Test bank Varcarolis' Foundations of Psychiatric-MentalHealth Nursing
f f f f f f
9th Edition Test Bank Complete
f f f f
, Chapter f01: fMental fHealth fand fMental fIllness
Halter: f Varcarolis’ f Foundations f of f Psychiatric f Mental f Health f Nursing: f A f Clinical
fApproach, f8th fEdition
1. A fstaff fnurse fcompletes forientation fto fa fpsychiatric f unit. fThis fnurse fmay fexpect f an
fadvancedfpractice fnurse fto fperform fwhich fadditional fintervention? fa. Conduct fmental
health fassessments.
b. Prescribe fpsychotropic fmedication.
c. Establish ftherapeutic frelationships.
d. Individualize fnursing fcare fplans.
In fmost fstates, fprescriptive fprivileges fare fgranted fto fmaster‘s-prepared fnurse fpractitioners
fandfclinical fnurse fspecialists fwho fhave ftaken fspecial fcourses fon fprescribing fmedication. fThe
fnursefprepared fat fthe fbasic flevel fis fpermitted fto fperform fmental fhealth fassessments,
festablish frelationships, f and fprovide f individualized fcare fplanning.
PTS: f1 fDIF: fCognitive fLevel: fUnderstand f(Comprehension) fREF: fPage f1-23 fTOP:
fNursing fProcess: fImplementation
MSC: fClient fNeeds: fSafe, fEffective fCare fEnvironment
2. A fnursing fstudent fexpresses fconcerns fthat fmental fhealth fnurses f―lose fall ftheir fclinical fnursing
skills.‖ fSelect fthe fbest f response fby fthe fmental fhealth fnurse.
a. ―Psychiatric fnurses fpractice fin fsafer fenvironments fthan fother fspecialties. fNurse-to-
patient fratios fmust fbe fbetter fbecause fof fthe fnature fof fthe fpatients‘ fproblems.‖
b. ―Psychiatric fnurses fuse fcomplex fcommunication fskills fas fwell fas fcritical fthinking fto
fsolve fmultidimensional fproblems. f I fam fchallenged f by fthose fsituations.‖
c. ―That‘s fa fmisconception. fPsychiatric fnurses ffrequently fuse fhigh ftechnology
fmonitoring fequipment f and f manage fcomplex f intravenous ftherapies.‖
d. ―Psychiatric fnurses fdo fnot fhave fto fdeal fwith fas fmuch fpain fand fsuffering fas
f medical– fsurgical fnurses fdo. fThat f appeals fto f me.‖
The fpractice fof fpsychiatric fnursing frequires fa fdifferent fset fof fskills fthan fmedical–surgical
fnursing, fthough fthere fis fsubstantial foverlap. fPsychiatric fnurses fmust fbe fable fto fhelp
fpatientsfwith fmedical fas fwell fas fmental fhealth fproblems, freflecting fthe fholistic fperspective
fthese fnurses fmust fhave. fNurse–patient fratios fand fworkloads fin fpsychiatric fsettings fhave
fincreased,fjust f like fother fspecialties. fPsychiatric fnursing finvolves fclinical fpractice, fnot fjust
fdocumentation. fPsychosocial fpain fand fsuffering fare fas freal fas fphysical fpain fand fsuffering.
, PTS: f1 DIF: fCognitive fLevel: fApply f(Application)
REF: fPages f1-2, f21 TOP: fNursing fProcess: fImplementation
fMSC: fClient f Needs: f Safe, fEffective fCare fEnvironment
, 3. When fa fnew fbill fintroduced fin fCongress freduces ffunding ffor fcare fof fpersons fdiagnosed
fwith fmental fillness, fa fgroup fof fnurses fwrite fletters fto ftheir felected frepresentatives fin
fopposition ftofthe flegislation. f Which frole fhave fthe fnurses f fulfilled?
a. Recovery
b. Attending
c. Advocacy
d. Evidence-based fpractice
An fadvocate fdefends for fasserts fanother‘s fcause, fparticularly fwhen fthe fother fperson flacks fthe
fability fto fdo fthat ffor fself. fExamples fof findividual fadvocacy finclude fhelping fpatients
funderstand ftheir frights for fmake fdecisions. fOn fa fcommunity fscale, fadvocacy fincludes
fpoliticalfactivity, fpublic fspeaking, f and fpublication fin fthe finterest fof fimproving fthe fhuman
Since ffunding fis fnecessary fto fdeliver fquality fprogramming ffor fpersons fwith fmental fillness,
fthefletter-writing fcampaign fadvocates ffor fthat fcause fon fbehalf fof fpatients fwho fare funable fto
farticulate ftheir fown fneeds.
PTS: f1 fDIF: fCognitive fLevel: fUnderstand f(Comprehension) fREF: fPage f1-26 fTOP:
fNursing fProcess: fEvaluation
MSC: fClient fNeeds: fSafe, fEffective fCare fEnvironment
4. A ffamily fhas fa flong fhistory fof fconflicted frelationships famong fthe fmembers. fWhich
ffamilyfmember‘s fcomment f best f reflects fa fmentally fhealthy fperspective?
a. ―I‘ve fmade f mistakes fbut feveryone felse fin fthis ffamily fhas falso.‖
b. ―I f remember f joy fand f mutual f respect f from f our f early f years f together.‖
c. ―I f will f make f some f changes f in f my fbehavior f for f the f good f of f the f family.‖
d. ―It‘s fbest ffor fme fto fmove faway ffrom fmy ffamily. fThings fwill fnever fchange.‖
The fcorrect fresponse fdemonstrates fthe fbest fevidence fof fa fhealthy frecognition fof fthe
fimportance fof frelationships. fMental fhealth fincludes frational fthinking, fcommunication fskills,
flearning, femotional fgrowth, fresilience, fand fself-esteem. fRecalling fjoy ffrom fearlier fin flife
fmayfbe fhealthy, fbut fthe fcorrect fresponse fshows fa fhigher flevel fof fmental fhealth. fThe fother
fincorrect fresponses fshow fblaming fand favoidance.
PTS: f1 DIF: fCognitive fLevel: fAnalyze f(Analysis)
REF: fPages f1-2, f3, f32 f(Figure f1-1) TOP: f Nursing f Process: f Assessment
f MSC:fClient fNeeds: fPsychosocial fIntegrity
5. Which fassessment f finding fmost f clearly findicates fthat f a fpatient f may fbe fexperiencing fa
fmentalfillness? fThe fpatient
a. reports foccasional fsleeplessness fand fanxiety.
b. reports fa fconsistently fsad, fdiscouraged, f and fhopeless fmood.