NUR 350 Health Assessment Midterm Exam
Questions And Answers (Guaranteed A+)
Biomedical Approach - answer✔Health approach in which the focus was on the treatment of
disease and health was considered the absence of disease and that's it.
Behavioural Approach - answer✔Health approach in which there was more going on that just
absence of disease; also behavioural factors at play (i.e. smoking). The belief that if we could
teach people how to stay healthy themselves then they would.
Socioenvironmental Approach - answer✔Health approach in which the belief was that the
higher income, well-educated Canadians were the ones that the behavioural approach would
affect most.
Subjective Data (symptoms)
Objective Data (signs) - answer✔What kind of data does a nursing health assessment involve?
(2 types)
Subjective Data - answer✔Symptoms; type of data; what the family/person says about the
Objective Data - answer✔Signs; the type of data you will find in a physical assessment.
Unless we have the full subjective piece, we cannot see the whole picture. Therefore the
subjective piece is just as important as the objective piece; we need both in order to treat the
patient. - answer✔What is more important - subjective or objective data?
1) Assess - gather info about the client's condition
2) Diagnose - identify the client's problems
3) Plan - set goals of care and desired outcomes and identify appropriate nursing actions
4) Implement - perform the nursing actions identified in planning
5) Evaluate - determine if goals met and outcome achieved - answer✔What are the 5 steps of
the nursing process?
- Biographical data (i.e. name, address, gender identity, marital status)
- Source of history (who provided the information)
- Reason for seeking care (quote their words)
- History of current illness (PQRSTU-AAA)
- Past health (childhood illnesses, accidents, operations, etc.)
- Family history (usually blood-related family)
- Review of systems
- Functional assessment (ADLs and IADLs). - answer✔What kind of things will you gather during
the subjective portion of a complete health history?
P - provoke
Q - quality and/or quantity
R - region and/or radiation
S - severity
T - timing
U - understand the patient's perspective
A - associated factors
A - alleviating factors
A - aggravating factors - answer✔What does PQRSTU-AAA stand for?
Vital signs, measurements (head circumference, weight, height, etc.), IPPA (inspection,
palpitation, percussion, and inspection). - answer✔What kind of data will you gather during the
physical assessment portion of a complete health assessment?
1. Map out the location/size of an organ.
2. Provide info regarding the density of a structure.
3. Detect a mass.
4. Elicit pain.
5. Elicit deep tendon reflexes. - answer✔What is percussion used for?
Resonant (hollow, air-filled) and dullness (muffled thud). - answer✔What are the two common
percussion notes?
The first impression when you walk in the room and it consists of:
1) Physical Appearance - i.e. LOC, skin colour, facial features, signs of distress
2) Body Structure - i.e. symmetry, posture, position
3) Mobility - i.e gait, ROM
4) Behaviour - i.e. facial expressions, mood/affect, speech, dress, hygiene - answer✔What is the
"general survey" and what 4 areas does it consist of?
A - appearance (posture, body movements, dress, hygiene)
B - behaviour (LOC, expressions, speech, mood/affect)
C - cognitive functions (orientation, attention span, memory, learning)
T - thought process & perception (though process/content, judgement, perceptions) -
answer✔What does the ABCT stand for in the quick Mental Health Assessment?
Mental Health - answer✔A person's emotional and cognitive functioning.
Mental Illness - answer✔A biological condition of the brain that can cause alterations in
thinking, mood and/or behaviour.
Vernix - answer✔Cheesy, white substance that covers the newborn; when in utero the fetus
needs skin protection.
Lanugo - answer✔Fine hair that covers infants at birth, fine but usually darker.
Milia - answer✔Tiny bumps on the baby's skin usually over the baby's nose, caused by excess
sebum and goes away on its own.
1. Eccrine Glands
2. Apocrine Glands - answer✔The two types of sweat glands.
(1) Vellus
(2) Terminal - answer✔The two types of hair.