Limitations of a file system in data management - ANSWER - Data dependence
- Structural dependence
- Data redundancy leading to deletion, insertion, and modification anomalies
Components of a DBMS/database Environment - ANSWER - hardware, software, people,
procedure, and data
Data Modeling - ANSWER is iterative and progressive
Database models - ANSWER Conceptual and Implementation
Conceptual - ANSWER The conceptual model presents a global vision of an entire
database. It describes the main objects of the data, avoiding details and defining what
the relationships are among these entities and relationships, different types of
Implementation - ANSWER hierarchical, network, relational, Object Oriented
-It does support many to many relationships
Hierarchical - ANSWER upside down tree structure, 1-M relationship
-easy to understand, but drawbacks: no standards, data dependency
Network- - ANSWER upside down tree structure, supports M-M relationships
-standards, but data dependency, difficult to implement because of the many to many
,Object Oriented - ANSWER data becomes active component of system using methods
and attributes
-You can use these Code reuse, polymorphism, encapsulation in the database
Relational: - ANSWER still most popular dbms model
Different levels of data models - ANSWER Conceptual, Internal, External, Physical
Conceptual Database model - ANSWER The output of the conceptual design process.
The conceptual model provides a global view of an entire database. Describes the main
data objects, avoiding details.
-highest level, contains least detail, not hardware or software dependent.
internal Database model - ANSWER refers to a level of data abstraction that adapts the
conceptual model to a specific DBMS model for implementation.
-adapt conceptual model to dbms that's chosen.
External Database model - ANSWER The application programmer's view of the data
environment. Given its businessunit focus, an external model works with a data subset
of the global database schema.
-both are software dependent, gives a breakdown of model into functional units
Physical Database model - ANSWER model in which the physical characteristics
location, path, and format are described for the data. Both hardware- and
-sketching the roadmaps to reach data, access paths,
Some fundamental concepts about the relational database model - SOLUTION entities,
attributes, tables, rows, columns, domain of an attribute, cardinality, connectivity
, Entity - SOLUTION something for which you want to store data; person place or thing
(shown as a table/relation)
+shown by a rectangle
Attributes - SOLUTION a property or characteristic of the data or of the entity, which is
stored in columns
+shown by ovals
+property of an entity and stored in a table
• Row table - ANSWER instance of an entity each row is an instance
+represent a record in a file
• Column - ANSWER represent the attribute
+represent a field in a file
• Attribute domain - ANSWER specifies possible range of values
• Cardinality - ANSWER Expresses minimum and maximum number of entity
occurrences associated with one
range kind of thing - occurrence of related entity
• Connectivity - ANSWER Describes the relationship classification - type
Types of Functional dependency: - ANSWER Full, partial, transitive
Full Dependence - ANSWER An attribute can be determined by the key and nothing but
the key
Partial dependency: - ANSWER exist when there is a functional dependence in which the
determinant in only a part of the primary key
- Allowed by 1st normal form
- It tend to be straightforward and easy to find