NR 224 Fundamentals:Skills Exam 1 study guide
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1. Critical Thinking open-mindedness, continual inquiry, perseverance, look-
a. Characteris- ing at each patient uniquely, determining which identified
tics: assumptions are true and relevant.
2. b. Concepts: interpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation, explana-
tion, self-regulation
3. c. Attitudes: Truth-seeking, open-mindedness, analyticity, systematici-
ty, self-confidence, inquistiveness, maturity.
4. d. Evaluation: Look at all situations objectively. Use criteria to determine
results of nursing actions. Reflect on your own behavior.
e.g. expected outcomes, pain characteristics, learning ob-
5. e. Clinical Deci- Is a problem solving activity. Requires careful reasoning.
sion Making: e.g. choosing the options for the best patient outcomes
on the basis of a patient's condition & the priority of the
6. Vital Signs the most frequent measurement obtained by healthcare
7. a. Normal Blood Pressure:
ranges: 80 to < 120 mmHg - systolic
60 to < 80 mmHg - diastolic
96.8 to 100.4 degrees fahrenheit
36 to 38 degrees celsius
Pulse-Heart Rate:
60 to 100 bpm
12 to 20 breaths per minute
Oxygen Saturation: SpO2
95% to 100%
8. b. Pre-hyperten- 120 to 130/80 to 89
9. c. Hypertension:
, NR 224 Fundamentals:Skills Exam 1 study guide
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Stage 1: 140 to 159/90 to 99
Stage 2: >160/>100
10. d. Orthostatic Hy- Postural Hypotension
potension Occurs when a normatensive person develops symptoms
& drop in systolic pressure by at least 20 mmHg or a
drop in diastolic pressure by at least 20 mmHg within 30
minutes of rising to an upright position.
11. e. Causes of fluc- Dehydration, anemia, prolonged bed rest, recent blood
tuations loss, volume depletion particularly in the morning, some
12. f. Considerations by obtaining BP & pulse in sequence with the patient
for assessment: supine, sitting, and standing. Obtain the BP readings with-
in 3 minutes after patient changes positions.
13. g. Interventions: help patient to lying position & notify provider or nurse in
14. h. Terminology of record patient's position in addition to the BP measure-
alterations: ment
15. Healthcare Asso- Patients with multiple illnesses, older adults, poorly nour-
ciated Infections ished, lowered resistance to infection due to compromised
(HAI) immune system
a. Risks for:
16. b. Interventions: standard precautions such as hand washing, medical as-
pesis, surgical techniques-surgical aspesis, specific isola-
tion precautions
17. Infection Control Educate on proper hand washing, health promotion, nu-
and Prevention trition, hygiene, immunizations, adequate rest & regular
a. Interventions: exercise, control or elimination of infectious agents, clean-
ing & sterilization, isolation precautions - droplet, airborne,
18. b. Risk factors: