,Principles dlof dlPediatric dlNursing: dlCaring dlfor dlChildren, dl7e dl(Ball dlet dlal.)
Chapter dl1 d l d l Nurse's dlRole dlin dlCare dlof dlthe dlChild: dlHospital, dlCommunity, dland dlHome
1) Which dlnursing dlrole dlis dlnot dldirectly dlinvolved dlwhen dlproviding dlfamily-centered dlapproach
dlto dlthe dlpediatric dlpopulation? d l 1. dlAdvocacy
2. Case dlmanagement
3. Patient dleducation
4. Researcher
Answer: d l 4
Explanation: d l 1. dlA dlresearcher dlis dlnot dlinvolved dlin dlthe dlfamily-centered dlapproach dlto dlpatient dlcare
dlof dlchildren dland dltheir dlfamilies. dlAdvocacy, dlcase dlmanagement, dland dlpatient dleducation dlare dlall
dlroles dldirectly dlinvolved dlin dlthe dlcare dlof dlchildren dland dltheir dlfamilies.
2. A dlresearcher dlis dlnot dlinvolved dlin dlthe dlfamily-centered dlapproach dlto dlpatient dlcare dlof
dlchildren dland dltheir dlfamilies. dlAdvocacy, dlcase dlmanagement, dland dlpatient dleducation dlare dlall
dlroles dldirectly dlinvolved dlin dlthe dlcare dlof dlchildren dland dltheir dlfamilies.
3. A dlresearcher dlis dlnot dlinvolved dlin dlthe dlfamily-centered dlapproach dlto dlpatient dlcare dlof
dlchildren dland dltheir dlfamilies. dlAdvocacy, dlcase dlmanagement, dland dlpatient dleducation dlare dlall
dlroles dldirectly dlinvolved dlin dlthe dlcare dlof dlchildren dland dltheir dlfamilies.
4. A dlresearcher dlis dlnot dlinvolved dlin dlthe dlfamily-centered dlapproach dlto dlpatient dlcare dlof
dlchildren dland dltheir dlfamilies. dlAdvocacy, dlcase dlmanagement, dland dlpatient dleducation dlare dlall
dlroles dldirectly dlinvolved dlin dlthe dlcare dlof dlchildren dland dltheir dlfamilies.
Page dlRef: dl4
Cognitive dlLevel: d l Analyzing
Client dlNeed dl&Sub: d l Safe dland dlEffective dlCare dlEnvironment: dlManagement dlof dlCare
dlStandards: d l QSEN dlCompetencies: dlPatient-centered dlcare dl| dlAACN dlEssential
Essential dlII: dlBasic dlorganizational dland dlsystems dlleadership dlfor dlquality dlcare dland dlpatient dlsafety dl|
NLN dlCompetencies: dlProfessional dlidentity dl| dlNursing/Integrated dlConcepts: dlNursing dlProcess:
dlAssessment/Coordination dlof dlcare
Learning dlOutcome: d l LO dl1.2 dlCompare dlthe dlroles dlof dlnurses dlin dlchild
dlhealthcare. dlMNL dl LO: d l Family-centered dlcare
2) A dlnurse dlis dlworking dlwith dlpediatric dlclients dlin dla dlresearch dlfacility. dlThe dlnurse dlrecognizes
dlthat dlfederal dlguidelines dlare dlin dlplace dlthat dldelineate dlwhich dlpediatrics dlclients dlmust dlgive
dlassent dlfor dlparticipation dlin dlresearch dltrials. dlBased dlupon dlthe dlclient's dlage, dlthe dlnurse dlwould
dlseek dlassent dlfrom dlwhich dlchildren?
Select dlall dlthat dlapply.
1. The dlprecocious dl4-year-old dlcommencing dlas dla dlcystic dlfibrosis dlresearch-study dlparticipant.
2. The dl7-year-old dlleukemia dlclient dlelecting dlto dlreceive dla dlnewly dldeveloped dlmedication, dlnow
dlbeing dlresearched.
