QMA state test
QMA state test study questions and answers top
graded with complete solutions 2025
What carries blood away from the heart? -Correct Answer ✔arteries
what causes myocardial ischemia? -Correct Answer ✔lack of adequate oxygen supply
to the heart
What is glaucoma? -Correct Answer ✔increased intraocular pressure
what meds treat glaucoma? -Correct Answer ✔miotics, beta blocker
what is the action of miotics -Correct Answer ✔decreases eye pressure
What are cataracts? -Correct Answer ✔secondary infection, congenital disorder,
reaction to medicafions or chemical toxicity
what are symptoms of cataracts? -Correct Answer ✔gradual blurring of vision, milky
white pupil
what is treatment of cataracts? -Correct Answer ✔surgery, lens implantation,
medications, or corrective glasses
what medications treat cataracts -Correct Answer ✔fluorometholone (FML),
prednisolone (AK-Pred), diclofenac (voltaren)
What is conjunctivitis? -Correct Answer ✔inflammation of the conjunctiva
what causes conjunctiva -Correct Answer ✔irritation, allergies, bacteria
symptoms of conjunctivitis -Correct Answer ✔-redness
-a gritty feeling (dryness)
-a discharge crust
what are nursing considerations for eye insillation medicine -Correct Answer ✔place on
lower lid, do not touch bottle to eye, wait 5 mins before administrating another eye med
what type of medication is pilocarpine HCL (pilocar) -Correct Answer ✔miotic
what are nursing considerations for miotics? -Correct Answer ✔monitor blood pressure,
apply at nights, wait 5 mins before administrating another eye med
QMA state test
,QMA state test
adverse effects of miotics -Correct Answer ✔headache, perspiration, salivation, night
blindness, blurred vision, possibility of increased blood pressure
what does optic beta blockers treat? -Correct Answer ✔glaucoma
optic beta blocker -Correct Answer ✔timolol maleate (timoptic solution)
what is the action of timolol maleate (timoptic solution) -Correct Answer ✔lowers
intraocular pressure
adverse effects of optic beta blocker -Correct Answer ✔eye irritation, blurred vision,
reduced heart rate and blood pressure, confusion
od -Correct Answer ✔right eye
os -Correct Answer ✔left eye
ou -Correct Answer ✔both eyes
What do mydriatics do for the eye? -Correct Answer ✔Dilate the pupil (My "D"riatic "D"
for dilate)
what is the action of optic lubricants -Correct Answer ✔soothes and lubricates dry eyes
Meniere's disease cause -Correct Answer ✔chronic disturbance of the inner ear with
soecific cause undetermined
symptoms of menieres disease -Correct Answer ✔dizziness, runging in the ears,
nausea and vomiting, loss of hearing as part of the disease process
treatment of menieres disease -Correct Answer ✔restrictions on salt and caffeine, may
be treated with diuretics and antiemetics
What is cystitis? -Correct Answer ✔inflammation of the bladder
What is edema? -Correct Answer ✔- The excess accumulation of FLUID IN THE
intersitial TISSUE spaces.
edema is a symptom of -Correct Answer ✔congestive heart failure (CHF), and kidneys
not functioning properly
rate of kidney filtration declines -Correct Answer ✔effects of aging
QMA state test
, QMA state test
53% decrease in renal blood flow -Correct Answer ✔effects of aging
decrease in size and number of functioning nephrons -Correct Answer ✔effects of aging
weakening bladder muscles, causing incomplete emptying of the bladder and urinary
retention -Correct Answer ✔effects of aging
diminished kidney size -Correct Answer ✔effects of aging
impaired clearance of medications through the renal system -Correct Answer ✔effects
of aging
decreased ability to respond to variations in sodium intake -Correct Answer ✔effects of
Furosemide -Correct Answer ✔Lasix
hydrochlorothiazide -Correct Answer ✔Esidrix, Hydro-DIURIL
Spironolactone -Correct Answer ✔Aldactone
what is the action of aldactone -Correct Answer ✔increase urinary production
Bumetanide -Correct Answer ✔bumex
side effects of diuretics -Correct Answer ✔weakness, dry mouth, orthostatic
hypotension, headache and abnormal loss of potassium
nursing consideration for diuretics -Correct Answer ✔give with fluid, monotor for edema,
daily weight change if 2lbs is significant, confusion cramping and irregular heartbeat
may be sign of low potassium, encourage resident to eat healthy high potassium foods,
encourage resident to rise slow, obtain blood pressure weekly
hypo -Correct Answer ✔under
hyper -Correct Answer ✔over
ac -Correct Answer ✔before meals
respiratory rate for adults -Correct Answer ✔12-16 breaths per minute
pediculosis -Correct Answer ✔infestation with lice
QMA state test