Definition 5.1.1: What is a metric? What is a metric space? - ANSWER A
metric on a set X is a map d: X×X→R that satisfies the following properties for
all x,y,z ∈ X
(i) Positive definiteness: d(x, y) ≥ 0, with d(x, y) = 0 iff x = y
(ii) Symmetry: d(x, y) = d(y, x)
(iii) Triangle inequality: d(x, y) ≤ d(x, z) + d(z, y)
The pair (X, d) is called a metric space (pg. 180)
Explain the relationship between inner product spaces, normed spaces, and
metric spaces - ANSWER An inner product space induces a norm ||x|| = √<x,
x> to produce a normed space which in turn induces a metric d(x, y) = ||x - y|| to
produce a metric space. So inner product spaces are normed spaces are metric
Thus metric spaces are more general than normed spaces are more general than
inner product spaces (class)
Example 5.1.2: Explain why the 2-norm on F^n is a metric - ANSWER d(c, y)
= ||x - y||₂
Unless specified, this is always the metric we us on F^n
(pg. 180)
What is the Euclidean metric? - ANSWER The Euclidean Metric on F^n is
given by the 2-norm, that is,
d(x, y) = ||x-y||₂
The 2-norm of their difference
(pg. 180)
Given any normed linear space (V, ||*||), what is the natural metric to use? -
ANSWER d(x, y) = ||x - y||
The norm of the difference
(pg. 181)
,What metric do we typically use for C([a, b]; R)? - ANSWER For p ∈ [1, ∞]
we have
d^p(f, g) = (∫_{a}^{b}|f(t)-g(t)|^p)^(1/p) for p ∈[1, ∞)
d^p(f, g) = sup_{t∈[a, b]}(|f(t) - g(t)|) for p = ∞
(pg. 181)
What is the discrete metric? - ANSWER The discrete metric on X is
d(x, y) = 0 if x=y
d(x, y) = 1 if x≠y
Thus no distinct points are close together-they are always the same distance
(pg. 181)
What is the p-metric? - ANSWER Let ((Xi, di))_{i=1}^n be a collection of
metric spaces, and let X = X1xX2...Xn be the Cartesian product. For any two
points x = (x1, ..., xn), y = (y1, ..., yn), define
d^p(x, y) = (∑_{i=1}^n di(xi, yi)^p)^(1/p) for p ∈[1, ∞)
d^p(x, y) = sup_i(di(xi, yi)) for p = ∞
This defines a metric on X called the p-metric.
(pg. 181)
Example 5.1.3: Explain
(i) why any norm ||*|| on a vector space induces a natural metric
(ii) fixme
(iii) the discrete metric
(iv) the p-metric - ANSWER (pg. 181)
Example 5.1.4: How to use a metric to create a new metric in which no two
points are farther apart than 1 - ANSWER Let (x, d) be a metric space. We can
create a new metric on X:
p(x, y) = d(x, y)/(1+d(x, y))
where no two points are farther apart than 1.(pg. 181)
Remark: 5.1.5: Every norm induces a metric space, but not every metric space is
a normed space - ANSWER (pg. 182)
, Definition 5.1.6: What is an open ball in the metric space (X, d)? - ANSWER
For each point x₀ and r >0, define the open ball with center x₀ and radius r > 0 to
be the set
B(x₀, r) = {x∈X| d(x, x₀) < r}
(pg. 182)
Definition 5.1.7: Let (X, d) be a metric space. What is a neighborhood of a point
x in X? What is an interior point of a subset E⊂X? What is E°? - ANSWER A
subset E ⊂ X is a neighborhood of a point x∈X if there exists an open ball B(x,
r) ⊂ E. In this case we say that x is an interior of E. We write E° to denote the
set of interior points of E (pg. 182)
Definition 5.1.8: What is an open set? - ANSWER A subset E ⊂ X is an open
set if every point x ∈ E is an interior point of E (pg. 182)
Example 5.1.9: Explain why X and ∅ are open sets - ANSWER X is open
since B(x, r) ⊂ X for all x∈X and for all r >0. ∅ is open vacuously: every point
in ∅ satisfies the condition because there are no points in ∅ (pg. 182)
Example 5.1.10: Explain why not all open balls are spherical in R^3 -
ANSWER (pg. 182)
Theorem 5.1.12: Balls as defined in 5.1.8 are open sets. - ANSWER If y ∈
B(x, r) for some x∈X, then B(y, r-ε) ⊂ B(x, r), where ε = d(x, y)
Prove this by taking z∈B(y, r-ε) and showing z∈B(x, r)
See figure 5.1 (pg. 183)
Theorem 5.1.14: The union of any collection of open sets is ... the intersection
of any ... is ... - ANSWER The union of any collection of open sets is open,
and the intersection of any finite collection of open sets is open.
FIXME: practice this proof (pg. 184)
Theorem 5.1.16: Properties of any subset E of X - ANSWER (i) (E°)° = E°,
and hence E° is open
(ii) If G is an open subset of E, then G⊂ E°