Test Bank For Fundamentals of Nursing 11th Edition Potter
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1. Which Mnurse Mmost Mlikely Mkept Mrecords Mon Msanitation Mtechniques Mand Mthe Meffects Mon Mhealth?
a. Florence MNightingale
b. Mary MNutting
c. Clara MBarton
d. Lillian MWald
Nightingale Mwas Mthe Mfirst Mpracticing Mnurse Mepidemiologist. MHer Mstatistical Manalyses
Mconnected Mpoor Msanitation Mwith Mcholera Mand Mdysentery. MMary MNutting, MClara MBarton,
Mand MLillian MWald Mcame Mafter MNightingale, Meach Mcontributing Mto Mthe Mnursing Mprofession
Min Mher Mown Mway. MMary MNutting Mwas Minstrumental Min Mmoving Mnursing Meducation Minto
Muniversities. MClara MBarton Mfounded Mthe MAmerican MRed MCross. MLillian MWald Mhelped Mopen
Mthe MHenry MStreet MSettlement.
DIF:Understand M(comprehension)
OBJ:Discuss Mthe Minfluence Mof Msocial, Mhistorical, Mpolitical, Mand Meconomic Mchanges Mon Mnursing
TOP: Evaluation MSC: M Health MPromotion Mand MMaintenance
2. The Mnurse Mprescribes Mstrategies Mand Malternatives Mto Mattain Mexpected Moutcome. MWhich
Mstandard Mof Mnursing Mpractice Mis Mthe Mnurse Mfollowing?
a. Assessment
b. Diagnosis
c. Planning
d. Implementation
In Mplanning, Mthe Mregistered Mnurse Mdevelops Ma Mplan Mthat Mprescribes Mstrategies Mand
Malternatives Mto Mattain Mexpected Moutcomes. MDuring Massessment, Mthe Mregistered Mnurse
Mcollects Mcomprehensive M data Mpertinent Mto Mthe Mpatient’s Mhealth Mand/or Mthe Msituation. MIn
Mdiagnosis, Mthe Mregistered Mnurse Manalyzes Mthe Massessment Mdata Mto Mdetermine Mthe Mdiagnoses
Mor Missues. MDuring Mimplementation, Mthe Mregistered Mnurse Mimplements M(carries Mout) Mthe
Midentified Mplan.
DIF:Understand M(comprehension)
OBJ:Discuss Mthe Mdevelopment Mof Mprofessional Mnursing Mroles. TOP:
MPlanning MMSC: M Management Mof MCare
3. An Mexperienced Mmedical-surgical Mnurse Mchooses Mto Mwork Min Mobstetrics. MWhich
Mlevel Mof Mproficiency Mis Mthe Mnurse Mupon Minitial Mtransition Mto Mthe Mobstetrical
a. Novice
b. Proficient
c. Competent
d. Advanced Mbeginner
, A Mbeginning Mnursing Mstudent Mor Many Mnurse Mentering Ma Msituation Min Mwhich Mthere Mis Mno
Mprevious Mlevel Mof Mexperience M(e.g., Man Mexperienced Moperating Mroom Mnurse Mchooses Mto
Mnow Mpractice Min Mhome Mhealth) Mis Man Mexample Mof Ma Mnovice Mnurse. MA Mproficient Mnurse
Mperceives Ma Mpatient’s Mclinical Msituation Mas Ma Mwhole, Mis Mable Mto Massess Man Mentire Msituation,
Mand Mcan Mreadily Mtransfer Mknowledge Mgained Mfrom Mmultiple Mprevious Mexperiences Mto Ma
Msituation. MA Mcompetent Mnurse Munderstands Mthe Morganization Mand Mspecific Mcare Mrequired
Mby Mthe Mtype Mof Mpatients M(e.g., Msurgical, Moncology, Mor Morthopedic Mpatients). MThis Mnurse Mis
Ma Mcompetent Mpractitioner Mwho Mis Mable Mto Manticipate Mnursing Mcare Mand Mestablish Mlong-
range Mgoals. MA Mnurse Mwho Mhas Mhad Msome Mlevel Mof Mexperience Mwith Mthe Msituation Mis Man
Madvanced Mbeginner. MThis Mexperience Mmay Monly Mbe Mobservational Min Mnature, Mbut Mthe
Mnurse Mis Mable Mto Midentify Mmeaningful Maspects Mor Mprinciples Mof Mnursing Mcare.
DIF:Apply M(application)
OBJ:Discuss Mthe Mdevelopment Mof Mprofessional Mnursing Mroles. TOP:
MEvaluation MMSC: M Management Mof MCare
4. A Mnurse Massesses Ma Mpatient’s Mfluid Mstatus Mand Mdecides Mthat Mthe Mpatient Mneeds Mto Mdrink
Mmore Mfluids. MThe Mnurse Mthen Mencourages Mthe Mpatient Mto Mdrink Mmore Mfluids. MWhich
Mconcept Mis Mthe Mnurse Mdemonstrating?
a. Licensure
b. Autonomy
c. Certification
d. Accountability
Autonomy Mis Man Messential Melement Mof Mprofessional Mnursing Mthat Minvolves Mthe Minitiation Mof
Mindependent Mnursing Minterventions Mwithout Mmedical Morders. MTo Mobtain Mlicensure Min Mthe
MUnited MStates, Mthe MRN Mcandidate Mmust Mpass Mthe MNCLEX-RN. MBeyond Mthe MNCLEX-
RN, Mthe Mnurse Mmay Mchoose Mto Mwork Mtoward Mcertification Min Ma Mspecific Marea Mof Mnursing
Mpractice. MAccountability Mmeans Mthat Myou Mare Mresponsible, Mprofessionally Mand Mlegally, Mfor
Mthe Mtype Mand Mquality Mof Mnursing Mcare Mprovided.
