Test Bank Microbiology for the
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HealthcareProfessional 2nd Edition
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VanMeter Questions & Answers with
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rationales (Chapter 1-25)
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,Chapter 01: Scope of Microbiology
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VanMeter: Microbiology for the Healthcare Professional, 2nd Edition
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1. In juthe jusixteenth jucentury jua jufather-and-son juteam, juby juthe juname juof , juproduced
acompound jumicroscope juconsisting juof jua jusimple jutube juwith julenses juat jueach juend.
ju ju
a. van juLeeuwenhoek
b. Semmelweis
c. Janssen
d. Hooke
ANS: j u C REF: ju p. ju3
2. “Animalcules” juwere jufirst judescribed juby
a. Robert juHooke.
b. Antony juvan juLeeuwenhoek.
c. Hans juJanssen.
d. John juNeedham.
ANS: j u B REF: ju p. ju3
3. Micrographia, jua jupublication juillustrating juinsects, jusponges, juas juwell juas juplant jucells, juwas
publishedbju y
a. Robert juHooke.
b. Antony juvan juLeeuwenhoek.
c. Hans juJanssen.
d. John juNeedham.
ANS: j u A REF: ju p. ju3
4. Low-power jumicroscopes judesigned jufor juobserving jufairly jularge juobjects jusuch juas juinsects juor
wormsaju re
a. electron jumicroscopes.
b. dark-field jumicroscopes.
c. fluorescence jumicroscopes.
d. stereomicroscopes.
ANS: j u D REF: ju p. ju5
5. A jumicroscope juthat juprovides jua juthree-dimensional juimage juof jua juspecimen juis jua
a. dark-field jumicroscope.
b. transmission juelectron jumicroscope.
c. bright-field jumicroscope.
d. scanning juelectron jumicroscope.
ANS: j u D REF: ju p. ju7
6. The jutool juof juchoice juto juobserve juliving jumicroorganisms juis juthe
a. bright-field jumicroscope.
b. phase-contrast jumicroscope.
, c. fluorescence jumicroscope.
d. electron jumicroscope.
ANS: j u B REF: ju p. ju6
7. Which juscientist juis jumost juresponsible jufor juending juthe jucontroversy juabout juspontaneous jugeneration?
a. John juNeedham
b. Joseph juLister
c. Louis juPasteur
d. Robert juKoch
ANS: j u C REF: ju p. ju8
8. Fossils juof juprokaryotes jugo juback billion juyears.
a. 4.0 juto ju5.0
b. ju ju j u 3.5 juto ju4.0
c. 2.5 juto ju3.0
d. ju ju j u 2.2 juto ju2.7
ANS: j u B REF: ju p. ju9
9. Molds jubelong juto juwhich juof juthe jufollowing jugroups juof jueukaryotic juorganisms?
a. Protozoans
b. Archaea
c. Fungi
d. Algae
ANS: j u C REF: jup. ju11
10. The jucorrect judescending juorder juof jutaxonomic jucategories juis
a. species, judomain, juphylum, jukingdom, juorder, judivision, juclass, jugenus.
b. domain, jukingdom, juphylum, juclass, jufamily, juorder, jugenus, juspecies.
c. domain, jukingdom, juphylum, juclass, juorder, jufamily, jugenus, juspecies.
d. kingdom, judomain, juphylum, juorder, juclass, jufamily, jugenus, juspecies.
ANS: j u C REF: jup. ju10
11. Complex jucommunities juof jumicroorganisms juon jusurfaces juare jucalled
a. colonies.
b. biofilms.
c. biospheres.
d. flora.
ANS: j u B REF: jup. ju12
12. A jurelationship jubetween juorganisms juin juwhich juthe juwaste juproduct juof juone juprovides
nutrients juforaju nother juis jucalled
a. mutualism.
b. competition.
c. synergism.
d. commensalism.
ANS: j u D REF: j u p. ju12
, 13. Which juof juthe jufollowing jusites juof juthe juhuman jubody judoes junot juhave jua junormal juflora?
a. Intestine
b. Skin
c. Vagina
d. Blood
ANS: j u D REF: jup. ju12
14. Which juof juthe jufollowing julack junucleic juacids?
a. Archaea
b. Viruses
c. Prions
d. Bacteria
ANS: j u C REF: jup. ju11
15. The jubinominal jusystem juof junomenclature juwas juoriginally judeveloped juby
a. Pasteur.
b. Linnaeus.
c. Martini.
d. Jenner.
ANS: j u B REF: jup. ju11
16. Which juof juthe jufollowing juscientists juperformed juthe jufirst juvaccination juagainst jusmallpox?
a. Pasteur
b. Jenner
c. Semmelweis
d. Koch
ANS: j u B REF: ju p. ju9
17. Which juof juthe jufollowing judiseases juis jugenerally jucaused juby jucontaminated jufood?
a. Mumps
b. Shigellosis
c. Legionellosis
d. Tuberculosis
ANS: j u B REF: jup. ju13
18. Which juof juthe jufollowing judiseases juis jutransmitted juvia juaerosols?
a. Psittacosis
b. Shigellosis
c. Leptospirosis
d. Giardiasis
ANS: j u A REF: jup. ju14
19. Which juof juthe jufollowing juorganisms juis juused juin juthe juproduction juof jucheese?
a. Propionibacterium jushermanii
b. Acetobacter juaceti
c. Giardia