APES A TO Z Questions and Answers
Aquatic Ecosystem - answer A is for Aquatic Ecosystems. In APES our class learned
about the different factors of an ecosystems, what makes up an ecosystem, and how
humans affect an aquatic ecosystem through pollution. They are crucial to recycling
elements such as carbon, phosphorus, oxygen, and water. However these cycles can
be disrupted, along with their inhabitants, through thermal pollution from nuclear plants.
This is a picture of a lake, an aquatic ecossytem.
I took this photo on May 31, 2014.
Biotic Factors - answer B is for Biotic Factors. These are parts of the ecosystem that
are living such as trees, plants, animals, and bacteria. These factors provide
sustainability in an ecosystem, balance, and allow for other biotic factors to thrive in
conjunction with abiotic factors ( non-living factors). We learned how pollution and
natural disasters can affect biotic factors and therefore an entire ecosystem.
This is a picture of my yard, which consists of multiple biotic factors.
I took this photo on May 31, 2014
Carbon Cycle - answer C is for Carbon Cycle. Carbon is in all living things and goes
through cycles. It starts off in rock and is then eroded and weathered into aquatic
ecosystems. There, it makes up the exoskeletons of aquatic organisms and stored in
deep deposits. It is then released into the atmosphere where it is taken into plants
through photosynthesis. Finally, it is turned into sugars and finally rejoins the earth
when the organism dies and decomposes.
This is a picture of my car exhaust, which contains carbon residue from gasoline.
I took this photon on May 31, 2014.
Deforestation - answer D is for Deforestation. Deforestation has one of the biggest
impacts on wildlife. Companies take down forests for resources and as a result, habitat
fragmentation, displacement of animals, and pollution occurs. Also, this encourages
global warming. Since there are less trees, there are less sources to absorb CO2 in the
atmosphere, increasing heat absorption.
This is a picture of a company taking down trees in Cottesmore.
I took this photo on June 3, 2014.
EcoColumn - answer E is for EcoColumn. For a lab our class created a miniature
environment for a Beta Fish. We utilized soda bottles to create the ecosystem and filled
it with soil and simulated an aquatic ecosystem to replicate how runoff can affect
numerous factors such as DO, nitrate, and phosphate in the fish's water. By measuring
these factors, we could see how runoff from compost and soil can affect fishlife.
I took this photo on May 24, 2014.
Fertilizer - answer F is for Fertilizer. We learned how different types of fertilizer can
not only affect plant growth, but the environment around it. By using inorganic fertilizers
, we increase plant growth but increase our risk of polluting surrounding aquatic
ecosystems from runoff. Also, sulfur and nitrogen act as fertilizers in aquatic
ecosystems, but also cause eutrophication.
I took this photo on May 31, 2014.
Gasoline - answer G is for Gasoline. Gasoline consists of fossil fuels, a large
contributor to global warming and greenhouse gases. Gasoline release are large
amount of CO2 into the atmosphere and also causes photochemical smog in the
morning from temperature inversions. Gasoline also used to contain lead which caused
many illnesses and mutations in children and newborns.
I took this photo on May 31, 2014.
Habitat - answer H is for Habitat. Habitats are the fundamental niches in which
animals reside in. They provide shelter and a place to store resources that allow an
animal to thrive. This is also where animals can raise their offspring. Habitats are
dependent on a range of tolerance and are easily affected by both density-dependent
factors and density-independent factors. If outside factors are outside the range of
tolerance, the habitat will be destroyed.
This is a picture of a bird nest, a habitat.
I took this photo on May 31, 2014.
Insecticide - answer I is for Insecticide. Insecticides, along with pesticides, are used
to maintain crop growth by preventing pests and insects from destroying them.
However, insecticides can affect their growth by poisoning them, if they are not up to
EPA standards. They can also cause water pollution. When it rains, the runoff carries
the insecticide into rivers, polluting the aquatic ecosystem.
I took this photo on May 31, 2014.
Junk Food - answer J is for Junk Food. Junk Food is one of the primary sources of
obesity, a spreading disease across America. The fats and preservatives store up in the
human body and can cause numerous illnesses such as malnutrition, if one does not
take efforts to exercise and eat healthy to balance the intake of junk food.
I took this photo on June 1st, 2014.
K-Selected Species - answer K is for K-Selected Species. K-Selected Species or
organisms that have low reproduction rates, long lifespans, and a high range of
tolerance. Such species are humans, bears, and other mammals. Their offspring require
much nurturing as they grow and their mothers also have a long gestation period ( time
that they are pregnant).
This is a picture of a cat, a k-selected species with long gestation periods and longer
I took this photo on May 31, 2014.
Lithosphere - answer L is for Lithosphere. The lithosphere is the outermost layer of
the Earth's surface. This is where earthquakes occur, volcanoes rise, and land masses
move along tectonic plates. The lithosphere consists of multiple tectonic plates that