NURS 142 Exam 1 Questions And Answers
(Guaranteed A+)
What are the four broad goals of nursing - answer✔promote health, prevent illness, treat
human responses to illness, and advocate
what is an assessment - answer✔a systematic data collection that predicts health risks and
identifies health promotion
what are the four types of nursing assessmen - answer✔initial, ongoing, emergency, focused
what are maslows hierarchy of needs from bottom to top - answer✔physiological, safety
(includes health and well being), love/belonging, esteem, self actualization
what is the abccs assessment - answer✔airway, breathing, circulation, consciousness, safety
what are the steps to a abccs assessment - answer✔1. airway. is the patient's airway
2. breathing- assess rate of breathing as well as difficulty. assess effectiveness of oxygen
delivery. Take Blood oxygen percentage
3. circulation. assess radial pulse first then carotid pulse, skin color, moisture, and temperature.
4. consciousness, notice if they are drowsy alert etc.
5. safety- check for allergies, oxygen saturation, brakes on bed, bed rail, call bell, check for
dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
what might be included in a focused respiratory exam - answer✔pt history of smoking, family
history of pulmonary disease, signs and symptoms, O2 percentage, respiratory rate
what might be included in a focused cardiovascular and peripheral vascular system assessment
- answer✔data about the clients diet, exercise, weight, BMI, stress levels, smoking history,
family history, pulse,
what is subjective data - answer✔data obtained from the patient and/or family members,
what is a symptom - answer✔subjective data that the pt reports
what is a primary source vs a secondary source - answer✔the patient is the primary source, the
pt's family/caregivers are secondary
what is objective data - answer✔something you can observe and measure
what are several areas for a comprehensive health history - answer✔demographic/biological
data, reason for seeking healthcare, current/past medical history, family health history,
functional health/ADL, review of body systems
what are some things to figure out during the demographic/biological data part -
answer✔name, emergency contacts, contact information, birthday, gender, allergies, preferred
language, relationship status, occupation/education, resuscitation status,
what is a chief complaint - answer✔the reason the patient is seeking medical care
what is OLD CARTS ICE - answer✔questions to ask about a symptom. Onset, location, duration,
characteristics, aggravating factors, relieving factors, treatments, impact on ADL, coping
strategies, emotional response
what is medication reconciliation - answer✔comparing current medications with a previous list,
done with every visit to the hospital/clinic
what are some categories in a current and past health history interview - answer✔current
health, medication, allergies, childhood illness, chronic illness, acute illness, surgery, accidents,
injuries, reproductive health, immunizations
what is functional health assessment - answer✔measures a person's daily functioning and
ability to do ADLs
what are instrumental activities of daily living - answer✔more complex daily tasks that allow pt
to be independent, such as managing finance, pay bills, transportation
what are some categories in a functional health exam - answer✔nutritional metabolic,
elimination, activity exercise, sleep, cognitive perceptual, relationship, sexual, coping/stress,
beliefs/values, self esteem, health management
what does the term malnutrition include - answer✔any improper nutrition,including getting too
much nutrients (overnutrition) or not getting enough (undernutrition)
what is dysuria - answer✔pain or difficulty in urination
what is melena - answer✔black or tarry stool
what is therapeutic communication - answer✔an interactive process between a nurse and a pt
that helps the pt to overcome temporary stress, get along with other people, etc.