San Antonio College
Department of Nursing Education
Generic Level 2
RNSG 1533 Health Care Concepts II
Exam 2 – Student Blueprint
Student Learning Outcome
Concept: Comfort
question items 1-10
1. Apply the nursing process with Exemplar: Post- Safe and Effective Nursing Process:
collaborative interventions for Operative Pain, Environment Planning See
individuals experiencing the listed Abdominal Surgery Comfort
exemplars. Focus: Therapeutic Module
nursing interventions for
2. Apply the nursing process with Exemplar: Sickle Cell Safe and Effective Nursing Process:
collaborative interventions for Disease Environment Assessment
individuals experiencing the listed Focus: Assessment of
exemplars. acute crisis
3. Apply the nursing process with Math Calculation Management of Care Nursing Process:
collaborative interventions for Intervention
individuals experiencing the listed
4. Apply the nursing process with Exemplar: Post- Physiological Integrity: Nursing Process:
collaborative interventions for Operative Pain, Basic Care and Comfort Teaching/
individuals experiencing the listed Abdominal Surgery Learning
exemplars. Focus: Patient
pharmacological pain
5. Apply the nursing process with Exemplar: Sickle Cell Management of Care Nursing Process:
collaborative interventions for Pain Assessment
individuals experiencing the listed Focus: Pain
exemplars. assessment tools.
6. Apply the nursing process with Exemplar: Renal Management of Care Nursing Process
collaborative interventions for Calculi (Acute Pain) Intervention
individuals experiencing the listed Focus: Assessment
7. Apply the nursing process with Exemplar: Reduction of risk Nursing Process:
collaborative interventions for Neuropathic Pain PVD potential Teaching Learning
individuals experiencing the listed Focus: Patient
exemplars. teaching/Evaluation
8. Apply the nursing process with Exemplar: Renal Physiological Adaptation Nursing Process:
collaborative interventions for Calculi (Acute Pain) & Intervention
individuals experiencing the listed Focus: Therapeutic Pharmacological
exemplars. nursing interventions Therapies
9. Apply the nursing process with Math Calculation Management of Care Nursing Process:
collaborative interventions for Intervention
,individuals experiencing the listed
10 .Apply the nursing process with Exemplar: Pharmacological Nursing Process:
collaborative interventions for Neuropathic Pain Therapies Intervention
individuals experiencing the listed Focus:
exemplars. Pharmacological Pain
Concept – Metabolism 11-28
11. Explain the correlation between Exemplar: Diabetes Physiological Nursing Process:
Healthy Heart Diet, Diabetic Diet, Mellitus Type 1 Integrity: Planning &Teaching
Malnutrition (Introduce Parenteral Focus: Types of Insulins Pharmacological & Learning
Nutrition), Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD), and Indications and Parenteral
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Therapies
(GERD) and Mal-absorption Syndromes Metabolism
(Gastrostomy and enteral feedings), Module
Starvation—Failure to Thrive, Infant References
Nutrition (Breast/Bottle. to the concept of
Nutrition (including compromised
antecedents, deficit measurements in
attributes, negative consequences and
interrelated concepts which may be
12. Apply the nursing process with Exemplar: Grave’s Disease Physiological Teaching/Learning
collaborative interventions for individuals Focus: Pharmacotherapy Integrity:
experiencing a metabolic imbalance Pharmacological
(Diabetes, Graves’ Disease, and Parenteral
Hypothyroidism) and to promote normal Therapies
metabolic regulation.
13. Explain the correlation between the Exemplar: Grave’s Disease Physiological Nursing Process:
above exemplars (Diabetes, Graves’ Focus: Signs & Symptoms Integrity: Assessment
Disease, and Hypothyroidism) to the Physiological
concept of Metabolism (including Adaptation
compromised antecedents, deficit
measurement in attributes, a list of
negative consequences, and the
interrelated concepts which may be
14. Explain the correlation between the Exemplar: Hypothyroidism Physiological Nursing Process:
above exemplars (Diabetes, Graves’ Focus: Signs and Integrity: Assessment
Disease, and Hypothyroidism) to the Symptoms Physiological
concept of Metabolism (including Adaptation
compromised antecedents, deficit
measurement in attributes, a list of
negative consequences, and the
interrelated concepts which may be
15. Apply the nursing process with Math Calculations Management of Nursing Process:
collaborative interventions for individuals Care Intervention
experiencing the listed exemplars.
16. Apply the nursing process with Math Calculations Management of Nursing Process:
collaborative interventions for individuals Care Intervention
experiencing the listed exemplars.
17. Apply the nursing process with Math Calculations Management of Nursing Process:
collaborative interventions for individuals Care Intervention
experiencing the listed exemplars.
18. Apply the nursing process with Exemplar: Hypothyroidism Pharmacological Nursing Process:
collaborative interventions for individuals Focus: Contraindicated Therapies Implementation
experiencing a metabolic imbalance medications
(Diabetes, Graves’ Disease,
Hypothyroidism) and to promote normal
metabolic regulation
19. Apply the nursing process with Exemplar: Hypothyroidism Health Promotion Nursing Process:
,collaborative interventions for individuals or Planning
experiencing a metabolic imbalance Hyperthyroidism
resulting in the listed exemplars to Focus: Nutrition
promote normal Metabolic regulation.
20. Explain the correlation between the Exemplar: Diabetes Reduction of Risk Nursing Process:
above exemplars (Diabetes, Graves’ Mellitus Potential Assessment
Disease, Hypothyroidism) to the concept Focus: Hypoglycemia
of Metabolism (including compromised Assessment
antecedents, deficit measurement in
attributes, a list of negative consequences,
and the interrelated concepts which may
be involved).
