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TEST BANK For Lewis's Medical Surgical Nursing in Canada, 4th Edition by Jane Tyerman, Shelley Cobbett, Verified Chapters 1 - 72, Complete Newest Version $17.99
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TEST BANK For Lewis's Medical Surgical Nursing in Canada, 4th Edition by Jane Tyerman, Shelley Cobbett, Verified Chapters 1 - 72, Complete Newest Version

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TEST BANK For Lewis's Medical Surgical Nursing in Canada, 4th Edition by Jane Tyerman, Shelley Cobbett, Verified Chapters 1 - 72, Complete Newest Version TEST BANK For Lewis's Medical Surgical Nursing in Canada, 4th Edition by Jane Tyerman, Shelley Cobbett, Verified Chapters 1 - 72, Complete Newest...

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  • November 15, 2024
  • 1381
  • 2024/2025
  • Exam (elaborations)
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  • Lewis's Medical Surgical Nursing In Canada Asse
  • Lewis's Medical Surgical Nursing In Canada Asse
Medical-Surgical liNursing liin liCanada li4th liEdition liLewi liTest

Chapter li01: liIntroduction lito liMedical-Surgical liNursing liPractice liin
liCanadailLewis: liMedical-Surgical liNursing liin liCanada, li4th liCanadian

, Medical-Surgical liNursing liin liCanada li4th liEdition liLewi liTest


1. When licaring lifor liclients liusing lievidence-informed lipractice, liwhich liof lithe lifollowing
lidoes lithein
l urse liuse?
a. Clinical lijudgement libased lion liexperience
b. Evidence lifrom lia liclinical liresearch listudy
c. The libest liavailable lievidence lito liguide liclinical liexpertise
d. Evaluation liof lidata lishowing lithat lithe liclient lioutcomes liare limet
ANS: l i C
Evidence-informed linursing lipractice liis lia licontinuous liinteractive liprocess liinvolving lithe
liexplicit, liconscientious, liand lijudicious liconsideration liof lithe libest liavailable lievidence lito
liprovide licare. liFourilprimary lielements liare: li(a) liclinical listate, lisetting, liand licircumstances;
li(b) liclient lipreferences liand liactions; li(c) libest liresearch lievidence; liand li(d) lihealth licare
liresources. liClinical lijudgement libased lionilthe linurse‘s liclinical liexperience liis lipart liof liEIP,
libut liclinical lidecision limaking lialso lishould liincorporate licurrent liresearch liand liresearch-
based liguidelines. liEvidence lifrom lione liclinical liresearch listudy lidoes linot liprovide lian
liadequate lisubstantiation lifor liinterventions. liEvaluation liof liclient lioutcomes liis liimportant,
libut liinterventions lishould libe libased lion liresearch lifrom lirandomized licontrol listudies liwith
lia lilarge linumber liof lisubjects.

DIF: Cognitive liLevel: liComprehension TOP: l i Nursing liProcess: liPlanning

2. Which liof lithe lifollowing libest liexplains the nurses‘ liprimary liuse liof lithe linursing liprocess
liwhen N R I G B.C M
providing licare lito U liS liN liT O
a. To liexplain linursing liinterventions lito liother lihealth licare liprofessionals
b. As lia liproblem-solving litool lito liidentify liand litreat liclients‘ lihealth licare lineeds
c. As lia liscientific-based liprocess liof lidiagnosing lithe liclient‘s lihealth licare liproblems
d. To liestablish linursing litheory lithat liincorporates lithe libiopsychosocial linature liof lihumans
ANS: l i B
The linursing liprocess liis lian liassertive liproblem-solving liapproach lito lithe liidentification liand
treatment liof liclients‘ liproblems. liDiagnosis liis lionly lione liphase liof lithe linursing liprocess.
liThe liprimary liuse liof lithe linursing liprocess liis liin liclient licare, linot lito liestablish linursing
litheory lior liexplainilnursing liinterventions lito liother lihealth licare liprofessionals.

