Pharmacology Final Exam
Class/Medication Action Indication Adverse Misc.
Antiarrhythmic Blocks potassium IV: CNS: dizziness, Has a very long half-
Class III: channels to slow ACLS drug of fatigue, malaise life: must use
movement of choice to treat Resp: ARDS, caution changing
Amiodarone potassium out of the Life-threatening pulmonary toxicity from IV to oral dose
p. 786 cell; prolongs ventricular CV: HF, worsening to avoid toxicity
repolarization; arrhythmias of arrhythmias,
in peripheral hypotension, ** Diltiazam
smooth muscle ↓ Oral: bradycardia (Calcium channel
peripheral resistance supraventricular GI: hepatotoxicity blocker) is also listed
(vasodilation) tachyarrhythmia as Class IV
Antianginal Agents
Act on smooth Acute angina, CNS: headache, Subling, po, IV, spray,
Nitrates: muscles to relax and chronic angina; dizziness paste:
dilate vessels; HF associated Teaching: repeat q 5
Nitroglycerin (NTG) ↑blood flow and ↓ with AMI CV: Hypotension min 3 times call 911;
p 793 blood pressure; (esp when given IV) Subling: potent if
↓ preload and Tachycardia fizzles/burns”
Box 46.3 p 798 -Safe afterload Storage: same
Medication Skin: rash bottle, cool and dark-
Administration of change after 6
NTG months – 1 yr. (check
with Pharmacy)
Review Patch,
ointment and
Bile Acid Bind with bile acids Increased total GI: cramps, nausea, Drug interactions:
Sequestrants in intestine to form cholesterol and flatulence, Should not be taken
an insoluble complex increased LDL constipation, with other drugs to
Cholestyramine that is excreted, not Electrolyte: avoid absorption
reabsorbed; results Pruritus ↓ absorption of problems.
p 820 in ↓serum associated with vitamin K
cholesterol partial biliary Hem: ↑ bleeding Teach: how to mix
(acts only in the obstruction times, powder, or if oral to
intestine and are not Musculoskeletal: to cut, crush, or
systemically Muscle aches and chew the tablet
absorbed) pains
, Class/Medication Action Indication Adverse Misc.
HMG-CoA Inhibitors Inhibit HBG-CoA Adjuncts to diet GI: flatulence, Take at bedtime
(statins) causing a ↓ in serum and exercise in abdominal pain, (evening).
cholesterol, LDLs and treatment of cramps, NV and Monitor hepatic labs.
Atorvastatin triglycerides ↑cholesterol constipation
p. 823 ↑HDL levels and LDL, CAD, Liver failure Caution if used with
MI warfarin or digoxin
Renal: Acute renal Increases estrogen
failure level if taken with
oral contraceptives
EENT: Visual
changes. AVOID grapefruit
Muscle pain
RHABDOMYOLYSIS Peak effect 2-4 weeks
Cholesterol Works in the brush Adjunct to statin CNS: headache, Caution: liver
Absorption Inhibitors border of the small therapy for High dizziness disease
intestine to inhibit CHO GI: abdominal pain,
Ezetimibe the absorption of diarrhea ↑ warfarin levels
Pp 824 – 825 cholesterol (CHO) Resp: upper resp. when combined with
infections ezetimibe
Muscle: myalgia,
NUR 309: Unit 2: Drugs working on CNS: Ch. 24-28
Chapter 24: Anti-Parkinson’s Drugs
Class Action Indications Adverse Effects Misc
Dopaminergic Agents Levodopa: Levodopa: Cardiovascular: Contraindicated in
Pp 411-416 mainstay of Parkinson’s Orthostatic glaucoma, BPH,
Levodopa treatment: Disease hypotension Caution with CV or GI
Precursor of disease
Carbidopa/levodopa- dopamine; CNS: Can ↓amt. levodopa when
(used more as this crosses blood Involuntary given with Carbidopa
combination) – give brain barrier movement,
less of the drug to where it is depression, Give with meals if GI upset
have less side effects converted to dizziness
Dopamine; used B6 (pyridoxine) or
in combination GI: Nausea / Phenytoin may ↓ efficacy of
, vomiting, levodopa
Amantadine Amantadine: bleeding
Amantadine: Treatment
Antiviral idiopathic and Avoid use with
(p.411); seems drug-induced MAOIs- HTN
to increase the Parkinson’s crisis
release of
dopamine May need “drug
holiday”- may
need to stop the
medication to
relieve side
effects and then
start again on a
lower dose
Anticholinergic Blocks Adjunctive CNS: confusion, Contraindicated in narrow
Agents cholinergic therapy for dizziness, angle glaucoma, BPH –
activity in CNS Parkinson’s EENT: blurred urinary retention, myasthenia
Benztropine p 417- to reduce when traditional vision, dry eyes, gravis.
418 rigidity and therapy is not mydriasis
tremors of effective CV: hypotension Caution in hot
Parkinson’s GI: constipation, environments-reflex
disease dry mouth sweating may be blocked
GU: urinary
retention &
Chapter 25: Muscle Relaxants
Central acting interfere with Relief of pain For all Muscle For ALL muscle relaxants:
Muscle Relaxants reflexes causing from muscle relaxants: CNS depression is ↑ with
Baclofen p 426, 427 muscle spasms spasm with ETOH or other CNS
neuromuscular CNS depression, depressants
Diazepam also disorders SCI – drowsiness, Avoid use if spasticity
effective spinal cord fatigue, contributes to locomotion,
injury, MS – weakness, upright position etc.
multiple confusion, Dantrolene:
sclerosis, headache, Contraindicated in liver
rigidity disease, respiratory disease,
Direct acting skeletal Enter muscle GI- nausea, dry and cardiac disease, liver
muscle relaxant fibers to mouth, anorexia, disease P. 430
Dantrolene pp 429- Interfere with constipation
432 release of Spasticity with
Works with muscle Calcium to neuromuscular Dantrolene:
not the brain prevent muscle disorders Fatal liver
contraction IV for damage p. 429.
, malignant
hyperthermia –
related to
Class Action Indications Adverse Effects Misc
Chapter 26:
Narcotics Act at specific Analgesia, Constipation, Different methods of delivery
Narcotic agonists opioid receptor sedation, sense CNS effects, Box 26.3 p. 444 on different
to cause well-being, orthostatic responses to narcotic therapy
Drug therapy across analgesia, antitussives, hypotension, Caution with MAOIs ↓ dose
lifespan: p. 441 sedation, adjuncts to N&V, pupil *only 50% absorbed if given
euphoria anesthesia constriction, PO - adjust dosage with
Box 26.4 Laxatives Use what is best respiratory switch from IV to PO
Controlled specific pt. depression,
substances urinary retention, Monitor respirations and
dry mouth, reassess for effectiveness
sweating and
Codeine Moderate pain Extreme caution in those with
antitussive in MAOIs. Given by mouth
small doses-
↓cough reflex
Fentanyl Analgesia – Respiratory transdermal 92 % absorbed.
surgery, depressive effects Can be given IV.
transdermal may last longer Ace of spades- heroin spiked
patch for than analgesic with fentanyl- quick high
chronic pain, effects
Hydromorphone Severe to
(Dilaudid) moderate pain
Meperidine Severe to
(Demerol) moderate pain
Morphine p 445 Don’t confuse PO, IV, IM, patch, Extended
with release
Hydromorphone Morphine:
Pt. will vomit if given too
Speed shock IVP
Give 2.5-15 mg IVP over 5