3. The dl10-year-old dlcommencing dlin dlan dlinvestigative dlstudy dlfor dlclients dlwith dlprecocious dlpuberty.
4. The dl13-year-old dlclient dlcommencing dlparticipation dlin dla dlresearch dlprogram dlfor dlAttention
dlDeficit dlHyperactivity dlDisorder dl(ADHD) dltreatments.
Answer: d l 2, dl3, dl4
Explanation: d l 1. dlFederal dlguidelines dlmandate dlthat dlresearch dlparticipants dl7 dlyears dlold dland dlolder
dlmust dlreceive dldevelopmentally dlappropriate dlinformation dlabout dlhealthcare dlprocedures dland
dltreatments dland dlgive dlassent.
2. Federal dlguidelines dlmandate dlthat dlresearch dlparticipants dl7 dlyears dlold dland dlolder dlmust
dlreceive dldevelopmentally dlappropriate dlinformation dlabout dlhealthcare dlprocedures dland
dltreatments dland dlgive dlassent.
,3. Federal dlguidelines dlmandate dlthat dlresearch dlparticipants dl7 dlyears dlold dland dlolder dlmust
dlreceive dldevelopmentally dlappropriate dlinformation dlabout dlhealthcare dlprocedures dland
dltreatments dland dlgive dlassent.
4. Federal dlguidelines dlmandate dlthat dlresearch dlparticipants dl7 dlyears dlold dland dlolder dlmust
dlreceive dldevelopmentally dlappropriate dlinformation dlabout dlhealthcare dlprocedures dland
dltreatments dland dlgive dlassent.
Page dlRef: dl11, dl12
Cognitive dlLevel: d l Applying
Client dlNeed dl&Sub: d l Psychosocial dlIntegrity
Standards: d l QSEN dlCompetencies: dlPatient-centered dlcare dl| dlAACN dlEssential dlCompetencies:
dlEssential dlV: dlHealthcare dlpolicy, dlfinance, dland dlregulatory dlenvironments dl| dlNLN dlCompetencies:
dlNursing dljudgement dl| dlNursing/Integrated dlConcepts: dlNursing dlProcess: dlPlanning/Coordination
dlof dlcare
Learning dlOutcome: d l LO dl1.6 dlExamine dlthree dlunique dlpediatric dllegal dland dlethical dlissues dlin
dlpediatric dlnursing dlpractice.
MNL dlLO: d l Developmentally dlappropriate dlcare
3) The dlnurse dlin dla dlpediatric dlacute dlcare dlunit dlis dlassigned dlthe dlfollowing dltasks. dlWhich dltask dlis dlnot
appropriate dlfor dlthe dlnurse dlto dlcomplete?
1. Diagnose dlan dl8-year-old dlwith dlacute dlotitis dlmedia dland dlprescribe dlan dlantibiotic.
2. Listen dlto dlthe dlconcerns dlof dlan dladolescent dlabout dlbeing dlout dlof dlschool dlfor dla dllengthy
dlsurgical dlrecovery.
3. Provide dlinformation dlto dla dlmother dlof dla dlnewly dldiagnosed dl4-year-old dldiabetic dlabout
dllocal dlsupportgroup dloptions.
4. Diagnose dla dl6-year-old dlwith dlDiversional dlActivity dlDeficit dlrelated dlto dlplacement dlin
dlisolation. dlAnswer: d l 1
Explanation: d l 1. dlThe dlrole dlof dlthe dlpediatric dlnurse dlincludes dlproviding dlnursing dlassessment,
dldirecting dlnursing dlcare dlinterventions, dland dleducating dlclient dland dlfamily dlat dldevelopmentally
dlappropriate dllevels; dlclient dladvocacy, dlcase dlmanagement, dlminimization dlof dldistress, dland
dlenhancement dlof dlcoping. dlAdvanced dlpractice dlnurse dlpractitioners dlperform dlassessment,
dldiagnosis, dland dlmanagement dlof dlhealth dlconditions.
2. The dlrole dlof dlthe dlpediatric dlnurse dlincludes dlproviding dlnursing dlassessment, dldirecting
dlnursing dlcare dlinterventions, dland dleducating dlclient dland dlfamily dlat dldevelopmentally dlappropriate
dllevels; dlclient dladvocacy, dlcase dlmanagement, dlminimization dlof dldistress, dland dlenhancement dlof
dlcoping. dlAdvanced dlpractice dlnurse dlpractitioners dlperform dlassessment, dldiagnosis, dland
dlmanagement dlof dlhealth dlconditions.
