,Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach, 8e
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(Silverthorn)Chapter 1 Introduction to Physiology ss ss ss
1) Physiology is the study of ss ss ss ss
A) the structure of the body.
ss ss ss ss
B) the tissues and organs of the body at the microscopic level.
ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss
C) growth and reproduction.
ss ss
D) the normal functions of the organ systems.
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E) the facial features as an indication of
ss ss ss ss ss ss
personality.Answer: D
Section Title: The Science of
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PhysiologyLearning Outcome:
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s s
Skill: Level I: Reviewing Facts and Terms (Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge)
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2) The literal meaning of the term physiology is knowledge of
ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss
A) organs.
B) nature.
C) science.
D) chemistry.
E) math.
Section Title: The Science of
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PhysiologyLearning Outcome:
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s s
Skill: Level I: Reviewing Facts and Terms (Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge)
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3) Because anatomy and physiology have different definitions, they are usually
ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss
consideredseparately in studies of the body.
ss ss ss ss ss ss
A) True
B) False
Section Title: The Science of
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PhysiologyLearning Outcome:
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s s
Skill: Level I: Reviewing Facts and Terms (Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge)
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Copyright (c) 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
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,4) The following is a list of several levels of organization that make up the human body.
ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss
1. tissue
2. cell
3. organ
4. molecule
5. organism
6. organ system ss
The correct order from the smallest to the largest
ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss
isA) 2, 4, 1, 3, 6, 5.
ss ss ss ss ss ss ss
B) 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 5.
ss ss ss ss ss
C) 4, 2, 1, 3, 6, 5.
ss ss ss ss ss
D) 4, 2, 3, 1, 6, 5.
ss ss ss ss ss
E) 6, 4, 5, 2, 3, 1.
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Answer: C
Section Title: The Science of
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PhysiologyLearning Outcome:
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s s
Skill: Level I: Reviewing Facts and Terms (Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge)
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5) "Glucose is transported from blood into cells because cells require glucose to meet their
ss ss ss s ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss
energyneeds." This type of explanation is
ss ss ss ss ss ss
A) mechanistic.
B) theological.
C) teleological.
D) metalogical.
E) scatological.
Answer: C
Section Title: The Science of
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PhysiologyLearning Outcome:
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s s
Skill: Level I: Reviewing Facts and Terms (Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge)
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6) "Glucose is transported from blood into cells by transporters in response to insulin." This
ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss
typeof explanation is
ss ss ss
A) mechanistic.
B) theological.
C) teleological.
D) metalogical.
E) scatological.
Answer: A
Section Title: The Science of
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PhysiologyLearning Outcome:
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s s
Skill: Level I: Reviewing Facts and Terms (Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge)
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Copyright (c) 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
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, 7) Which of the following is a buffer zone between the outside world and most of the cells of
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A) blood
B) lumen
C) lymph
D) extracellular fluid ss
E) All of the answers are
ss ss ss ss
correct.Answer: D
Section Title:
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Outcome: 1.6
Skill: Level I: Reviewing Facts and Terms (Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension)
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8) Which of the following is one of Cannon's "internal secretions"?
ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss
A) hormones
B) nutrients
C) water
D) inorganic ions ss
E) None of the answers are ss ss ss s
correct.Answer: A
Section Title: The Science of
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PhysiologyLearning Outcome:
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1.5s s
Skill: Level I: Reviewing Facts and Terms (Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge)
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9) The study of body function in a disease state is
ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss
A) necrology.
B) physiology.
C) microbiology.
D) pathophysiology.
E) histology.
Answer: D
Section Title: The Science of
ss ss ss ss
PhysiologyLearning Outcome:
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1.5s s
Skill: Level I: Reviewing Facts and Terms (Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge)
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10) Homeostasis is the ability of the body to ss ss ss ss ss ss ss
A) prevent the external environment from changing.
ss ss ss ss ss
B) prevent the internal environment from changing.
ss ss ss ss ss
C) quickly restore changed conditions to normal.
ss ss ss ss ss
D) ignore external stimuli to remain in a state of rest.
ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss
E) prevent excessive blood ss ss
loss.Answer: C
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Section Title: The Science of
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PhysiologyLearning Outcome:
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1.6s s
Skill: Level I: Reviewing Facts and Terms (Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge)
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Copyright (c) 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
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