,Chapter 01: The Evolution of Professional Nursing
Cherry & Jacob: Contemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends, and Management, 7th
1. Clara Barton is known for:
a. becoming the first black public health nurse.
b. establishing the Henry Street Settlement.
c. founding the American Red Cross.
d. publicizing the inadequacies of hospital-based nursing schools.
The American Red Cross, founded by Clara Barton in 1882, assisted in efforts to continue
public health nursing.
DIF: Knowledge REF: p. 11
2. Students are assigned to write to their state leaders about an issue affecting their community.
One student writes about the need among rural community for greater access to acute care
services. Which of the following pieces of legislation should the student use as a reference?
a. Social Security Act
b. Hill-Burton Act
c. Sheppard-Towner Act
d. U.S. Civil Service Act
The purpose of the Hill-Burton Act was to provide funding to construct hospitals and to help
states in plan for other health care facilities in accordance with the needs of communities.
DIF: Knowledge REF: p. 13
3. The practice of public health nursing and the Henry Street Settlement are credited to:
a. Mary Breckenridge.
b. Mary Seacole.
c. Clara Barton.
d. Lillian Wald.
Lillian Wald, a pioneer in public health nursing, is best known for the development and
establishment of the Henry Street Settlement.
DIF: Knowledge REF: p. 6
4. Occupational health nursing features beliefs similar to those of which early nursing pioneer?
a. Lillian Wald
b. Florence Nightingale
c. Clara Barton
d. Mary Seacole
, Lillian Wald developed the first nursing service for occupational health.
DIF: Comprehension REF: p. 10
5. What historical event first led to the recognition of the contribution of blacks to nursing?
a. Florence Nightingale‘s acceptance of black nurses into the first nursing school
b. The contributions of black nurses at the Pennsylvania Hospital, the first hospital in
c. Mary Seacole‘s efforts to care for soldiers during the Crimean War
d. The work done by wives of wealthy black nobles who carried food and medicine
from house to house during the Middle Ages
Although Nightingale‘s school refused Seacole, she was able to make a difference in the
Crimean War and later was recognized for her efforts.
DIF: Comprehension REF: pp. 8-9
6. World War I contributed to the advancement of health care by:
a. increasing the number of private care hospitals and decreasing the role of public
health services.
b. employing a large number of civilians to provide care to returning soldiers through
the Red Cross.
c. introducing specialists in nursing such as nurse anesthetists.
d. increasing the number of community health nurses.
World War I offered nurses a chance to enter into new fields of specialization, as is seen in the
example of nurse anesthetists, who became part of surgical teams at the front lines.
DIF: Comprehension REF: p. 11
7. The primary purpose of the Social Security Act of 1935 was to:
a. increase research that focused on minority groups.
b. provide medical care for chemically impaired persons.
c. ensure health care for older adults through a national insurance system.
d. decrease the public‘s financial burden by limiting services offered by local health
By providing health insurance for older adults, the Social Security Act of 1935 set the
precedent for the passage of the Medicare and Medicaid Acts that followed in 1965, but the
act also provided maternal and child welfare services, rehabilitation for the mentally and
physically challenged, medical care for blind individuals and crippled children, and
unemployment benefits.
DIF: Comprehension REF: p. 12
8. A client asks the nurse, ―Can you explain Medicare, an amendment to the Social Security
Act?‖ The nurse responds that Medicare:
a. led to many hospital closings, along with a decrease in acute care hospital–based
nursing care.
, b. provided mmedical minsurance mto mthose myounger madults mor mchildren mwho
were mnot meligible mfor mprivate minsurance mbecause mof mcatastrophic millnesses
msuch mas mcancer.
c. provided mpreventive mcare mfor mwomen, minfants, mand mchildren.
d. ensured mthat mindividuals mages m65 mand molder mand mthose mwith mend-stage mrenal
mdisease mor mpermanent mdisabilities mhad mhealth mcare minsurance.
ANS: m D
The mMedicare mprogram mprovides mhospital minsurance, mPart mA, mand mmedical minsurance, mPart
mB, mto mall mpeople mages m65 mand molder mwho mare meligible mto mreceive mSocial mSecurity mbenefits;
mpeople mwith mtotal, mpermanent mdisabilities; mand mpeople mwith mend-stage mrenal mdisease.
DIF: Comprehension REF: m p. m14
9. A mcomparison mof mnursing min mthe m1980s mto mnursing min mthe m1990s mreveals mthat:
a. in mthe m1990s mnursing mexperienced ma msignificant mreduction moccurred min
m preventable mdiseases mcaused mby munsafe/unhealthy mlifestyles.
b. tuberculosis mwas mthe mprimary mconcern mfor mnursing min mthe m1980s, mwhereas mthe
AIDS mepidemic memerged mand mwas mits mfocus mduring mthe m1990s.
c. a mdecrease min mambulatory mservices min mthe m1980s mprompted man mincrease min
mpublic mhealth mnurses min mthe m1990s.
d. the mdemand mfor madvanced mpractice mnurses mincreased min mthe m1980s mand mthe
m1990s mas ma mresult mof mthe meconomy mand mconcern mabout mthe mhealth mof mthe
ANS: m D
The mnumbers mof madvanced mnurse mpractitioners mincreased mas mevidence mof mtheir mcost-
effectiveness mas mproviders mof mprimary mand mpreventive mhealth mcare mbecame mestablished.
DIF: Comprehension REF: m pp. m16-17
10. Which mstatement maccurately mdescribes mthe mhistorical mperspective mof mnursing mpractice?
a. Nursing mhas mexisted mto mmeet mthe mneeds mof mpopulations, mindividuals, mand
aggregates mby mproviding mcare mthat mis mdetermined mby mthe mneeds mand mbeliefs mof
society min mdifferent mhistorical mcontexts.
b. As mmen mbegan mto mbecome minterested min mnursing, mit mchanged minto ma
mrespected mprofession mbased mon mscientific mfact mrather mthan msuperstition.
c. Nursing mhas mhistorically maccepted mindividuals mfrom mall msocial mand
methnic mbackgrounds.
d. The mUnited mStates mhas mled mthe mway mthroughout mhistory mto madvance mnursing
mand mhealth mcare mby mproviding mthe mfirst mhospital mand mmedical mschool.
ANS: m A
Nursing mhas mexisted msince mbiblical mtimes mto maddress mneeds mranging mfrom mcontagious
mdiseases min mearly mtimes mto mhealth mprevention min mthe mpresent mtime, mwith mcare mbased mon
mhealth mneeds mand mbeliefs mof mthe mtime.
DIF: Comprehension REF: m p. m3 m|pp. m18-19
11. The muse mof mherbs mhas mbecome ma mpopular malternative mto mprescription mdrugs min mtoday‘s
mhealth mcare mmilieu. mDuring mwhich mother mhistorical mperiods mdid mhealth mpractices mfocus mon
mthe muse mof mherbs?
a. Prehistoric mtimes mand mthe mMiddle mAges
b. Civil mWar mperiod mand mWorld mWar mI