DIF: Cognitive liLevel: liComprehension TOP: l i Nursing liProcess: liImplementation

3. The linurse liis licaring lifor lia licritically liill liclient liin lithe liintensive licare liunit liand liplans lian
lievery li2-houritl urning lischedule lito liprevent liskin libreakdown. liWhich litype liof linursing
lifunction liis lidemonstrated liwith lithis liturning lischedule?
a. Dependent
b. Cooperative
c. Independent
d. Collaborative
ANS: l i D


, Medical-Surgical liNursing liin liCanada li4th liEdition liLewi liTest

When liimplementing licollaborative linursing liactions, lithe linurse liis liresponsible
liprimarily liforiml onitoring lifor licomplications liof liacute liillness lior liproviding licare lito
liprevent lior litreat licomplications. liIndependent linursing liactions liare lifocused lion
lihealth lipromotion, liillness liprevention, liand liclient liadvocacy. liA lidependent liaction
liwould lirequire lia liphysician liorder lito liimplement. liCooperative linursing lifunctions
liare linot lidescribed lias lione liof lithe liformal linursingilfunctions.

DIF: Cognitive liLevel: liApplication TOP: l i Nursing liProcess: liImplementation

4. The linurse liis licaring lifor lia liclient liwho lihas libeen liadmitted lito lithe lihospital lifor lisurgery
l urse, li―I lido linot lifeel liright liabout lileaving limy lichildren liwith limy
liand litells lithein
lineighbour.‖ liWhich liaction lishould lithe linurse litake linext?
a. Reassure lithe liclient lithat lithese lifeelings liare licommon lifor liparents.
b. Have lithe liclient licall lithe lichildren lito liensure lithat lithey liare lidoing liwell.
c. Call lithe lineighbour lito lidetermine liwhether liadequate lichildcare liis libeing liprovided.
d. Gather limore lidata liabout lithe liclient‘s lifeelings liabout lithe lichildcare liarrangements.
ANS: l i D
Since lia licomplete liassessment liis linecessary liin liorder lito liidentify lia liproblem liand lichoose
lian liappropriate liintervention, lithe linurse‘s lifirst liaction lishould libe lito liobtain limore
liinformation. liThe liother liactions limay libe liappropriate, libut limore liassessment liis lineeded
libefore lithe libest liinterventionilcan libe lichosen.

DIF: Cognitive liLevel: liApplication TOP: l i Nursing liProcess: liAssessment

5. The linurse liis licaring lifor lia liclient liwho lihas lileft-sided liparalysis lias lithe liresult liof lia listroke
assesses lia lipressure liinjury lion the client‘s left hip. liWhich liof lithe lifollowing liis lithe limost
appropriate linursing lidiagnosis N orR
lifU litS
his lienTB
a. Impaired liphysical limobility lirelated lito lidecrease liin limuscle licontrol
b. Risk lifor liimpaired litissue liintegrity lias lievidenced liby liinsufficient
liknowledge liaboutilprotecting litissue liintegrity
c. Impaired liskin liintegrity lirelated lito lipressure liover libony liprominence
d. Ineffective litissue liperfusion lirelated lito lisedentary lilifestyle
ANS: l i C
The liclient‘s limajor liproblem liis lithe liimpaired liskin liintegrity lias lidemonstrated liby lithe
lipresence liof liaip
l ressure liinjury. liThe linurse liis liable lito litreat lithe licause liof lialtered
licirculation liand lipressure liby lifrequently lirepositioning lithe liclient. liAlthough lileft-sided
liweakness liis lia liproblem lifor lithe liclient,
the linurse licannot litreat lithe liweakness. liThe li―risk lifor‖ lidiagnosis liis linot liappropriate lifor
lithis liclient,ilwho lialready lihas liimpaired litissue liintegrity. liThe liclient lidoes lihave
liineffective litissue liperfusion, libut lithe liimpaired liskin liintegrity lidiagnosis liindicates limore
liclearly liwhat lithe lihealth liproblem liis.

DIF: Cognitive liLevel: liApplication TOP: l i Nursing liProcess: liDiagnosis

6. The linurse licaring lifor lia liclient liwith lian liinfection lihas lia linursing lidiagnosis liof
lideficient lifluid livolume lirelated lito liexcessive lidiaphoresis. liWhich liof lithe lifollowing
liis lian liappropriate liclientio
l utcome?
a. Client lihas lia libalanced liintake liand lioutput.
b. Client‘s libedding liis lichanged liwhen liit libecomes lidamp.


, Medical-Surgical liNursing liin liCanada li4th liEdition liLewi liTest

c. Client liunderstands lithe lineed lifor liincreased lifluid liintake.
d. Client‘s liskin liremains licool liand lidry lithroughout lihospitalization.
ANS: l i A
This listatement ligives limeasurable lidata lishowing liresolution liof lithe liproblem liof lideficient
lifluid livolume lithat liwas liidentified liin lithe linursing lidiagnosis listatement. liThe liother
listatements liwould linotilindicate lithat lithe liproblem liof lideficient lifluid livolume liwas

DIF: Cognitive liLevel: liApplication TOP: l i Nursing liProcess: liPlanning

7. Which liof lithe lifollowing lirepresents lia linursing liactivity lithat liis licarried liout liduring lithe
l hase liof lithe linursing liprocess?
a. Determining liif liinterventions lihave libeen lieffective liin limeeting liclient lioutcomes
b. Documenting lithe linursing licare liplan liin lithe liprogress linotes liin lithe limedical lirecord
c. Deciding liwhether lithe liclient‘s lihealth liproblems lihave libeen licompletely liresolved
d. Asking lithe liclient lito lievaluate liwhether lithe linursing licare liprovided liwas lisatisfactory
ANS: l i A
Evaluation liconsists liof lidetermining liwhether lithe lidesired liclient lioutcomes lihave libeen
limet liand liwhether lithe linursing liinterventions liwere liappropriate. liThe liother liresponses
lido linot lidescribe litheilevaluation liphase.

DIF: Cognitive liLevel: liComprehension TOP: l i Nursing liProcess: liEvaluation

8. Which liof lithe lifollowing liwould lithe linurse liperform liduring lithe liassessment liphase liof
lithe linursingip
l rocess?
a. Obtains lidata liwith liwhich lito lidiagnose liclient liproblems
Uses liclient lidata lito lideveloUNpliliS
pR I
rior nGursB
ityliliT .
g liC
inO diagM
Teaches liinterventions lito lirelieve liclient lihealth liproblems

d. Assists lithe liclient lito liidentify lirealistic lioutcomes lito lihealth liproblems
ANS: l i A
During lithe liassessment liphase, lithe linurse ligathers liinformation liabout lithe liclient. liThe
liother liresponses liare liexamples liof lithe liintervention, lidiagnosis, liand liplanning liphases
liof lithe linursingilprocess.

DIF: Cognitive liLevel: liKnowledge TOP: l i Nursing liProcess: liAssessment

9. Which liof lithe lifollowing liis lian liexample liof lia licorrectly liwritten linursing lidiagnosis
a. Altered litissue liperfusion lirelated lito liheart lifailure
b. Risk lifor liimpaired litissue liintegrity lirelated lito lisacral liredness
c. Ineffective licoping lirelated lito liinsufficient lisense liof licontrol.
d. Altered liurinary lielimination lirelated lito liurinary litract liinfection
ANS: l i C
This lidiagnosis listatement liincludes lia liNANDA linursing lidiagnosis liand lian lietiology lithat
lidescribesia l liclient‘s liresponse lito lia lihealth liproblem lithat lican libe litreated liby linursing. liThe
liuse liof lia limedical lidiagnosis li(as liin lithe liresponses libeginning li―Altered litissue liperfusion‖
liand li―Altered liurinary
elimination‖) liis linot liappropriate. liThe liresponse libeginning li―Risk lifor liimpaired litissue
uses lithe lidefining licharacteristics lias lithe lietiology.

DIF: Cognitive liLevel: liComprehension TOP: l i Nursing liProcess: liDiagnosis


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