Test Bank-
Abrams' Clinical Drug Therapy:
Rationales For Nursing Practice (Frandsen )
12th Edition
,Abrams' Clinical Drug Therapy: Rationales For Nursing Practice 12th
EditionFrandsen Test Bank
Chapter 1 The Foundation Of Pharmacology: Quality And Safety
A Woman Has Been Prescribed Paroxetine
Hydrochloride, Which Is An Antidepressant
Agent Administered In Pill Form. The
Medication Is Administered For Her
Compulsive Disorder. This Medication
WillProduce Which Of The Following
A) Curative
B) Systemic
C) Local
D) Parenteral
Ans: B
Drugs That Produce Systemic Effects Are
Taken Into The Body, Circulated Through The
Bloodstream To Their Sites Of Action In
Various Body Tissues, And Eventually
Eliminated From The Body. Curative Agents
Are Given To Cure A Disease Process. In
This Case, Paroxetine Hydrochloride Will
Control The Symptoms But Not Cure The
Disorder. Drugs With Local Effects,Such As
Sunscreen And Local Anesthetics, Act Mainly
At The Site Of Application. Paroxetine
Hydrochloride Is Not Administered
Parenterally. Parenteral Agents Are
Administered Subcutaneously,
Intramuscularly,Or Intravenously.
A Patient Has Been Prescribed An
Antibiotic. This Medication Is A Naturally
2. Occurring Substance That Has Been
Chemically Modified.
What Is Another Name For This
Type OfMedication?
A) Synthetic Drug
B) Semisynthetic Drug
C) Biotechnology Drug
D) Prototype Drug
Ans: B
, Semisynthetic Drugs (E.G., Many Antibiotics)
Are Naturally Occurring Substances That
Have Been Chemically Modified. Synthetic
Drugs AreMore Standardized In Their
Chemical Characteristics, More Consistent In
Their Effects, And Less Likely To Produce
Allergic Reactions. Biotechnology Drugs
Involve Manipulating Dna And Rna And
Recombining Genes Into Hybrid Molecules
That Can Be Inserted Into Living Organisms.
Prototype Drugs Are The First Drug
Of AParticular Group To Be
A Patient Is Administered Morphine.
MorphineIs A Prototypical Drug That Can Be
Classified In
Different Ways. Which Of The
FollowingClassifications Applies To
A) Central Nervous System Depressant
B) Central Nervous System Stimulant
C) Anti-Inflammatory
D) Antihypertensive
Ans: A
Drugs Are Classified According To Their
Effects On Particular Body Systems, Their
Therapeutic Uses, And Their Chemical
Characteristics. For Example, Morphine Can
Be Classified As A Central Nervous System
Depressant And A Narcotic Or Opioid
Analgesic. A Central NervousSystem
Stimulant Increases Attention And Raises
Mood. An Anti-Inflammatory Agent
Decreases Inflammation At The Site Of
Tissue Or Joint Inflammation. An
Antihypertensive Agent Reduces Blood
A Patient Is Administered Amoxicillin
(Amoxil). The Generic Name Of This
Medication Indicates That It Belongs To
WhichDrug Group?
A) Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
B) Diuretics
C) Penicillins
D) Ace Inhibitors
, Ans: C
The Generic Name Often Indicates The Drug
Group (E.G., Drugs With Generic Names
Ending In ―Cillin‖ Are Penicillins). Selective
Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors Are
Medications That Have Antidepressant
Effects; Ssri Is A Broad Classification, Not A
Generic Name. Diuretics Are Medications
That Increase Urine Output; Diuretic Is A
Broad Classification, Not A GenericName.
Ace Inhibitor Is The Broad Classification For
The Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme
Inhibitors, Not The Generic Name.
The Administration Of Diphenhydramine
(Benadryl), Which Is An Over-The-Counter
Medication, Is Regulated By Which
A) Public Health Service
B) Federal Trade Commission
Occupational Safety And Health
D) Food And Drug Administration
Ans: D
The Food And Drug Administration
ApprovesDrugs For Over-The-Counter
Availability, Including The Transfer Of
Drugs From Prescription To Otc Status, And
May Require Clinical Trials To Determine
The Safety And Effectiveness Of Otc Use.
The Public HealthService Is Regulated By
The State To Maintain The Health Of
Individual Citizens Of The State. The
Federal Trade Commission Regulates
Imports And Exports Throughout The
The Occupational Safety And Health
Administration Regulates Safety Within
The Administration Of Anabolic Steroids
Is Regulated By Which Of The Following
A) The Food, Drug, And Cosmetic Act Of 1938
The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention
And Control Act