Psyc 411 - Midterm
Culture - complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law,
custom, and any other capability and habits acquired by man as a member of
a set of attitudes, values, belief, and norms that are shared within a group and
transmitted across generations.
Create meaning and symbolic representation
external, acquired, and transmissible
ethnicity - group of people with common cultural traits
includes: language, place of origin, customs, religion, history, traditions, values,
beliefs, food, style of dress, and more
open, flexible, and subject to change
race - social construction - therefore changes across time and context
physical differences that groups and cultures consider socially significant
privilege - an invisible package of unearned assets that i can count on chasing in
each day, but about which i was meant to remain oblivious
Discrimination - unfair treatment on the basis of some aspect of identity or group
,behavioural manifestation of prejudice
Explicit bias
aversive racism - simultaneously holding egalitarian values and negative feelings
toward minorities
white liberals
Their egalitarian values operate on a conscious level, while their antiminority
feelings are less conscious and generally covert
symbolic/modern racism - an indirect form of racism that employs code words
and subtle, unspoken contrast to suggest that one race is superior to another
old-fashioned racism - overt and obvious expressions of racism, such as physical
assaults, lynchings, and other such acts against a minority
racial microaggressions - Refers to subtle, stunning, often automatic, and non-
verbal exchanges which are 'put downs'
Also described as subtle insults (verbal, nonverbal and/or visual) directed toward
people of color often automatically or unconsciously
Simply stated, microaggressions are brief, everyday exchanges that send
denigrating messages to people of color because they belong to a racial minority
,Microassault - an explicit racial derogation characterized primarily by a verbal or
nonverbal attack meant to hurt the intended victim through name-calling,
avoidant behavior, or purposeful discriminatory actions.
most similar to what has been called "old fashioned" racism
- enviornmental microaggressions
Microinsult - characterized by communications that convey rudeness and
insensitivity and demean a person's racial heritage or identity
represent subtle snubs, frequently unknown to the perpetrator, but clearly
convey a hidden insulting message to the recipient of color.
- enviornmental microaggressions
- ascription of intelligence
- second class citizen
- pathologizing cultural values/communication styles
- assumption of criminal status
Microinvalidation - characterized by communications that exclude, negate, or
nullify the psychological thoughts, feelings, or experiential reality of a person of
- enviornmental microaggressions
- alien in own land
- color blindness
- myth of meritocracy
- denial of individual racism
, stereotyping - Cognitive aspect, ideas/schemas of how people of certain groups
might act
prejudice - Affect/ feeling + attitudes
Implicit bias
clash of racial realities - individuals may differ in their perception of race relations
depending on their place in the social hierarchy
Your positionality impacts how you think race relations, gender inequality etc. are
invisibility of unintentional expressions of bias - people often act with best
intentions, many microaggressions are subtle and unintentional
given this how can one prove a microaggression has occurred
perceived minimal harm - many people, particularly of privileged groups, may see
microaggressions as being unimportant or too minor to warrant discussion
because the specific incidents are innocuous or mistakes
damned if you don't respond, damned if you do - because of ambiguity, it can be
difficult to determine if microaggressions occurred
not responding means letting it happen
responding means being accused of mistrusting one