3. The dlrole dlof dlthe dlpediatric dlnurse dlincludes dlproviding dlnursing dlassessment, dldirecting
dlnursing dlcare dlinterventions, dland dleducating dlclient dland dlfamily dlat dldevelopmentally dlappropriate
dllevels; dlclient dladvocacy, dlcase dlmanagement, dlminimization dlof dldistress, dland dlenhancement dlof
dlcoping. dlAdvanced dlpractice dlnurse dlpractitioners dlperform dlassessment, dldiagnosis, dland
dlmanagement dlof dlhealth dlconditions.
4. The dlrole dlof dlthe dlpediatric dlnurse dlincludes dlproviding dlnursing dlassessment, dldirecting
dlnursing dlcare dlinterventions, dland dleducating dlclient dland dlfamily dlat dldevelopmentally dlappropriate
dllevels; dlclient dladvocacy, dlcase dlmanagement, dlminimization dlof dldistress, dland dlenhancement dlof
dlcoping. dlAdvanced dlpractice dlnurse dlpractitioners dlperform dlassessment, dldiagnosis, dland
dlmanagement dlof dlhealth dlconditions. dlPage dlRef: dl2-4
Cognitive dlLevel: d l Applying
Client dlNeed dl&Sub: d l Safe dland dlEffective dlCare dlEnvironment: dlManagement dlof dlCare
dlStandards: d l QSEN dlCompetencies: dlPatient-centered dlcare dl| dlAACN dlEssential
Essential dlII: dlBasic dlorganizational dland dlsystems dlleadership dlfor dlquality dlcare dland dlpatient dlsafety
dl| dlNLN dlCompetencies: dlProfessional dlidentity dl | dlNursing/Integrated dlConcepts: dlNursing
, Implementation/Coordination dlof dlcare
Learning dlOutcome: d l LO dl1.2 dlCompare dlthe dlroles dlof dlnurses dlin dlchild
dlhealthcare. dlMNL dl LO: d l Pediatric dlnursing dlcare
4) A dl7-year-old dlchild dlis dladmitted dlfor dlacute dlappendicitis. dlThe dlparents dlare dlquestioning dlthe
dlnurse dlabout dlexpectations dlduring dlthe dlchild's dlrecovery. dlWhich dlinformation dltool dlwould dlbe
dlmost dluseful dlin dlanswering dla dlparent's dlquestions dlabout dlthe dltiming dlof dlkey dlevents?
1. Healthy dlPeople dl2020
2. Clinical dlpathways
3. Child dlmortality dlstatistics
4. National dlclinical dlpractice
dlguidelines dlAnswer: d l 2
Explanation: d l 1. dlClinical dlpathways dlare dlinterdisciplinary dldocuments dlprovided dlby dla dlhospital
dlto dlsuggest dlideal dlsequencing dland dltiming dlof dlevents dland dlinterventions dlfor dlspecific dldiseases dlto
dlimprove dlefficiency dlof dlcare dland dlenhance dlrecovery. dlThis dlpathway dlserves dlas dla dlmodel
dloutlining dlthe dltypical dlhospital dlstay dlfor dlindividuals dlwith dlspecified dlconditions. dlHealthy
dlPeople dl2020 dlcontains dlobjectives dlset dlby dlthe dlU.S. dlgovernment dlto dlimprove dlthe dlhealth dland
dlreduce dlthe dlincidence dlof dldeath dlin dlthe
twenty-first dlcentury. dlChild dlmortality dlstatistics dlcan dlbe dlcompared dlwith dlthose dlfrom dlother
dldecades dlfor dlthe dlevaluation dlof dlachievement dltoward dlhealth-care dlgoals. dlNational dlclinical
dlpractice dlguidelines dlpromote dluniformity dlin dlcare dlfor dlspecific dldisease dlconditions dlby
dlsuggesting dlexpected dloutcomes d l from dlspecific dlinterventions.
