B.COM n(H) n– nGE- n4 n- nSemester nIV
Dr.Rashmi nRanjeeta nDas
Edited nBy:
Dr.Sujit nKumar nAcharya
nDr.Biswo nRanjan
Directorate nof nDistance n& nContinuing nEducation
Principles nof nMarketing
Objective: nThe nobjective nof nthis ncourse nis nto nprovide nbasic nknowledge nof
nconcepts, nprinciples, ntools nand ntechniques nof nmarketing.
Unit nI: nIntroduction:
Nature, nscope nand nimportance nof nmarketing; nSelling nvs nMarketing; nMarketing
nmix, nMarketing nenvironment: nconcept, nimportance, nand ncomponents n(Economic,
nDemographic, nTechnological, nNatural, nSocio-Cultural nand nLegal).
Consumer nBehaviour nand nMarket nsegmentation:
Consumer nBehaviour: nNature nand nImportance, nFactors ninfluencing nconsumer
nbuying nbehaviour. Market segmentation: concept,
importance and bases; Productndifferentiation
nvs. nmarket nsegmentation.
Unit nII: nProduct:
Concept nand nimportance, nProduct nclassifications; nConcept nof nproduct nmix;
nBranding,npackaging nand nlabeling; nProduct nlife-cycle; nNew nProduct
nDevelopment nProcess
Unit nIII: nPricing, nDistribution nChannels nand nPhysical nDistribution
Pricing: nSignificance, nFactors naffecting nprice nof na nproduct, nPricing npolicies nand
nstrategies, nDistribution nChannels nand nPhysical nDistribution: nChannels nof
ndistribution n- nmeaning nand nimportance; nTypes nof ndistribution nchannels; nFactors
naffecting nchoice nof ndistribution nchannel
Unit nIV: nPromotion nand nRecent ndevelopments nin nmarketing:
Promotion: nNature nand nimportance nof npromotion; nCommunication nprocess;
nTypes nof npromotion: nadvertising, npersonal nselling, npublic nrelations n& nsales
npromotion, nand ntheir ndistinctive n characteristics. n Recent n developments n in
n marketing: n Social n Marketing,nonline n marketing, n direct n marketing, n services
n marketing, n green n marketing, n Ruralnmarketing; nConsumerism
Learning noutcome: nAfter nthe ncompletion nof nthis npaper, nthe nstudents nwill nable
nto nidentify nmarketing ncomponents nand nfit nthem nin nthe nvalue nchain nalong nwith
nthe nvarious nmarketing nstrategies.
Text nBooks nRecommended
1. Marketing nPrinciples nand nManagement-Sherleker nand nPany-- nHimalaya
2. Kotler, nPhilip, nGary nArmstrong, nPrafulla nAgnihotri nand nAhsanUlHaque.
nPrinciplesofnMarketing. n13thedition. nPearson nEducation.
Suggested nReadings:
,1. Principles nof nMarketing, nBajaj, nKaur, nKalyani nPublishers, nNew nDelhi.
, 2. Principles nof nMarketing n, nR.K. nMittal n, nA. nSharma, nV n.K. nGlobal nPub. nPvt.
nLtd, nNewnDelhi.
3. Marketing nManagement n& nHuman nResource nManagement: nVerma net.al,
nOxfordnUniversity nPress.
4. Lamb, nC. nW., nHair, nJ.F. nand nSharma, nD. nMKTG, nCengage nLearning
5. Principles nof nMarketing nM nK nNabi, nK nC nRaut, nVrinda nPublications n(P) nLtd
6. Arun n Kumar n – n Marketing n management n – n Vikash n Publication
7. Rudani n R.B n – n Basics n of n Marketing n Management n – n S. n Chand
8. Majaro, nSimon. nThe nEssence nof nMarketing. nPrentice nHall, nNew nDelhi.
9. Zikmund nWilliam nG. nand nMichael nD’Amico. nMarketing; nCreating nand
nKeepingnCustomers nin nan nE-Commerce nWorld. nThomson nLearning.
10. Chhabra, n T.N., n and n S. n K. n Grover. n Marketing n Management. n Fourth
n Edition.nDhanpatRai& nCompany.