DIF:Apply M(application)
OBJ:Discuss Mthe Mroles Mand Mcareer Mopportunities Mfor Mnurses. TOP:
MImplementation MMSC: M Management Mof MCare
5. A Mnurse Mprepares Mthe Mbudget Mand Mpolicies Mfor Man Mintensive Mcare Munit. MWhich Mrole Mis
Mthe Mnurse Mimplementing?
a. Educator
b. Manager
c. Advocate
d. Caregiver
, A Mmanager Mcoordinates Mthe Mactivities Mof Mmembers Mof Mthe Mnursing Mstaff Min Mdelivering
Mnursing Mcare Mand Mhas Mpersonnel, Mpolicy, Mand Mbudgetary Mresponsibility Mfor Ma Mspecific
Mnursing Munit Mor Mfacility. MAs Man Meducator, Myou Mexplain Mconcepts Mand Mfacts Mabout Mhealth,
Mdescribe Mthe Mreason Mfor Mroutine Mcare Mactivities, Mdemonstrate Mprocedures Msuch Mas Mself-care
Mactivities, Mreinforce Mlearning Mor Mpatient Mbehavior, Mand Mevaluate Mthe Mpatient’s Mprogress Min
Mlearning. MAs Ma Mpatient Madvocate, M you Mprotect Myour Mpatient’s Mhuman Mand Mlegal Mrights Mand
Mprovide Massistance Min Masserting Mthese Mrights Mif Mthe Mneed Marises. MAs Ma Mcaregiver, M you Mhelp
Mpatients Mmaintain Mand Mregain Mhealth, Mmanage Mdisease Mand Msymptoms, Mand Mattain Ma
Mmaximal Mlevel Mfunction Mand Mindependence Mthrough Mthe Mhealing Mprocess.
DIF:Apply M(application)
OBJ:Discuss Mthe Mroles Mand Mcareer Mopportunities Mfor Mnurses. TOP:
MImplementation MMSC: M Management Mof MCare
6. The Mnurse Mhas Mbeen Mworking Min Mthe Mclinical Msetting Mfor Mseveral Myears Mas Man Madvanced
Mpractice Mnurse. MHowever, Mthe Mnurse Mhas Ma Mstrong Mdesire Mto Mpursue Mresearch Mand Mtheory
Mdevelopment. MTo Mfulfill Mthis Mdesire, Mwhich Mprogram Mshould Mthe Mnurse Mattend?
a. Doctor Mof MNursing MScience Mdegree M(DNSc)
b. Doctor Mof MPhilosophy Mdegree M(PhD)
c. Doctor Mof MNursing MPractice Mdegree M(DNP)
d. Doctor Min Mthe MScience Mof MNursing Mdegree M(DSN)
Some Mdoctoral Mprograms Mprepare Mnurses Mfor Mmore Mrigorous Mresearch Mand Mtheory
Mdevelopment Mand Maward Mthe Mresearch-oriented MDoctor Mof MPhilosophy M(PhD) Min Mnursing.
MProfessional Mdoctoral Mprograms Min Mnursing M(DSN Mor MDNSc) Mprepare Mgraduates Mto Mapply
Mresearch Mfindings Mto Mclinical Mnursing. MThe MDNP Mis Ma Mpractice Mdoctorate Mthat Mprepares
Madvanced Mpractice Mnurses Msuch Mas Mnurse Mpractitioners.
DIF:Understand M(comprehension)
OBJ:Compare Mand Mcontrast Mthe Meducational Mprograms Mavailable Mfor Mprofessional Mregistered
Mnurse M(RN) Meducation. TOP: M Teaching/Learning
MSC: M Management Mof MCare
7. A Mnurse Mattends Ma Mworkshop Mon Mcurrent Mnursing Missues Mprovided Mby Mthe MAmerican
MNurses MAssociation. MWhich Mtype Mof Meducation Mdid Mthe Mnurse Mreceive?
a. Graduate Meducation
b. Inservice Meducation
c. Continuing Meducation
d. Registered Mnurse Meducation
Continuing Meducation Minvolves Mformal, Morganized Meducational Mprograms Moffered Mby
Muniversities, Mhospitals, Mstate Mnurses Massociations, Mprofessional Mnursing Morganizations, Mand
Meducational Mand Mhealth Mcare Minstitutions. MAfter Mobtaining Ma Mbaccalaureate Mdegree Min
Mnursing, Myou Mcan Mpursue Mgraduate Meducation Mleading Mto Ma Mmaster’s Mor Mdoctoral Mdegree Min
Many Mnumber Mof Mgraduate Mfields, Mincluding Mnursing. MInservice Meducation Mprograms Mare
Minstruction Mor Mtraining Mprovided Mby Ma Mhealth Mcare Mfacility Mor Minstitution. MRegistered Mnurse
Meducation Mis Mthe Meducation Mpreparation Mfor Man Mindividual Mintending Mto Mbe Man MRN.
DIF:Apply M(application)
OBJ:Compare Mand Mcontrast Mthe Meducational Mprograms Mavailable Mfor Mprofessional Mregistered Mnurse