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,Chapter 1 Test A
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INSTRUCTIONS: The following selections relate to distinguishing arguments from q q q q q q q q
nonargumentsand identifying conclusions. Select the best answer for each.
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1. There appears to be a growing happiness gap between men and women. Women today are
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workingmore and relaxing less, while men are working less and relaxing more. Forty years ago a
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typical woman spent 40 minutes more per week than the typical man performing an activity
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considered unpleasant. Today, with men working less, the gap is 90 minutes and growing.
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a. Argument; conclusion: Today ... the gap is 90 minutes and growing.
q q q q q q q q q q
b. Nonargument.
c. Argument; conclusion: Forty years ago ... an activity considered unpleasant.
q q q q q q q q q
d. Argument; conclusion: There appears to be ... between men and women.
q q q q q q q q q q
e. Argument; conclusion: Women today are working more and relaxing less.
q q q q q q q q q
ANS: D q PTS: q 2
2. Lead is toxic, but do you know why? Lead is toxic mainly because it preferentially replaces other
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metals in biochemical reactions. In so doing it interferes with the proteins that regulate blood
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pressure(which can cause development delays in children and high blood pressure in adults), heme
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production(which can lead to anemia), and sperm production. Lead also displaces calcium in the
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reactions that transmit electrical impulses in the brain, which diminishes the ability to think and
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recall information.
q q
Anne Marie Helmstine, "Your Guide to Chemistry" q q q q q q
a. Argument; conclusion: It interferes with the proteins ... and sperm production.
q q q q q q q q q q
b. Argument; conclusion: Lead is toxic. q q q q
c. Nonargument.
d. Argument; conclusion: It preferentially replaces other metals in biochemical reactions.
q q q q q q q q q
e. Argument; conclusion: Lead also displaces calcium ... recall information.
q q q q q q q q
ANS: C q PTS: q 2
3. Aristotle focused on clarifying the concept of virtue itself. He argued that it was virtuous to choose
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theproper amount of emotion and/or action called for in a particular situation and that extremes of
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emotion and action were vices. In all communities there are some men of practical wisdom who have
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the capacity to judge wisely. Aristotle argued that they have the capacity to follow the "right rule"
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whatever the situation.
q q q
David Cooper, Value Pluralism and Ethical Choice q q q q q q
a. Argument; conclusion: In all communities ... capacity to judge wisely.
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b. Argument; conclusion: Aristotle focused on clarifying the concept of virtue itself.
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c. Argument; conclusion: They have the capacity to follow ... the situation.
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d. Argument; conclusion: He argued that it was virtuous ... were vices
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e. Nonargument.
ANS: E q PTS: q 2
4. Illegal immigrants pay local sales taxes, and many of them also pay state, local, and federal income
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qtaxand Social Security tax. They also purchase items from local merchants, increasing the amount
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qthese merchants pay in taxes. In addition, they work for low salaries, which increases the earnings of
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qtheir employers and the amount of taxes these employers pay. Thus, it is not correct to say that illegal
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qimmigrants contribute nothing to the communities in which they live.
q q q q q q q q q
a. Argument; conclusion: It is not correct to say ... communities in which they live.
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, b. Argument; conclusion: They work for low salaries ... these employers pay.
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c. Argument; conclusion: Illegal immigrants pay ... Social Security tax.
q q q q q q q q
d. Argument; conclusion: They also purchase items ... pay in taxes.
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e. Nonargument.
ANS: A q PTS: q 2
5. Numerous studies have indicated that women of color, black women in particular, are over-arrested,
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over-indicted, and over-sentenced. African-American women are seven times more likely to be
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arrested for prostitution than women of other ethnic groups. Black women have received
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significantlylonger sentences for crimes against property and served longer periods in prison. For
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both murder anddrug offenses, Euroamerican women ended up serving one-third less time for the
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same offenses than black women.
q q q q q
Nancy Kurshan, "Women and Imprisonment in the U.S." q q q q q q q
a. Argument; conclusion: African-American women ... other ethnic groups.q q q q q q q
b. Nonargument.
c. Argument; conclusion: For both murder and drug offenses ... black women.
q q q q q q q q q q
d. Argument; conclusion: Numerous studies have indicated ... over-sentenced.
q q q q q q q
e. Argument; conclusion: Black women have received ... longer periods in prison.
q q q q q q q q q q
ANS: B q PTS: q 2
6. It's even more important these days that your computer be protected by a firewall. There are criminal
q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q
qelements lurking in the shadows of cyberspace who send out probes to detect unprotected PCs. Once
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qavulnerable computer is found, these criminals install software that assists them in committing
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qidentity theft and fencing stolen IDs. They also defraud online advertisers by using these zombie
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qcomputers tovisit pay-per-click ads. q q q q
a. Argument; conclusion: There are criminal elements ... to detect unprotected PCs.
q q q q q q q q q q
b. Argument; conclusion: Once a vulnerable computer ... fencing stolen IDs.
q q q q q q q q q
c. Nonargument.
d. Argument; conclusion: They also defraud ... to visit pay-per-click ads.
q q q q q q q q q
e. Argument; conclusion: It's even more important ... protected by a firewall.
q q q q q q q q q q
ANS: E q PTS: q 2
7. The earth is of interest to astronomy for many reasons. Nearly all observations must be made through
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the atmosphere, and the phenomena of the upper atmosphere and the magnetosphere reflect the state
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ofinterplanetary space. The earth is also the most important object of comparison for planetologists.
