1. What two work togeth- Calcium and vitamin D
2. Calcium deficiency Rickets, osteoporosis, chvostek's sign, trousseau's
can cause what? sign
3. Foods high in calcium Milk and milk products, orange juice, salmon, sar-
dines, soybeans, tofu, collard greens, beets, kale,
broccoli, cream of wheat
4. Food sources of High protein food like milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs,
phosphorous meat, and fish
5. High sodium= Low potassium
6. Avoid what while in- k+ foods
creasing sodium?
7. Food sources of Bananas, oranges, dried prunes, sweet potatoes,
potassium spinach, avocado, raisins, milk, yogurt, beans,
clams, halibut and kidney beans
8. Food sources of mag- Nuts, soybeans, legumes, whole grains, cocoa,
nesium spinach, oats
9. Low Sodium (Hypona- Kidney disease, adrenal crisis, heart failure, diuret-
tremia) is seen in pa- ics
tients with
10. Foods high in sodium Processed foods, fast food, junk, packaged food,
and dressing and condiments
11. What increases iron Vitamin C
12. Sources of iron Liver, pork, chicken, beef, enriched grains, dark
green leafy veg, oysters, soybeans, tofu, molasses
13. Food sources for fo-
late vitamin B9
Asparagus, edamame, spinach, orange juice, chick-
en and turkey liver, chickpeas, garbanzo beans,
legumes, YOGURT, ready to eat Quaker cereals
14. Iodine deficiencies Goiter, cretinism, and hypothyroidism
15. Sources of iodine Seafood, seaweed, shellfish and table salt
16. Food sources of zinc Seafood, lobsters, oysters, crabs, meat, yogurt, soy-
beans, legumes, whole grains
17. Vitamin A is for Apricots and orange foods. It is retinol for vision
18. Food sources of vita- Fish oil, carrots, kale, spinach, sweet potatoes,
min a yams, pumpkins, melons, apricots, liver, egg yolks,
and butter, cream, milk
19. Vitamin K is for KALE
20. Vitamin k deficiency is Severe malabsorption disorders like crohns
21. Sources of vitamin K Spinach, kale, collard greens, turnips, mustard
greens and beets
23. Vitamin c increases Iron absorption
24. Vitamin c sources Citrus fruits, oranges, tomatoes, kiwis, berries,
lemons, pineapple, broccoli, yellow and green veg-
etables, PEPPERS
25. Vitamin B1 thiamine Bread, flour, cereal, rice, pasta, beans and legumes,
food sources hams, pork loin, nuts, yeast
26. Vitamin B3 niacin who Vegans, alcoholics, pts with crohns disease
is at risk