d l d l
d l
,Inclusive dlof dlChapters dl1-
CHAPTER 01: The Science of Psychology
dl dl dl dl dl
1. Which dlof dlthe dlfollowing dlis dlthe dlbest dldefinition dlof d l psychological dlscience?
A. the dlstudy dlof dlthe dlbrain dland dlits
d ion
B. the dlstudy dlof dlthe dlmind, dlthe
d nd dlthought dlprocesses
C. the dlstudy dlof dlthe dlmind, dlthe
d nd dlbehavior
D. the dlstudy dlof dlthe dlmind, dlthe
d nd dlbehavior
ANS: d l C DIF: Easy REF: d l 1.1 d l What d l Is dl Psychological
d l Science?lO
d BJ: dl dl 1.1A NAT: d l APA dlGoal dl1, dlKnowledge dlBase dlin dlPsychology
MSC: dlRemembering
2. Psychological dl science dlis dlthe dlstudy dlof:
A. the dlmind. C. behavior.
B. the dlbrain. D. all dlof dlthe dlabove.
ANS: d l D DIF: Easy REF: d l 1.1 d l What d l Is dlPsychological
d l Science?lO
d BJ: dl d l 1.1A NAT: d l APA dlGoal dl1, dlKnowledge dlBase dlin dlPsychology
MSC: dlRemembering
3. Trying dlto dlunderstand dlthe dlrelationship dlbetween dlthe dlactions dlof dlneurons
dland dlalt
d hought dlis dlan dlexample dlof dlthe dlconnection dlbetween:
A. the dlbrain dland C. genes dland
d ind. dltheld
B. nature dland D. the dlbrain
ture. dlandld
ANS: d l A DIF: Moderate REF: d l 1.1 d l What d l Is dlPsychological
d l Science?lO
d BJ: dl d l 1.1A NAT: d l APA dlGoal dl1, dlKnowledge dlBase dlin dlPsychology
MSC: dlApplying
4. Based dlon dlyour dltextbook‘s dldefinition dlof dl psychology, dlwhich dlstatement
dl best dl re-lf
d lects dlthe dlrelationship dlbetween dlthe dlmind dland dlthe dlbrain?
A. The dl brain dl is dlthe dl same dlthing d l as
d l thelm
d ind.
, B. The dlbrain dlinfluences dlthe dlmind.
C. The dlbrain dlis dlunrelated dlto dlthe dlmind.
D. The dlbrain dlreflects dlthe dlmind.
ANS: d l B DIF: Moderate REF: d l 1.1 d l What d l Is dlPsychological
d l Science?lO
d BJ: dl d l 1.1A NAT: d l APA dlGoal dl1, dlKnowledge dlBase dlin dlPsychology
MSC: dlApplying
5. Barry d l and d l Candace d l are d l disagreeing. d l Barry d l states d l that d l psychology d l is
d l the d l studylo
d f dlthe dlmind. dlCandace dlbelieves dlthat dlpsychology dlis dlthe dlscience
dlof dlbehavior. dlGiven d l your d l knowledge d l of d l psychology, d l how d l would d l you
d l resolve d l this d l argument?
A. Barry d l is dlcorrect. dlPsychology
dl onlyld
studies dlthe dlmind.
B. Candace d l is dl correct. d l Psychology
d l onlyld
studies dlbehavior.
C. Both dlare dl correct. dlPsychology
dl studiesld
both dlthe dlmind dland
D. Both dlare dlincorrect. dlPsychology
dl onlyls
d tudies dlemotions.
ANS: d l C DIF: Difficult REF: d l 1.1 d l What d l Is dl Psychological
d l Science?lO
d BJ: dl dl 1.1A NAT: d l APA dlGoal dl1, dlKnowledge dlBase dlin dlPsychology
MSC: dlUnderstanding
6. Allanah dlis dla dlpsychology dlmajor. dlWhich dlof dlthe dlfollowing dlbest dldescribes
dlwhat dlAl-ll
d anah dlwill dllearn dlabout?
A. the dlstructure dland dlfunction dlof
d rain
B. mental dldisorders dland dltheir
C. feelings dland dlother dlsubjective
dl states
D. the dlmind, dlthe dlbrain, dland dlbehavior
ANS: d l D DIF: Easy REF: d l 1.1 d l What d l Is dlPsychological
d l Science?lO
d BJ: dl d l 1.1A NAT: d l APA dlGoal dl1, dlKnowledge dlBase dlin dlPsychology
MSC: dlUnderstanding
7. For dlmuch dlof dl its dl history, d l psychologists dlfocused d l mostly dl on:
A. the dlbrain. C. behaviors.
B. disorders. D. the dlmind.
ANS: d l C DIF: Moderate REF: d l 1.1 d l What d l Is dl Psychological
d l Science?lO
d BJ: dl dl 1.1A NAT: d l APA dlGoal dl1, dlKnowledge dlBase dlin dlPsychology
MSC: dlRemembering
, 8. Which dlof dlthe dlfollowing dlis dlan dlexample dlof dla dlpsychologist dlwho dlis dlstudying
A. Dr. dlChu, dlwho dlstudies dlhow
dlweather dlinfluences dlchildren‘s
dlactions dlon dltheld
B. Dr. dlWell, dlwho dlstudies dlneural
during dlsleep dlcycles dlof
dlelderly dl adults
C. Dr. dlMann, dlwho dlstudies dlthe
dlaccuracylod f dltraumatic dlmemories
dlover dltime
D. Dr. dlEast, dlwho dlstudies dlthe dlfacial
d ressions dl of dl relationship
dlpartners dlduring dla dlfight
ANS: d l C DIF: Difficult REF: d l 1.1 d l What d l Is dl Psychological
d l Science?lO
d BJ: d l 1.1A
NAT: d l APA dlGoal dl1, dlKnowledge dlBase dlin dlPsychology dl| dlAPA dlGoal dl5,
dlProfessionalld Development
MSC: dlApplying
9. Which dlof dlthe dlfollowing dlis dlan dlexample dlof dla dlpsychologist dlwho dlis dlstudying
A. Dr. dlFields, dlwho dlstudies dlthe
d ng dlhabits dlof dlimpulsive
dl individuals
B. Dr. dlJoe, dlwho dlstudies dlhow dlneural
d ivity d l changes dl as d l newborn
d l babies dldevelop
C. Dr. dlPerez, dlwho dlstudies dlhow dlour
d ngs dl can dlinfluence dl our
dlthought dl pro- dlcesses
D. Dr. dlLadd, dlwho dlstudies dlthe
d ctivities dlof dlprofessional
ANS: d l B DIF: Moderate REF: d l 1.1 d l What d l Is dlPsychological
d l Science?ld
OBJ: d l 1.1A
NAT: d l APA dlGoal dl1, dlKnowledge dlBase dlin dlPsychology dl| dlAPA dlGoal dl5,
MSC: dlApplying
10. Which dlof dlthe dlfollowing dlis dlan dlexample dlof dla dlpsychologist dlwho dlis dlstudying
A. Dr. dlWick, dlwho dlstudies dlhow
d mells dl can dl trigger
dl certain d l feelings
B. Dr. dlWoods, dlwho dlstudies dlpatterns
neural dlactivity dlrelated dlto dldrug
C. Dr. dlPaul, dlwho dlstudies dlthe dlthought