,Emergency vcare
Nancy Caroline’s Emergency Care in the Streets – 9TH
1. EMS stands for:
a. Evolve Medical Service
b. Emergency Medical Services
c. Emergency Medical School
d. European Medical Services
ANS: B DIF: Easy REF: Pg. 4
2. The first recorded use of an ambulance was by the military during the Siege of Malaga in:
a. At the beginning of 1400
b. In the mid of 1400
c. At the start of 1500
d. At the end of 1400
ANS: D DIF: Moderate REF: pg. 4
3. (CoAEMSP) is the only accrediting body for paramedic programs which stands for:
a. Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the EMS Professions
b. Committee on Association of Educational Programs for the EMS Professions
c. Conference on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the EMS Professions
d. Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the EMS People
ANS: A DIF: Hard REF: Pg. 10
4. A registry system which is used to test and establish licensure is:
ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: Pg. 9
5. What is Reciprocity?
, Emergency vcare
a. Granting vcertification vto va vprovider vfrom vsame vstate vor vagency
b. Granting vcertification vto va vprovider vfrom vanother vstate vor vagency
c. Granting vcertification vto va vprovider vboth vfrom vsame vor vanother vstate
d. No vneed vof vgranting vcertification vfrom vany vstate
ANS: vB DIF: vEasy v REF: vPg. v10
6. Who vlaunchedvthe vfirst vrescue vsquad vcalled vRoanoke vLife vSaving vin v1928?
a. Nancy vLee vCaroline
b. BaronvDominique-Jean vLarrey
c. JulianvStanley vWise
d. Dr. vDavid vBoyde
ANS: vC DIF: vEasy REF: vPg. v6
7. Selectvthe vcorrect vranking:
a. The vDispatcher, vEMT, vParamedic, vAdvanced vEMT, vEmergency vMedical vResponder
b. Emergency vMedical vResponder, vParamedic, vEMT, vAdvanced vEMT, vThe vDispatcher
c. Paramedic, vAdvanced vEMT,vEMT, vEmergency vMedicalvResponder,vThe vDispatcher
d. The vDispatcher, vEmergency vMedical vResponder, vEMT, vAdvanced vEMT, vParamedic
ANS: vD DIF: vModerate REF: vPg. v12, v13
8. The vfirst vNational vStandardvCurriculum vfor vparamedics vwas vdeveloped vby:
b. US vDOT
d. EMS
ANS: vB DIF: vEasy REF: vPg. v8
9. At vthe vemergency vscene, vwhat vwould vbe vthe vinitial vassessment vof vpatient?
a. Respiration, vPulse, vBlood vpressure
b. Pulse, vSkin, vBlood vtest
c. Pupil, vRespiration,vTemperature
d. Bloodvpressure, vAllergen vtest, vPulse