21. Apply the nursing process with Exemplar: Type 2 Diabetes Pharmacological & Teaching/Learning
collaborative interventions for individuals Mellitus Parenteral Therapies
experiencing a metabolic imbalance Focus: Antidiabetic
(Diabetes, Graves’ Disease, agents(Oral)
Hypothyroidism) and to promote normal /Mechanism of Action
metabolic regulation
22. Apply the nursing process with Exemplar: Type 1 Diabetes Pharmacological & Teaching/Learning
collaborative interventions for individuals Mellitus Parenteral Therapies
experiencing a metabolic imbalance Focus: Hypoglycemia
(Diabetes, Graves’ Disease, management
Hypothyroidism) and to promote normal
metabolic regulation
23. Explain the correlation between the Exemplar: Type 1 Diabetes Physiological Nursing Process:
above exemplars (Diabetes, Graves’ Mellitus integrity: Application
Disease, Hypothyroidism) to the concept Focus: Pharmacologic Physiological
of Metabolism (including compromised management / self- care Adaptation
antecedents, deficit measurement in
attributes, a list of negative consequences,
and the interrelated concepts which may
be involved).
24. Explain the correlation between the Exemplar: Type 1 & 2 Physiological Nursing Process:
above exemplars (Diabetes, Graves’ Diabetes Mellitus integrity: Reduction Interventions
Disease, Hypothyroidis) to the concept of Focus: Diabetes of Risk Potential
Metabolism (including compromised complications DKA + HHN
antecedents, deficit measurement in
attributes, a list of negative consequences,
and the interrelated concepts which may
be involved).
25. Explain the correlation between the Exemplar: Type 2 Diabetes Physiological Teaching/Learning
above exemplars (Diabetes, Graves’ Mellitus integrity:
Disease, Hypothyroidism) to the concept Focus: Teaching & Physiological
of Metabolism (including compromised Evaluation of Self-Care Adaptation
antecedents, deficit measurement in Management
attributes, a list of negative consequences,
and the interrelated concepts which may
be involved).
26. Apply the nursing process with Exemplar: Type 2 Diabetes Physiological Nursing Process:
collaborative interventions for individuals Mellitus Integrity: Assessment/Evaluation
experiencing a metabolic imbalance Focus: Medication Pharmacological
(Diabetes, Graves’ Disease, Metformin/adverse effects Therapies
Hypothyroidism) and to promote normal
metabolic regulation
27. Explain the correlation between the Exemplar: Gestational Physiological Teaching/ Learning
listed exemplars to the concept of Diabetes Integrity:
Metabolism (including compromised Focus: Risk Factors Physiological
antecedents, deficit measurement in Adaptation
attributes, a list of negative consequences,
and the interrelated concepts which may
be involved).
28. Identify conditions that place an Exemplar: Gestational Physiological Nursing Process:
individual at risk for imbalance leading to Diabetes Integrity: Assessment
a compromised metabolic regulation Focus: Fetal effects of Physiological
, resulting in Diabetes, Graves’ Disease, diabetes Adaptation
and Hypothyroidism.
Concept: Acid Base Balance
question items 29-38
29. Identify conditions that place an Exemplar: Metabolic Physiological Nursing Process:
individual at risk for imbalance leading to Acidosis Integrity: Assessment See Acid
a compromised concept(s) resulting in the Focus: DKA Physiological Base
listed exemplars. Adaptation Module
30. Apply the nursing process with Exemplar: Physiological Nursing Process:
collaborative interventions for individuals Respiratory Alkalosis Integrity: Assessment
experiencing the listed exemplars. Focus: Acid-Base Physiological
balance Adaptation
31. Apply the nursing process with Exemplar: Metabolic Physiological Nursing Process:
collaborative interventions for individuals Acidosis Integrity: Assessment
experiencing the listed exemplars. Focus: Acid-Base Physiological
balance Adaptation
32. Explain the correlation between the Exemplar: Physiological Nursing Process:
listed exemplars and the concept of Acid Respiratory Integrity: Assessment
Base Balance Acidosis/Alkalosis Physiological
Focus: Adaptation
33. Apply the nursing process with Exemplar: Metabolic Physiological Nursing Process:
collaborative interventions for individuals Acidosis Integrity: Assessment
experiencing the listed exemplars. Focus: ABG Physiological
interpretation Adaptation
34. Apply the nursing process with Exemplar: Metabolic Physiological Nursing Process:
collaborative interventions for individuals Alkalosis Integrity: Teaching and Learning
experiencing the listed exemplars. Focus: ABG Physiological
interpretation Adaptation
35. Identify conditions that place an Exemplar: Metabolic Physiological Nursing Process
individual at risk for imbalance leading to Acidosis Integrity: Assessment
a compromised concept(s) resulting in the Focus: DKA Physiological
listed exemplars. Adaptation
36. Identify conditions that place an Exemplar: DKA Physiological Nursing Process:
individual at risk for imbalance leading to Focus: Intra and Integrity: Assessment
a compromised concept(s) resulting in the extracellular Physiological
listed exemplars. potassium movement Adaptation
37. Apply the nursing process with Exemplar: Metabolic Physiological Nursing Process:
collaborative interventions for individuals Acidosis Integrity: Teaching and Learning
experiencing the listed exemplars. Focus: ABG Physiological
interpretation Adaptation
38. Apply the nursing process with Exemplar: Metabolic Physiological Nursing Process:
collaborative interventions for individuals Alkalosis Integrity: Teaching and Learning
experiencing the listed exemplars. Focus: ABG Physiological
interpretation Adaptation
Nutrition Concept: Items 39-50