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Hannu Karttunen, et al., Fundamental Astronomy q q q q q
a. Argument; conclusion: The phenomena ... state of interplanetary space.
q q q q q q q q
b. Argument; conclusion: The earth is also ... for planetologists. q q q q q q q q
c. Argument; conclusion: The earth is of interest to astronomy. q q q q q q q q
d. Nonargument.
e. Argument; conclusion: Nearly all observations ... through the atmosphere.
q q q q q q q q
ANS: C q PTS: q 2
8. If the trade in tiger products is banned, tiger reserves are guarded by well equipped staff,
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qcommunitiesabutting tiger habitat are given a stake in protecting tigers, and the makers of traditional
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qmedicines canbe persuaded that tiger parts are not needed, then tiger poaching will be halted, habitat
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qand life sustaining prey will be restored, and the immanent extinction of tigers in the wild will be
q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q
a. Nonargument.
b. Argument; conclusion: The trade in tiger products is banned. q q q q q q q q
c. Argument; conclusion: Tiger poaching will be halted. q q q q q q
d. Argument; conclusion: The makers of traditional medicines ... not needed.
q q q q q q q q q
, e. Argument; conclusion: Tiger poaching will be halted ... will be averted.
q q q q q q q q q q
ANS: A q PTS: q 2
9. Humans are biological organisms. To understand our behavior and mental processes, we need to
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understand their biological underpinnings, starting with the cellular level, the neuron. How we feel,
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learn, remember, and think all stem from neuronal activity. So, how a neuron works and how
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neuronscommunicate are crucial pieces of information in solving the puzzle of human behavior and
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mental processing.
q q
Richard Griggs, Psychology: A Concise Introduction q q q q q
a. Argument; conclusion: To understand our behavior ... the neuron. q q q q q q q q
b. Argument; conclusion: Humans are biological organisms. q q q q q
c. Argument; conclusion: How we feel ... neuronal activity. q q q q q q q
d. Argument; conclusion: How a neuron works ... mental processing. q q q q q q q q
e. Nonargument.
ANS: D q PTS: q 2
10. Viruses are acellular entities too small to be seen with a light microscope. They are composed of a
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nucleic acid and a few proteins. Viruses replicate themselves and display other properties of living
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organisms only when they have invaded living cells. Indeed, some viruses can be crystallized and
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stored in a container on a shelf for years, but they retain the capacity to invade cells and cause
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Jacquelyn C. Black, Microbiology: Principles and Explorations q q q q q q
a. Argument; conclusion: They are composed of a nucleic acid and a few proteins.
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b. Nonargument.
c. Argument; conclusion: Viruses are acellular entities ... microscope.
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d. Argument; conclusion: Indeed, some viruses can be crystallized ... cause disease.
q q q q q q q q q q
e. Argument; conclusion: Viruses replicate themselves ... invaded living cells.
q q q q q q q q
ANS: B q PTS: q 2
11. Harnessing the clean, abundant energy of the sun and wind is critical to solving the global warming
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problem. Technological advances have brought the cost of electricity generated by the wind down
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by82 percent since 1981. Solar energy technology has made remarkable progress as new
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photovoltaic cells have been developed to convert even greater amounts of sunlight directly into
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electricity. Todaythe costs of wind and solar power are becoming competitive with dirty coal-fired
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Sierra Club, "Global Warming Solutions" q q q q
a. Argument; conclusion: Today the costs of wind ... dirty coal-fired plants.
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b. Argument; conclusion: Technological advances ... by 82 percent since 1981.
q q q q q q q q q
c. Argument; conclusion: Harnessing the clean ... the global warming problem.
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d. Nonargument.
e. Argument; conclusion: Solar energy technology ... directly into electricity.
q q q q q q q q
ANS: D q PTS: q 2
12. It is likely that innocent prisoners in this country have been executed for crimes they did not commit.
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From 1973 until 2007, 124 death row inmates have been exonerated. In many of these cases DNA
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evidence played a crucial role. Yet, in that same time frame, more than 1000 prisoners were
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executed. For many of these prisoners no DNA evidence was available. If such evidence had been
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available, howmay more would have been exonerated?
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a. Argument; conclusion: In many of these cases ... played a crucial role.
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b. Nonargument.
c. Argument; conclusion: From 1973 ... have been exonerated. q q q q q q q
d. Argument; conclusion: For many of these prisoners ... was available.
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e. Argument; conclusion: It is likely that innocent prisoners ... they did not commit.
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