2. Clinical dlpathways dlare dlinterdisciplinary dldocuments dlprovided dlby dla dlhospital dlto dlsuggest
dlideal dlsequencing dland dltiming dlof dlevents dland dlinterventions dlfor dlspecific dldiseases dlto dlimprove
dlefficiency dlof dlcare dland dlenhance dlrecovery. dlThis dlpathway dlserves dlas dla dlmodel dloutlining dlthe
dltypical dlhospital dlstay dlfor dlindividuals dlwith dlspecified dlconditions. dlHealthy dlPeople dl2020
dlcontains dlobjectives dlset dlby dlthe dlU.S. dlgovernment dlto dlimprove dlthe dlhealth dland dlreduce dlthe
dlincidence dlof dldeath dlin dlthe dltwenty-first dlcentury. dlChild dlmortality dlstatistics dlcan dlbe dlcompared
dlwith dlthose dlfrom dlother dldecades dlfor dlthe dlevaluation dlof dlachievement dltoward dlhealth-care dlgoals.
dlNational dlclinical dlpractice dlguidelines dlpromote dluniformity dlin dlcare dlfor dlspecific dldisease
dlconditions dlby dlsuggesting dlexpected dloutcomes dlfrom dlspecific dlinterventions.
3. Clinical dlpathways dlare dlinterdisciplinary dldocuments dlprovided dlby dla dlhospital dlto dlsuggest
dlideal dlsequencing dland dltiming dlof dlevents dland dlinterventions dlfor dlspecific dldiseases dlto dlimprove
dlefficiency dlof dlcare dland dlenhance dlrecovery. dlThis dlpathway dlserves dlas dla dlmodel dloutlining dlthe
dltypical dlhospital dlstay dlfor dlindividuals dlwith dlspecified dlconditions. dlHealthy dlPeople dl2020
dlcontains dlobjectives dlset dlby dlthe dlU.S. dlgovernment dlto dlimprove dlthe dlhealth dland dlreduce dlthe
dlincidence dlof dldeath dlin dlthe dltwenty-first dlcentury. dlChild dlmortality dlstatistics dlcan dlbe dlcompared
dlwith dlthose dlfrom dlother dldecades dlfor dlthe dlevaluation dlof dlachievement dltoward dlhealth-care dlgoals.
dlNational dlclinical dlpractice dlguidelines dlpromote dluniformity dlin dlcare dlfor dlspecific dldisease
dlconditions dlby dlsuggesting dlexpected dloutcomes dlfrom dlspecific dlinterventions.
4. Clinical dlpathways dlare dlinterdisciplinary dldocuments dlprovided dlby dla dlhospital dlto dlsuggest
dlideal dlsequencing dland dltiming dlof dlevents dland dlinterventions dlfor dlspecific dldiseases dlto dlimprove
dlefficiency dlof dlcare dland dlenhance dlrecovery. dlThis dlpathway dlserves dlas dla dlmodel dloutlining dlthe
dltypical dlhospital dlstay dlfor dlindividuals dlwith dlspecified dlconditions. dlHealthy dlPeople dl2020
dlcontains dlobjectives dlset dlby dlthe dlU.S. dlgovernment dlto dlimprove dlthe dlhealth dland dlreduce dlthe
dlincidence dlof dldeath dlin dlthe dltwenty-first dlcentury. dlChild dlmortality dlstatistics dlcan dlbe dlcompared
dlwith dlthose dlfrom dlother dldecades dlfor dlthe dlevaluation dlof dlachievement dltoward dlhealth-care dlgoals.
dlNational dlclinical dlpractice dlguidelines dlpromote dluniformity dlin dlcare dlfor dlspecific dldisease
dlconditions dlby dlsuggesting dlexpected dloutcomes dlfrom dlspecific dlinterventions. dlPage dlRef: dl1, dl2
Cognitive dlLevel: d l Applying
Client dlNeed dl&Sub: d l Psychosocial dlIntegrity
Standards: d l QSEN dlCompetencies: dlPatient-centered dlcare dl| dlAACN dlEssential dlCompetencies: