(CPVC) j- jANS✓✓-
____________________________________ jand
j_____________________________________ jplastic jpipe, jtubing jand jfittings jshall
jnot jbe jused jto jsupply jfuel jgas
100, j20 j- jANS✓✓-Self-service jLP-gas jmotor jvehicle jdispensing jsystems jshall
jbe jprovided jwith jan jemergency jshutoff jswitch jlocated jwithin j____ jfeet jof, jbut
jnot jless jthan j___ jfeet jfrom, jdispensers
1,800 j- jANS✓✓-Masonry jchimneys jshall jbe jlines jwith japproved jclay jflue jlining,
ja jlisted jchimney jlining jsystem jor jother japproved jmaterials jthat jwill jresist
jcorrosion, jerosion, jsoftening jor jcracking jfrom jvent jgases jat jtemperatures jup
jto j____ jF.
6 j- jANS✓✓-Where jresidential jcompressed jnatural jgas j(CNG) jfueling jappliances
jare jlocated jindoors, ja jgas jdetector jshall jbe jlocated jwithin j__ jinches jof jthe
jhighest jpoint jof jthe jroom jor jspace
6 j- jANS✓✓-The jlowest jportion jof jthe jfloor jfurnace jshall jhave jnot jless jthan ja
j_____ jinch jclearance jfrom jthe jgrade jlevel
outside j- jANS✓✓-The jcontrols, jcombustion jair jinlets jand jdraft jhoods jfor jduct
jfurnaces jshall jbe jlocated j_____ jof jthe jducts
A, jE, jI j- jANS✓✓-Unvented jroom jheaters jshall jnot jbe jinstalled jwithin
joccupancies jin jGroups j__, j__, jand j__
positive j- jANS✓✓-Duct jfurnaces jshall jbe jinstalled jon jthe j_________ jpressure
jside jof jthe jcirculating jair jblower
,sleeping j- jANS✓✓-nonrecirculating jdirect-fired jindustrial jair jheaters jshall jnot
jbe jused jto jsupply jany jarea jcontaining j________ jquarters.
32 j- jANS✓✓-Uninsulated jsingle-wall jmetal jpipe jshall jnot jbe jused joutdoors jfor
jventing jappliances jwhere jthe j99-percent jwinter jdesign jtemperature jis jbelow
j____ jF
18, j12, j6 j- jANS✓✓-Suspended-type junit jheaters jshall jbe jinstalled jwith
jclearances jto jcombustible jmaterials jof jnot jless jthan j__ jinches jat jthe jsides,
j___ jinches jat jthe jbottom jand j___ jinches jabove jthe jtop jwhere jthe junit jheater
jhas jan jinternal jdraft jhood
rigidly j- jANS✓✓-To jprotect jagainst jthe jeffects jof jnormal jvibration, jgas jengines
jfor jair-conditioning jappliances jshall jnot jbe j_________ jconnected jto jthe jgas
jsupply jpiping
4 j- jANS✓✓-For joutdoors jlocations, jthe jmaximum jrated joutput jcapacity jof
jhydrogen jgenerating jappliances jshall jnot jexceed j__ jstandard jcubic jfeet jper
jminute jof jhydrogen jfor jeach j250 jsquare jfeet jof jfloor jarea
75 j- jANS✓✓-The jmaximum jhorizontal jlength jof ja jsingle-wall jvent jconnector
jshall jbe j____ jpercent jof jthe jheight jof jthe jchimney jor jvent jexcept jfor jthe
jengineered jsystems
3, jschedule j40 j- jANS✓✓-For jsupporting jilluminating jappliances, jthe jstrength
jand jrigidity jof jposts jgreater jthan j___ jfeet jin jheight jshall jbe jat jleast jequivalent
jto jthat jof ja j2.5 jinch-diameter jpost jconstructed jof j0.064 jinch-thick jsteel jor ja j1
jinch j_____________ jsteel jpipe
250 j- jANS✓✓-Hydrogen jgas jcylinders jfor jindoor jstorage jand juse jin
joccupancies jregulated jby jthe jInternational jResidential jCode jshall jnot jexceed
j___ jcubic jfeet jat jnormal jtemperature jand jpressure j(NTP)
40,000 j- jANS✓✓-Unvented jroom jheaters jshall jnot jhave jan jinput jrating jin
jexcess jof j___ jBtu/h
200 j- jANS✓✓-Clothes jdryer jinstallations jexhausting jmore jthan j___ jcfm jshall jbe
jprovided jwith jmakeup jair
sheet jmetal j- jANS✓✓-Dryer jducts jshall jnot jbe jconnected jor jinstalled jwith
j___________ jscrews jor jother jfasteners jthat jwill jobstruct jthe jflow
backdraft j- jANS✓✓-Exhaust jducts jfor jclothes jdryers jshall jterminate jon jthe
joutside jof jthe jbuilding jand jshall jbe jequipped jwith ja jdamper
, 4 j- jANS✓✓-Recirculating jdirect-fired jindustrial jair jheaters jshall jincorporate ja
jmeans jto jsupply joutside jventilation jair jto jthe jspace jat ja jrate jof jnot jless jthan
j____ jcubic jfeet jper jminute jper j1,000 jBtu jper jhour jof jrated jinput jof jthe jheater
full jopen jposition j- jANS✓✓-Motorized jdampers jor jclosable jlouvers jfor
jnonrecirculating jdirect-fired jindustrial jair jheaters jshall jbe jpermitted jto jbe jused,
jprovided jthey jare jverified jto jbe jin jtheir j________________ jprior jto jmain jburner
8 j- jANS✓✓-The jmaximum jspacing jbetween jhangers jsupporting j3/4 jinch jsteel
jgas jpiping jis j___ jfeet
5 j- jANS✓✓-Residential jCNG jfueling jappliances jshall jbe jlisted. jThe jcapacity jof
ja jresidential jfueling jappliance jshall jnot jexceed j___ jstandard jcubic jfeet jper
jminute jof jnatural jgas
Adjacent j- jANS✓✓-a jyellow jinsulated jcopper jtrace jwire jor jother japproved
jconductor jshall jbe jinstalled j________ jto junderground jnonmetallic jgas jpiping
Room j- jANS✓✓-gas jshutoff jvalves jshall jbe jlocated jin jthe jsame j_____ jas jthe
1/4 j- jANS✓✓-A jvent jconnector jshall jbe jinstalled jwithout jdips jor jsags jand jshall
jslope jupward jtoward jthe jvent jor jchimney jat jleast j_____ jinch jper jfoot
35 j- jANS✓✓-the jmaximum jspecified jlength jof ja jdomestic jclothes jdryer jexhaust
jduct jshall jbe j_____ jfeet jfrom jthe jconnection jto jthe jtransition jduct jfrom jthe
jdryer jto jthe joutlet jterminal
36, j80 j- jANS✓✓-Rooms jcontaining jappliances jshall jbe jprovided jwith ja jdoor
jand jan junobstructed jpassageway jmeasuring jnot jless jthan j____ jinches jwide
jand j____ jinches jhigh
2 j- jANS✓✓-The jminimum junobstructed jtotal jarea jof jthe joutside jand jreturn jair
jducts jor jopenings jto ja jforced-air jwarm-air jfurnace jshall jnot jbe jless jthan j____
jsquare jinches jfor jeach j1,000 jBtu/h joutput jrating
60 j- jANS✓✓-When jprovided, ja jtimer jcontrolling jthe jmain jburner jof ja jsauna jis
jlimited jto ja jmaximum joperating jtime jof j____ jminutes
12 j- jANS✓✓-Vented jwall jfurnaces jshall jbe jlocated jso jthat ja jdoor jcannot jswing
jwithin j_____ jinches jof jan jair jinlet jor jair joutlet jof jsuch jfurnace jmeasured jat
jright jangles jto jthe jopening