Phil101 yates jmu final exam fall 2024 questions and correct solutions
1. Key terms
2. Aporia Greektermforanexperienceinwhichwearriveatastateof
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confusion when we realize that we
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hold contradictory viewpoints and/or premises.It's dis-
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tressing but important and productive.
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Socratesemployedthe'AporeticMethod'inordertobringthis ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e
about in people as a way of
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motivating the pursuit of wisdom. ,e ,e ,e ,e
3. Epistemology Thebranchofphilosophythatfocusesontryingtounder-
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stand how we can best determine
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knowledge claims, truths, and the limits/possibilities ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e
ofhuman understanding.It's often referred to
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as 'Theories of Knowledge," and evaluates
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differentclaims about what counts as justified
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'knowledge' as opposed to mere 'opinions.' ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e
4. Metaphysics Thebranchofphilosophythatfocusesontryingtounder-
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stand (and make arguments about) the
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nature of existence/reality and the human place in it.
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While it includes ancient questions like "is their
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one substance at the root of all things?," it is also inter-
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ested in things that are not just of a
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'physicalist'nature,suchas"What'sthenature ofWill?Ofthe ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e
Soul? And is there a reality behind the
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realm of Appearances? ,e ,e
5. Premise A principle or assumption lying at the foundations of a
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viewpoint or claim. ,e ,e
6. subjectivity Personhood.Where a person is a "subject" in the sense ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e
of the subject of existence.
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7. Telos/teleologi- cal
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, GreektermreferringtoPurpose-seekinginlife.Itcontainsthe
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idea that a part of being a person (a
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8. Action
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, Arendt'stermforthecategoryofhumanlivinginwhichweexpr ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e
ess ourselves to the world and
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involve ourselves in society through speech and deeds.Itis ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e
ongoing, a part of our unfolding 'story',
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and insert ourselves into the social
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roach it responsibly. She also names two unique forms of
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Action that we need in life generally, and whichcan help set
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the Political on a proper course: mak- ing/keeping
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Promises, and Forgiving.
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9. Approximation Kierkegaard's term for the best that an Objective ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e
(logical)approach to the question of religious truth can do.
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Being'objective' about such things is fine up to a point, but
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it willonlyevergetyouan'approximate'senseoftherealityof
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God and the truth of faith. By contrast, 'subjective' certainty
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needed.(See Passion, Inwardness, Paradox, and Objec- ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e
tive vs.Subjective Faith.)
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10. Cosmology We looked at this specifically in relation to Native Ameri-
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can Philosophy's version of metaphysics,
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although Cosmology is also found in other forms of phi- ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e
losophy.It includes the study of the overall
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nature of reality (metaphysics), but it emphasizes a spiri-
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tual dimension in this reality.Thus, Native
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American cosmology sees the 'sacred' in all things ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e
andplaces.(See Great Spirit.
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11. FourNoble
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12. Free-Will Argu- ,e
ment (in
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question of
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