Event Management Vocabulary
Accepted Practices Exchange (APEX) - correct answer An initiative of the meetings, conventions &
exhibitions industry managed by the Event Industry Council (EIC). APEX develops and manages the
implementation of accepted practices (voluntary standards) for the industry.
Banquet Event Order (BEO) - correct answer A form most often used by hotels to provide details to
personnel concerned with a specific food and beverage function or event room set-up.
Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) - correct answer the foremost certification program of todays
meetings, conventions, and exhibitions industry. The CMP program recognizes individuals who have
achieved the industries highest standard of professionalism
Certified Meeting Professional International Standards (CMP-IS) - correct answer
Conference - correct answer a participatory meeting designed for discussion, fact finding, problem
solving and consultation (2) event used by any organization to meet and exchange views, convey a
message, open a debate, or give publicity to some area of opinion on a specific issue. No tradition,
continuity, or periodicity is required to convene a conference. Although not generally limited in time,
conferences are usually of short duration with specific objectives
Convention - correct answer event where the primary activity of the attendees is to attend
educational sessions, participate in meetings/discussions, socialize, or attend other organized events.
There is a secondary exhibit component
Destination Management Company (DMC) - correct answer A professional services company
possessing extensive local knowledge, expertise and resources, specializing in the design and
implementation of events, activities, tours, transportation and program logistics.
Events Industry Council (EIC) - correct answer federation of national and international organizations
representing individuals, firms, or properties involved in the meetings, conventions, exhibitions, and
travel and tourism industries. Formerly the Convention Liaison Council
, Exhibition - correct answer Event at which products and services are displayed the primary activity of
attendees is visiting exhibits on the show floor. These events focus primarily on business to business
relationships (2) display of products or promotional materials for the purposes of public relations, sales,
and/or marketing
Exposition - correct answer Event at which products and services are displayed the primary activity of
attendees is visiting exhibits on the show floor. These events focus primarily on business to business
relationships (2) display of products or promotional materials for the purposes of public relations, sales,
and/or marketing
Knowledges, skills, and abilities (KSAs) - correct answer Knowledge, skills, and abilities
Meeting and Business Events Competency Standards (MBECS) - correct answer Meeting and Business
Event Competency Standards
Meetings, Expositions, Events, and Conventions (MEEC) - correct answer Meetings, expositions,
events, and conventions
Meeting - correct answer Event where the primary activity of the attendees is to attend educational
sessions, participate in meetings/discussions, socialize, or attend other organized events. There is no
exhibit component to this event.
air lift - correct answer The capacity of airlines flying into a destination in terms of the number of
flights and number of seats available
association - correct answer organized group of individuals and/or companies that band together to
accomplish a common purpose, usually to provide for the needs of its members. It is usually a nonprofit
continuing education units/credits (CEU) - correct answer Requirement of many professional groups
by which members must certify participation in formal education programs designed to maintain their
level of ability beyond their original certification date. CEUs are nonacademic credit. One CEU is
awarded every ten contact hours in an accredited program.