Final Exam: NR503 / NR 503 (Latest
) Population Health,
Epidemiology & Statistical Principles
| Questions and Answers | 100%
Correct | Grade A - Chamberlain
- the separation and restriction of the movement of people who were or are
exposed to a contagious for a set period of time, to see whether they become
the separation of sick people with a contagious disease from those who are
not ill
How is the epidemiological triangle related to pandemics, outbreaks?
-An understanding of genetics and genomics is important in understanding
how new strains of viruses develop. Antigenic drift is a term describing the
changes that occur within virus' RNA that changes the virus. These changes
create seasonal strains of a virus. These new strains are the reason for medical
interventions such as seasonal influenza vaccines, and are also the cause of
adaptation in the virus that can create jumps from one species to another.
-Rapid genetic changes are some of the most challenging and deadly
occurrences that epidemiologists and scientists must battle in monitoring
and treating viruses.
-The larger population of both humans and animals, and the widespread
connectivity of people throughout the globe, create an environment in which
pandemic outbreak can spread quickly.
-Pandemic preparedness lies in the ability of HCWs to plan ahead, work
together, and understand the importance of genetics, genomics,
environment, risks, and spread of disease, as well as having good
understanding of biological sciences.
If you were to explain "disaster epidemiology" to a colleague or nursing
student, what would you say?
Disaster epidemiology is defined as the use of epidemiology to assess the
short- and long-term adverse health effects of disasters and to predict
consequences of future disasters. It brings together various topic areas of
epidemiology including acute and communicable disease, environmental
, health, occupational health, chronic disease, injury, mental health, and
behavioral health.
Connect social justice theory to the implications of outbreaks.
Preplanning is key and should involve the entire community and not just
major health centers. The goal is to maximize the safety of healthcare workers
and patients, ensure that the basics of care such as airway maintenance and
minimizing trauma are considered, and have a plan and education in place for
infection control.
What is the WHO? What do the SDG's (formerly MDG'S) mean? o
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
-Organize global strategies and priorities in improving health status across
countries. --The MDGs are eight international development goals that were
established in 2000 by the UN to reaffirm the commitment of individual
nations for a collective responsibility for human dignity, equality, and equity.
-Represented an agreement among countries to achieve the MDGs by 2015
and "create an environment - at the national and global levels alike - which is
conducive to development and the elimination of poverty". --Eradicate
extreme poverty and hunger. -----Achieve universal primary education. -
Promote gender equality and empower women.
-Reduce child mortality. -Improve maternal health.