ATI RN Community Health Nursing Study Guide
Newest 2024 Complete Questions with Correct
Detailed Answers (Verified Answers) Rated A+
Development of a Community Health Education Plan - Correct Answer - -First, identify
population-specific learning needs
-Design the educational program
-Implement the educational program
-Evaluate the achievement of learning objectives
Epidemiology - Correct Answer - The study of health-related trends in populations for
the purposes of disease prevention, health maintenance, and health protection
Epidemiology Process - Correct Answer - A systematic method of targeting a specific
health need with the goal of improving health
-->Provides a broad understanding of the spread, transmission, and incidence of
disease and injury
Epidemiological Triangle - Correct Answer - -Epidemiology involves the study of the
relationships among an agent, host, and environment
-Their interaction determines the development and cessation of communicable
diseases, as they form a web of causality, which increases or decreases the risk for
--> Agent: the physical, infectious, or chemical factor that causes disease
--> Host: the living being that an agent or the environment influences
--> Environment: the setting or surrounding that sustains the host
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,Epidemiological Calculations - Correct Answer - -Incidence rate: Number of new cases
in the population at a specific time / population total
-Prevalence rate: Number of existing cases in the population at a specific time /
population total
-Mortality rate: provide information about cause of death
--> Crude mortality rate: overall death rates
--> Cause-specific rate: death from specific cause
--> Infant/age: specific to lifespan
-Attack rate: Number of people exposed to a specific agent who develop the disease /
total number of people exposed
--> Endemic when there is a moderate, ongoing occurrence in a given location
--> Epidemic: rate of disease exceeds the usual level of the condition in a population
--> Pandemic: condition occurs when an epidemic occurs in multiple countries or
Health Promotion - Correct Answer - -National health goals are derived from scientific
data and trends collected during the prior decade
--> Healthy people 2020
Disease Prevention: Primary - Correct Answer - Prevention of the initial occurrence of
disease or injury
--> Nutrition education, family planning and sex education, smoking cessation,
communicable disease prevention education, safety education, prenatal classes,
immunizations, and advocating for access to health care and healthy environments
Disease Prevention: Secondary - Correct Answer - Early detection and treatment of
disease with the goal of limiting severity and adverse effects
--> community assessment, screenings, surveillance, and control of outbreaks
Disease Prevention: Tertiary - Correct Answer - Maximization of recovery after an injury
or illness (rehabilitation)
-->PT and OT, support groups, and case management
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-Reductions in:
--> Death from cancer specific to men
--> Incidence of HIV/AIDS
--> Fatal and nonfatal injuries
-Increases in:
--> Participation in aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities
--> Ability to identify warning indicators of a heart attack or stroke
- Nutrition, self-testicular exam, skin protection, substance abuse disorders, HIV
prevention, and injury prevention
Older Adults - Correct Answer - HEALTH CONCERNS/LEAD CAUSE OF DEATH:
- Heart disease, malignant neoplasm, cerebrovascular disease, COPD, pneumonia and
flu, and substance abuse disorders
- BP, Ht/Wt, dental health, fecal occult blood test/sigmoidoscopy, mammogram/clinical
self-breast exam, pap smear, vision and hearing, substance abuse, immunization
status, functional assessment, medication history, osteoporosis, diabetes, and skin
- Reductions in:
--> Musculoskeletal concerns
--> Mental health concerns
--> Hospitalizations
--> Substance use
--> Sensory concerns
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, --> Hip fractures
--> Fall-related deaths
- Increases in:
--> Screenings for colorectal cancer
--> Participation in health promotion
--> Public reporting of elderly abuse/neglect
--> Maintain an active lifestyle
--> Self-management of disease/chronic disorders
- Substance use disorders, nutrition, exercise, dental health, sexual behavior, injury
prevention (car, falls, violence)
Families - Correct Answer - - Nurses must engage in community ADPIE activities that
are focused on family issues
- Home visits provide nurses with the opportunity to observe the home environment and
to identify barriers and supports to health-risk reduction
- Family as a component of society
--> Monitors how families interact with other institutions in an community
- Family as a system
--> Studies how interactions among a family affect the whole family function
- Family as a client
--> Examines the family unit functioning first, then the individual needs next
- Family as context
--> Focuses on an individual first, and then the family next
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