CSOWM Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery
1. Acarbose - ANS-Drug that can assist with reactive hypoglycemia; oral administration;
delays the breakdown of starch into sugar; Side effects: bloating, flatulence, diarrhea
2. Active PA factor - ANS-1.6-1.Nine
3. Advancing the weight loss plan takes how long ? - ANS-Can take 6-nine months
4. Advantages of SADI-S - ANS-2-4cm duodenum left; Highly effective for long-term weight
reduction & remission of T2DM; Simpler and quicker to carry out (1 intestinal connection)
than RYGB or BPD/DS; Excellent choice for pt. Who already had a sleeve gastrectomy
& is seeking in addition weight loss
5. Advantages of SG - ANS-Performed greater fast, decrease in headaches and
micronutrient deficiencies; decreased hazard of longterm headaches (Intestinal
obstructions, ulcers, dumping syndromes, severe hypoglycemia, other dysfunctional
glycemic syndromes); Allows access to each biliary and pancreatic ducts; Can be
revised or transformed to a selection of different strategies (Bypass or BPD)
6. Amount of PA thats Grade A evidence to assist in maintaining weight off/supporting
LBM/wholesome bones? - ANS-a hundred and fifty-300 min/week of mild PA minimum in
step with week; which includes energy schooling 2-3x in line with week
7. Amylin - ANS-co-secreted with insulin with the aid of beta cells in response to nutrient
stimuli. Delays nutrient uptake and suppresses glucagon secretion after food. Satiating
8. Aspiration therapy - ANS-Gastrostomy tube + secondary device + reservoir (Reservoir
gives you water to stomach, water mixes with meals, then drains from stomach
(aspirates) & 25-30% of energy removed 20-30 min after eating- No time frame limit,
encourages slower eating & better food choices (2016 FDA authorised)
9. Aspiration remedy results - ANS-14.2-21.Five% TBWL @ one year + enhancements in
metabolic + cardiac markers
10. At domestic, what's no 1 precedence put up sx as food plan progressing? -
ANS-Hydration- 60+ ouncesfluid
11. Avoid what form of pills with a Roux-en-Y - ANS-NSAIDs are contraindicated (Aspirin/
12. Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery Procedures - ANS-Group of surgical methods that effect
the physiological regulation of body weight and enhance morbidity and mortality rates
13. Biliopancreatic Diversion/Duodenal switch (BPD/DS) technique - ANS-Stomach divided,
~80% of fundus removed (essentially sleeve gastrectomy achieved); Then the small I
divided on the duodenum and is resected so the ielum isn't always attached to the
pyloris, bypassing the jejunum; The biliopancreatic loop joins the digestive loop forming
a common channel that flows to the colon; Will lower the amt of energy and nutrients
absorbed, causing malabsorption of macro and micronutrients. NOT commonplace
within the US d/t higher risks
, 14. Both sleeve + RYGB were able to improve the subsequent by way of >/= 50% -
ANS-DM, HTN, Sleep apnea, GERD (up to 70-80% with RYGB), SG falls short with
GERD handiest 50% or below
15. BPD-DS risks - ANS-Up to 9 incidences of diarrhea consistent with day d/t
malabsorption; improved complications and risk of mortality than others; Greater protein
& vitamin/mineral deficiencies, Need to stay linked to surgical center lifestyles lengthy +
compliance to f/u & strict adherence to dietary diet supplementation needed to avoid
extreme deficiencies; Longer clinic stay (>/= 3 nights post) SG is 24hrs put up or 1 night
time; RYGB 2 nights put up.
16. Bypass surgery this is aggregate of malabsorptive/restriction and of each macronutrients
& micronutrients - ANS-Biliopancreatic Diversion (BPD/DS)
17. Calcium - ANS-Supports skeletal structure, impacts muscle contracting, nerve
characteristic, regulates heart beat
18. Carbohydrates according to day to aim for publish sx - ANS-Aim for no less than 50g/day
to spare the protein for restore and the carbs for brain function according to the WHO
recs but also >/= 30-50g is k too
19. Carbs - ANS-energy
20. Cholecystokinin (CCK) - ANS-Hormone secreted by way of the duodenum; suppresses
appetite and ranges lower for the duration of weight-reduction plan and weight reduction
21. Cholelithiasis (oxalosis + calcium oxalate stones) - ANS-Avoid dehydration, low oxalate
meal plan, oral calcium at food, probiotic: oxalobacterformigenes may be used
22. Common deficiencies pre + put up sx? - ANS-B12, diet D, Iron, folate, zinc, thiamine
23. Cons of IGB - ANS-Out of pocket luxurious (~8,000$), N/v in 30% of techniques,
bloating, gas, constipation, reflux, migration, perforation, demise; NO research to be had
to help those. But big medical trials regarding guidance from a Dietitian with MNT
follow-up + after elimination
24. Contraindications for weight management remedy - ANS-Pregnancy, ingesting disorders,
Substance/alcohol use problems, treatment specific (ex: surgical contraindications),
beginning chemotherapy
25. Conversion remedy - ANS-Large range of gastric bands removed and transformed to a
sleeve or RYGB = extra weight loss whilst there is RYGB over sleeve
26. Day of ERAS drink timeline/How to drink - ANS-Drink 2-3 hours earlier than sx; Take
5-10 mins to drink
27. Dehydration detections - ANS-Dizziness, nausea, fatigue, dark urine; Weight can be an
early indicator if they're losing > 2 lb/day
28. Dietary manipulation to save you post-op hypoglycemia - ANS-6 small food every
2-three hours; Protein source at every to sluggish digestion & vitamins into the GI tract;
Avoid fluids half-hour post-meal/snack; avoid all high sugar/delicate carb ingredients; Eat
29. Disadvantages of SADI-S - ANS-Newer operations with simplest brief time period final
results data; No precise guidelines but like RYGB; Vitamins/mins no longer absorbed
well as in sleeve or GB (More in step with RYGB vs. DS); Higher quotes of fats soluble
vit. Defs; Potential to worsen or increase new-onset reflux (Likely now not a candidate
for sleeve conversion after); threat for looser & more frequent BMs