NR548-Psychiatric Assessment for Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Pr
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1. What does ANA Standards and Scope: Standard 5B: Health Teaching
the competency & Promotion - An educated professional nurse is aware of
about "anticipa- normal developmental and situational threats to wellness
tory guidance" and can educate healthcare consumers to avoid them.
mean? Example: Moving a toddler from a crib to a bed can pre-
vent injury associated with climbing out of the crib at that
developmental age (ANA, 2015a, p. 65).
2. What does the ANA Standards and Scope: Scope of Nursing Practice
ANA Standards The art of nursing is based on caring and respect for
explain the art of human dignity (ANA, 2015a, p. 11).
nursing is based
3. What is the fun- ANA Code of Ethics: Provision 1Provision 1 explains, "the
damental princi- nurse practices with compassion and respect for the inher-
ple of and atti- ent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person"
tude that the pro- (ANA, 2015b, p. 1).
fessional nurse
must have as out-
lined in Provision
4. How should the ANA Code of Ethics: Provision 8
nurse respond to Nurses must "bring attention to human rights violations in
the discovery of all settings and contexts. . . . The nursing profession must
human traffick- respond when these violations are encountered" (ANA,
ing in his or her 2015b, p. 33).
5. Healthy People focuses on the prevention, screening, assessment, and
2030 treatment of mental disorders and behavioral conditions.
6. The Mental aim to improve health and quality of life for people affected
Health and Men- by these conditions.
tal Disorders ob-
, NR548-Psychiatric Assessment for Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Pr
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Standard of Prac- The PMHNP must be able to perform a comprehensive,
tice PMHNP: As- person-centered psychiatric and mental health diagnos-
sessment tic evaluation, using relevant diagnostic tests and proce-
dures. Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines inform
screening and diagnostic activities when appropriate. As-
sessment may include a multigenerational family assess-
ment as well as the assessment of interactions between
the individual, family, community, and social systems as
they relate to mental health.
8. Standard of Prac- The PMHNP must be able to use data obtained during
tice PMHNP: Di- the interview, examination, and diagnostic procedures to
agnosis develop standard psychiatric and substance use diag-
noses. The PMHNP evaluates the effects of psychiatric
disorders on recovery, quality of life, and functional status
and may examine the impact of stressors, trauma, and
situational crisis in the context of the family cycle. The
PMHNP may assist other staff in developing competence
in the diagnostic process.
9. Standard of Prac- The PMHNP assists the PMH-RN to identify expected out-
tice PMHNP: Out- comes based on scientific evidence. Outcomes identifica-
comes Identifica- tion includes consideration of costs, clinical effectiveness,
tion satisfaction, consistency, and continuity among providers.
The PMHNP develops and applies clinical guidelines as-
sociated with positive clinical outcomes.
10. Standard of Prac- The PMHNP applies current evidence and expert clin-
tice PMHNP: ical knowledge to the identification of assessment and
Planning diagnostic strategies and therapeutic interventions. Indi-
vidualized plans of care incorporate the client's beliefs
and values and may include treatment modalities such
as psychopharmacology and psychodynamic, cognitive
behavioral, and supportive interpersonal therapies.
11. Standard of Prac- PMHNPs facilitate the use of system and community re-
tice PMHNP: Im- sources to implement the plan of care. The implementation
plementation standard incorporates coordination of care across disci-
plines; health teaching and health promotion; consultation;
, NR548-Psychiatric Assessment for Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Pr
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prescriptive authority and treatment; pharmacological, bi-
ological, and integrative therapies; milieu therapy, thera-
peutic relationships and counseling, and psychotherapy.
The PMHNP functions as the single point of accountability
for all medical and psychiatric services.
12. Standard of PMHNPs evaluate the accuracy of diagnosis and effec-
Practice PMH- tiveness of interventions in reaching the client's desired
NP:Evaluation outcomes. Evaluation includes consideration of the impact
of the plan of care on the client, family, group, community,
and institutions. Results of evaluations may lead to recom-
mendations for process, protocol, or policy changes.
13. Standard of Prac- PMHNPs use the ANA Code of Ethics with Interpretive
tice PMHNP: Statements to guide practice including informing the client
Ethics of risks, benefits, and outcomes associated with care;
participation in interprofessional teams to address ethical
concerns; promotion of environments that support ethical
care; and use of ethical principles to engage in advocacy
for those with mental health problems, psychiatric disor-
ders, and addiction services.
14. Standard of Prac- PMHNPs engage in self-reflection to assess for personal
tice PMHNP: Cul- biases when working with culturally diverse individuals,
tural Humanity groups, and communities. They strive to cultivate curiosity
about the experience and treatment desires of clients from
diverse backgrounds. They promote an inclusive work en-
vironment and participate in lifelong learning to develop
and reinforce working effectively and inclusively with di-
verse populations.
15. Standard of Prac- PMHNPs assess communication preferences of health-
tice PMHNP: care consumers, families, and colleagues. They seek to
Communication assess and improve personal communication skills, accu-
rately conveying information, and thoroughly documenting
care. They maintain communication with other members
of the interprofessional and contribute their professional