length of menstral cycle - ANS ✓21-45 days (average is 28 days)
menstruation cycle - ANS ✓menstruation (1-5 days), endometrial
proliferation/production of estrogen (days vary), maturation of ovarian follicle,
and release of LH (ovulation)
normal position of uterus - ANS ✓slightly anteverted and anteflexed, cervix
retroversion of uterus (abnormal) - ANS ✓uterus tipped posteriorly, marked
retroversion may cause back pain, dysmenorrhea, and dyspareunia
stages of uterine prolapse - ANS ✓1st degree (uterus enters vagina, cervix
drops into vagina), 2nd degree (uterus drops through vagina, cervix lies at
opening), 3rd degree (uterus/cervix protrude through vaginal orifice)
rectocele - ANS ✓protrusion of rectum into posterior vagina
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cystocele - ANS ✓protrusion of bladder into anterior vagina
amenorrhea - ANS ✓absence of menstruation
dysmenorrhea - ANS ✓painful menstruation
menorrhagia - ANS ✓increased amount of duration of flow
metrorrhagia - ANS ✓bleeding between cycles
polymenorrhea - ANS ✓short cycles of less than 3 weeks
oligomenorrhea - ANS ✓long cycles of more than 6 weeks
endometriosis - ANS ✓endometrial tissue occurs outside the uterus
might occur due to cyclical hormone changes - ANS ✓endometriosis
candidiasis - ANS ✓form of vaginitis that is not sexually transmitted
causative organism of candidiasis - ANS ✓fungus candida albicans
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pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) - ANS ✓infection of uterus, fallopian tubes,
and/or ovaries
about PID - ANS ✓acute or chronic, ascending infection from lower reproductive
tract, usually arises from sexually transmitted diseases, nonsterile abortions, or
potential acute complications of PID - ANS ✓peritonitis, pelvic abscesses, and
septic shock
signs of PID - ANS ✓pelvic pain is INITIAL sign, increased temp, GUARDING,
nausea/vomiting, leukocytosis, purulent discharge
fibrocystic breast disease - ANS ✓cyclic occurence of nodules or masses in
breast tissue (broad range of breast changes, atypical cells cause increased risk of
breast cancer)
carcinoma of the breast - ANS ✓most cases ages 50-69, unilateral tumors
predisposing factors of breast cancer - ANS ✓first degree relative with
disease, strong genetic predisposition, longer/higher exposure to estrogen,
nulliparous (late first pregnancy), lack of EXERCISE, SMOKING, high-FAT diet
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signs/symptoms of breast cancer - ANS ✓change in mammogram, a single,
small, hard, painless nodule initially. Later, distortion of breast tissue, dimpled
skin, and discharge from nipple may occur
course of breast cancer - ANS ✓metastasis occurs when tumor is 1-2cm,
axillary lymph node involvement, secondary tumors in bone, lung, brain, and
carcinoma of the cervix - ANS ✓caused by HPV infection
course of cervical cancer - ANS ✓early dysplasia of cells, in situ tumor on
mucosal surface, invasion to submucosa, invasion/spread to adjacent organs, late
risk factors of cervical cancer - ANS ✓<40yrs, HPV infection (STD), multiple
partners, early sexual intercourse, smoking, and history of prior STDs
carcinoma of uterus - ANS ✓most common in postmenopausal women, painless
vaginal bleeding/spotting is an early indicator
pap smear - ANS ✓detects cervical cancer, NOT uterine cancer
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