TestBank for Roach’s Introductory
Clinical Pharmacology 11th edition
100 correct answered
1. A nursing instructor is preparing a teaching plan for a group of nursing students about
pharmacology. When describing this topic, the instructor would focus the discussion on
which of the following as an essential aspect?
A) Drug name
B) Drug class
C) Drug action
D) Drug source
Ans: C
Pharmacology is the study of drugs and their action on living organisms. Thus, an
essential aspect of pharmacology is drug action. An understanding of the drug name,
drug class, and drug source is important, but the most critical aspect related to
pharmacology is how the drug acts in the body.
2. A nursing student is preparing to administer a prescribed drug to a patient. The student
reviews information about the drug and its actions. Which of the following would be the
best choice for obtaining this information? Select all that apply.
A) Nursing instructor
B) Nurse assigned to the patient
C) Clinical drug reference
D) Prescribing health care provider
E) Clinical pharmacist
Ans: C, E
Although the nursing student can ask the nursing instructor, the nurse assigned to the
patient, and the prescribing health care provider for information about the drug, the best
choices for drug information would include an appropriate drug reference and the
clinical pharmacist.
3. When describing the various types of medications to a group of nursing students, a
nursing instructor would identify which of the following as a source for deriving
medications? Select all that apply.
A) Plants
B) Synthetic sources
C) Mold
D) Minerals
E) Animals
Ans: A, B, C, D, E
Medications are derived from natural sources, for example, plants, molds, minerals, and
animals, as well as created synthetically in a laboratory.
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,TestBank for Roach’s Introductory
Clinical Pharmacology 11th edition
100 correct answered
4. Which of the following names may be assigned to a drug during the process of
development? Select all that apply.
A) Chemical name
B) Official name
C) Pharmacologic name
D) Trade name
E) Nonproprietary name
Ans: A, B, D, E
Throughout the process of development, drugs may have several names assigned to
them including a chemical name, a generic (nonproprietary) name, an official name, and
a trade or brand name.
5. A drug may be classified by which of the following? Select all that apply.
A) The chemical type of the drug's active ingredient
B) The way the drug is used to treat a specific condition
C) The generic name of the drug
D) The trade name of the drug
E) The nonproprietary name of the drug
Ans: A, B
A drug may be classified by the chemical type of the active ingredient or by the way it is
used to treat a particular condition. Generic, trade, and nonproprietary refer to how a
drug is named.
6. A group of nursing students are reviewing information about the process of drug
development in the United States. The students demonstrate understanding of this
process when they identify that which of the following categories are assigned by the
Food and Drug Administration to newly approved drugs? Select all that apply.
A) Metabolite
B) Noncontrolled substance
C) Prescription
D) Nonprescription
E) Controlled substance
Ans: C, D, E
Once drugs are approved for use, the FDA assigns the drug to one of the following
categories: prescription, nonprescription, or controlled substance. Metabolite refers to
the inactive form of the drug. Noncontrolled substance is a term that is not used.
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,TestBank for Roach’s Introductory
Clinical Pharmacology 11th edition
100 correct answered
7. Which oof othe ofollowing owould obe omost oimportant ofor othe onurse oto odo oto
oensure othe osafeouse oof oprescription odrugs oin othe oinstitutional osetting? oSelect oall
othat oapply.
A) Administering odrugs
B) Monitoring oclients ofor odrug oeffects
C) Prescribing odrugs
D) Evaluating oclients ofor otoxic oeffects
E) Educating oclients/caregivers oabout
odrugsoAns: o A, oB, oD, oE
In othe oinstitutional osetting, othe onurse's orole oto oensure osafe ouse oof oprescription
odrugs oincludes oadministering odrugs, omonitoring odrug oeffects, oevaluating ofor otoxic
oeffects, oandoeducating oclients oand ocaregivers oabout odrugs.
8. The onurse ois ohelping oa oclient oreview oa oprescription ofrom othe ohealth ocare
oprovider. oWhenoexamining othe oprescription, owhich oof othe ofollowing owould othe
onurse oexpect oto ofind odocumented? o Select oall othat oapply.
