Test Bank for Business Statistics:
For Contemporary Decision
Making 11th Edition by Ken
Black|9781119905448| All
,Chapter f1: fIntroduction fto fStatistics
1. Virtually fall fareas fof fbusiness fuse fstatistics fin fdecision
fmaking.fAns: fTrue
Response: fSee fsection f1.1, fStatistics fin
fBusinessfDifficulty: fEasy
Learning fObjective: f1.1: fList fquantitative fand fgraphical fexamples fof fstatistics fwithin fa fbusiness fcontext.
2. Statistics fcan fbe fused fto fpredict fthe fbusiness
ffuture.fAns: fTrue
Response: fSee fsection f1.1, fStatistics fin
fBusinessfDifficulty: fEasy
Learning fObjective: f1.1: fList fquantitative fand fgraphical fexamples fof fstatistics fwithin fa fbusiness fcontext.
3. Statistics fare fused fto fmarket
fvitamins.fAns: fTrue
Response: fSee fsection f1.1, fStatistics fin
fBusinessfDifficulty: fEasy
Learning fObjective: f1.1: fList fquantitative fand fgraphical fexamples fof fstatistics fwithin fa fbusiness fcontext.
4. A flist fof ffinal fgrades fin fan fintroductory fclass fin fbusiness fis fan fexample fof
fstatisticsfAns: ffalse
Response: fSee fsection f1.1, fStatistics fin
fBusinessfDifficulty: fEasy
Learning fObjective: f1.1: fList fquantitative fand fgraphical fexamples fof fstatistics fwithin fa fbusiness fcontext.
5. The fcomplete fcollection fof fall fentities funder fstudy fis fcalled fthe
fsample.fAns: fFalse
Response: fSee fsection f1.2, fBasic fStatistical
fConceptsfDifficulty: fEasy
Learning fObjective: f1.2: f define fimportant fstatistical fterms, fincluding fpopulation, fsample, fand
fparameter,fas fthey frelate fto fdescriptive fand finferential fstatistics.
6. A fportion for fsubset fof fthe fentities funder fstudy fis fcalled fthe
fstatistic.fAns: fFalse
Response: fSee fsection f1.2, fBasic fStatistical
fConceptsfDifficulty: fEasy
Learning fObjective: f1.2: f define fimportant fstatistical fterms, fincluding fpopulation, fsample, fand
fparameter,fas fthey frelate fto fdescriptive fand finferential fstatistics.
,7. A fdescriptive fmeasure fof fthe fpopulation fis fcalled fa
fparameter.fAns: fTrue
Response: fSee fsection f1.2, fBasic fStatistical
fConceptsfDifficulty: fEasy
Learning fObjective: f1.2: f define fimportant fstatistical fterms, fincluding fpopulation, fsample, fand
fparameter,fas fthey frelate fto fdescriptive fand finferential fstatistics.
8. A fcensus fis fthe fprocess fof fgathering fdata fon fall fthe fentities fin fthe
fpopulation.fAns: fTrue
Response: fSee fsection f1.2, fBasic fStatistical
fConceptsfDifficulty: fEasy
Learning fObjective: f1.2: f define fimportant fstatistical fterms, fincluding fpopulation, fsample, fand
fparameter,fas fthey frelate fto fdescriptive fand finferential fstatistics.
9. Statistics fis fcommonly fdivided finto ftwo fbranches fcalled fdescriptive fstatistics fand fsummary
fstatistics.fAns: fFalse
Response: fSee fsection f1.2, fBasic fStatistical
fConceptsfDifficulty: fEasy
Learning fObjective: f1.2: f define fimportant fstatistical fterms, fincluding fpopulation, fsample, fand
fparameter,fas fthey frelate fto fdescriptive fand finferential fstatistics.
10. A fdescriptive fmeasure fof fthe fsample fis fcalled fa
fstatistic.fAns: fTrue
Response: fSee fsection f1.2, fBasic fStatistical
fConceptsfDifficulty: fEasy
Learning fObjective: f1.2: f define fimportant fstatistical fterms, fincluding fpopulation, fsample, fand
fparameter,fas fthey frelate fto fdescriptive fand finferential fstatistics.
11. Gathering fdata ffrom fa fsample fto freach fconclusions fabout fthe fpopulation ffrom fwhich fthe fsample
fwasfdrawn fis fcalled fdescriptive fstatistics.
Ans: fFalse
Response: fSee fsection f1.2, fBasic fStatistical
fConceptsfDifficulty: fMedium
Learning fObjective: f1.2: f define fimportant fstatistical fterms, fincluding fpopulation, fsample, fand
fparameter,fas fthey frelate fto fdescriptive fand finferential fstatistics.
12. Calculation fof fpopulation fparameters fis fusually feither fimpossible for fexcessively ftime fconsuming
Ans: fTrue
Response: fSee fsection f1.2, fBasic fStatistical
fConceptsfDifficulty: fEasy
Learning fObjective: f1.2: f define fimportant fstatistical fterms, fincluding fpopulation, fsample, fand
fparameter,fas fthey frelate fto fdescriptive fand finferential fstatistics.
, 13. The fbasis ffor finferential fstatistics fis fthe fability fto fmake fdecisions fabout fpopulation fparameters
fwithoutfhaving fto fcomplete fa fcensus fof fthe fpopulation.
Ans: fTrue
Response: fSee fsection f1.2, fBasic fStatistical
fConceptsfDifficulty: fEasy
Learning fObjective: f1.2: f define fimportant fstatistical fterms, fincluding fpopulation, fsample, fand
fparameter,fas fthey frelate fto fdescriptive fand finferential fstatistics.
14. A fvariable fis fa fnumerical fdescription fof feach fof fthe fpossible foutcomes fof fan
fexperiment.fAns: fTrue
Response: fSee fsection f1.3 fVariable fand
fdatafDifficulty: fMedium
Learning fObjective: f1.3: fExplain fthe fdifference fbetween fvariables, fmeasurement, fand fdata.
15. Variables fand fmeasurement fdata fare finterchangeable
fterms.fAns: fFalse
Response: fSee fsection f1.3 fVariable fand
fdatafDifficulty: fMedium
Learning fObjective: f1.3: fExplain fthe fdifference fbetween fvariables, fmeasurement, fand fdata.
16. Measurements foccur fwhen fa fstandard fprocess fis fused fto fassign fnumbers fto fattributes for
fcharacteristicsfof fa fvariable.
Ans: fTrue
Response: fSee fsection f1.3 fVariable fand
fdatafDifficulty: fMedium
Learning fObjective: f1.3: fExplain fthe fdifference fbetween fvariables, fmeasurement, fand fdata.
17. All fnumerical fdata fmust fbe fanalyzed fstatistically fin fthe fsame fway fbecause fall fof fthem fare
frepresentedfby fnumbers.
Ans: fFalse
Response: fSee fsection f1.4, fData
fMeasurementfDifficulty: fMedium
Learning fObjective: f1.4: fCompare fthe ffour fdifferent flevels fof fdata: fnominal, fordinal, finterval, fand fratio.
18. The fmanner fin fwhich fnumerical fdata fcan fbe fanalyzed fstatistically fdepends fon fthe flevel fof
fdatafmeasurement frepresented fby fnumbers fbeing fanalyzed.
Ans: fTrue
Response: fSee fsection f1.4, fData
fMeasurementfDifficulty: fMedium
Learning fObjective: f1.4: fCompare fthe ffour fdifferent flevels fof fdata: fnominal, fordinal, finterval, fand fratio.