A) Name oof othe odrug
B) Dosage oof othe odrug
C) Route oof odrug oadministration
D) Times oof odrug oadministration
E) Licensed oprescriber's
osignatureoAns: o A, oB, oC, oD, oE
The oprescription omust ocontain othe oclient's oname, othe oname oof othe odrug, othe
odosage, otheomethod oand otimes oof oadministration, oand othe osignature oof othe
olicensed ohealth ocare oprovider oprescribing othe odrug.
9. After oteaching oa ogroup oof onursing ostudents oabout ononprescription odrugs, othe
onursing oinstructor odetermines othat othe oteaching owas osuccessful owhen othe ostudents
oidentify owhichoof othe ofollowing? o Select oall othat oapply.
A) They orequire oa olicensed ohealth ocare oprovider's osignature.
B) They oare oreferred oto oas oover-the-counter odrugs.
C) They ocan obe otaken owithout orisk oto othe oclient.
D) They ohave ocertain olabeling orequirements.
E) They oshould obe otaken oonly oas odirected oon othe
olabel.oAns: o B, oD, oE
Nonprescription odrugs oare ooften oreferred oto oas oover-the-counter o(OTC) odrugs.
oThey odo onot orequire oa oprescription o(a olicensed ohealth ocare oprovider's osignature)
obut odo onot ocome owithout orisk oto othe oclient. oThe ofederal ogovernment ohas
oimposed olabeling orequirements oofoOTC odrugs oand othey oshould oonly obe otaken oas
odirected oon othe olabel ounless ounder othe osupervision oof oa ohealth ocare oprovider.
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, TestBank for Roach’s Introductory
Clinical Pharmacology 11th edition
100 correct answered
10. A onursing ostudent ois oreviewing oinformation oabout othe oControlled oSubstances
oAct oof o1970. oThe ostudent owould oexpect oto ofind owhich oof othe ofollowing oas
obeing oregulated oforodrugs oclassified oas ocontrolled osubstances? o Select oall othat
A) Manufacturing
B) Elimination
C) Distribution
D) Formulation
E) Dispensing
oAns: o A, oC, oE
The oControlled oSubstances oAct oof o1970 oregulates othe omanufacture, odistribution,
oand odispensing oof odrugs oclassified oas ocontrolled osubstances. oElimination orefers
oto othe oexcretion oof odrugs ofrom othe obody, oa opharmacokinetic oactivity. oThe oact
odoes onot oaddressoformulation oof othe odrug.
11. When oreviewing oinformation oabout othe oOrphan oDrug oProgram, owhich oof othe
ofollowingowould othe onurse oexpect oto ofind? o Select oall othat oapply.
A) The oprogram oencourages othe odevelopment oand omarketing oof oproducts oto
otreat orareodiseases.
B) The oprogram ogrants oprovisional oapproval owith oa owritten ocommitment
ofrom otheodrug ocompany oto oformally odemonstrate oclient obenefits.
C) The oprogram oprovides ofor oincentives, osuch oas oresearch ogrants, oprotocol
oassistance,oand ospecial otax ocredits, oto odevelop oproducts oto otreat orare
D) The oprogram ogrants o7 oyears oof oexclusive omarketing orights oto othe
omanufacturer oifoapproved.
E) The oprogram oaccelerates oapproval oof odrugs obased oon opreliminary oevidence
obeforeoformal odemonstration oof oclient obenefits.
Ans: o A, oC, oD
The oOrphan oDrug oProgram oencourages othe odevelopment oand omarketing oof
oproducts ousedoto otreat orare odiseases. oThe oprogram oprovides oincentives oto
oencourage omanufacturers oto odevelop oorphan odrugs, oand oif oapproved, othe
omanufacturer ohas o7 oyears oof oexclusive omarketing orights. oAccelerated oprograms
oinvolve oprovisional oapproval oand oapproval obased oon opreliminary oevidence.
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