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Typically, mmLong-Term mmDisability mmbenefits mmare mmcoordinated mmwith mmwhich
mmbenefit mmplan? mm- mmANS-Social mmSecurity
The mmfocus mmof mmmajor mmmedical mminsurance mmis mmproviding mmcoverage mmfor mm-
mmANS-medical mmand mmhospitalization mmexpenses
An mminsured mmunder mma mmMajor mmMedical mmexpense mmplan mmwith mma mmzero
mmdeductible mmand mm80/20 mmcoinsurance mmprovision mmfiles mma mm$1,000 mmclaim.
mmHow mmmuch mmof mmthis mmclaim mmis mmthe mminsured mmresponsible mmfor? mm-
because mmthis mmpolicy mmhas mma mmzero mmdeductible, mmthe mminsures mmis mmonly
mmresponsible mmfor mmthe mm20% mmcoinsurance mmon mmthis mmclaim, mmor mm$200
An mminsured mmhas mma mmstop-loss mmlimit mmof mm$5,000 mmand mman mm80/20
mmcoinsurance. mmThe mminsured mmincurs mm$25,000 mmof mmcovered mmlosses. mmHow
mmmuch mmwill mmthe mminsured mmpay? mm- mmANS-$5,000
Which mmtype mmof mmplan mmwould mmbe mmthe mmmost mmappropriate mmfor mman
mmindividual mmon mmMedicare mmand mmconcerned mmthat mmMedicare mmwill mmNOT
mmpay mmfor mmcharges mmexceeding mmthe mmapproved mmamount? mm- mmANS-Medicare
mmsupplement mmPlan mmF
When mmcan mma mmgroup mmhealth mmpolicy mmrenewal mmbe mmdenied mmaccording mmto
mmthe mmHealth mmInsurance mmPortability mmand mmAccountability mmAct mm(HIPAA)? mm-
mmANS-when mmcontribution mmor mmparticipation mmrules mmhave mmbeen mmviolated
What mmdoes mmthe mmword mm"level: mmin mmLevel mmTerm mmdescribe? mm- mmANS-the
mmface mmamount
A mmnon-contributory mmhealth mminsurance mmplan mmhelps mmthe mminsurer mmavoid mm-
mmANS-adverse mmselection
,because mmall mmeligible mmemployees mmare mmusually mmcovered, mmnon-contributory
mmplans mmare mmdesirable mmfrom mman mmunderwriting mmstandpoint mmbecause
mmadverse mmselection mmis mmminimized.
To mmqualify mmfor mma mmresident mmproducer mmlicense mmin mmthe mmstate mmof
mmMichigan, mman mmindividual mm- mmANS-must mmcomplete mmthe mmrequired mmpre-
licensing mmeducation mmwithin mm12 mmmonths mmof mmlicense mmapplication
Under mman mmexpense-incurred mmindividual mmhealth mmpolicy, mmwhat mmis mmthe
mmMAXIMUM mmlength mmof mmtime mmafter mmissuance mmof mmthe mmpolicy mmthat mman
mminsurer mmcan mmexclude mmcoverage mmfor mma mmpre-existing mmcondition? mm-
mmANS-12 mmmonths mm
pre-existing mmconditions mmmay mmbe mmexcluded mmfor mma mmmaximum mmof mm12
mmmonths mmfrom mmthe mmdate mmof mmenrollment.
An mminsured mmhas mma mmhealth mmplan mmthat mmpays mmestablished mmamounts mmin
mmaccordance mmwith mma mmlist mmof mminjuries, mmsurgical mmprocedures, mmor mmother
mmlosses. mmThis mmlist mmis mmcalled mma mm- mmANS-benefit mmschedule
benefits mmschedule mmset mmpredetermined mmlimits mmor mmmaximums mmon mmhow
mmmuch mmmoney mmand mminsured mmcan mmbe mmreimbursed mmfor mma mmcovered
Who mmis mmthe mmindividual mmpaid mmon mma mmfee-for-service mmbasis? mm- mmANS-
Which mmof mmthe mmfollowing mmis mmNOT mman mmillegal mminducement? mm- mmANS-
Giving mmthe mminsured mman mmarticle mmof mmmerchandise mmprinted mmwith mmthe
mmproducer's mmname mmcosting mm$5 mm
$5 mmor mmless mmof mmtokens mmor mmmerchandise mmto mmapplicants mmis mmallowed.
Making mma mmstatement mmthat mmis mmfalse mmor mmmaliciously mmcritical mmof mmthe
mmfinancial mmcondition mmof mman mminsurer mmis mmknown mmas mm- mmANS-defamation
Which mmof mmthe mmfollowing mmis mmNOT mma mmrequired mmprovision mmin mman
mmaccident mmand mmhealth mminsurance mmpolicy? mm- mmANS-change mmof mmoccupation
the mmchange mmof mmoccupation mmprovision mmis mmconsidered mman mmOPTIONAL
Which mmof mmthese mmstatements mmabout mmMedicaid mmis mmCORRECT? mm- mmANS-
Funded mmby mmfederal, mmsate, mmand mmlocal mmtaxes
, Medicaid mmis mmfunded mmby mmfederal, mmstate, mmand mmlocal mmtaxes mmbut mmis
mmadministered mmby mmeach mmstate.
All mmof mmthese mmare mmconsidered mmkey mmfactors mmin mmunderwriting mmlife
mminsurance mmEXCEPT mm- mmANS-Marital mmStatus
Correct: mmtobacco mmuse, mmhealth mmhistory, mmage
The mmtime mmlimit mmfor mmfiling mmclaim mmdisputes mmis mmaddressed mmin mmwhich
mmprovision mmof mman mmaccident mmand mmhealth mmpolicy? mm- mmANS-legal mmactions
All mmof mmthe mmfollowing mmplans mmallow mmfor mmemployee mmcontributions mmto mmbe
mmtaken mmon mma mmpre-tax mmbasis mmEXCEPT mm- mmANS-Health mmreimbursement
mmArrangement mmplan
employers mmcontribute mmto mmhealth mmreimbursement mmArrangement mmplanz
mm(HRA's), mmnot mmemployees.
Which mmof mmthe mmfollowing mmgifts mmfrom mma mmproducer mmwould mmNOT mmbe
mmconsidered mmrebating? mm- mmANS-$5 mmpen
A mmproducer mmquoting mmlife mminsurance mmmay mmgive mman mmapplicant mman
mmarticle mmof mmmerchandise mmhaving mman mminvoice mmvalue mmof mm$5.00 mmor
Written mmnotice mmfor mma mmhealth mmclaim mmmust mmbe mmgiven mmto mmthe mminsurer
mm___ mmdays mmafter mmthe mmoccurrence mmof mmthe mmloss. mm- mmANS-20
Chris mmis mman mminsured mmbricklayer mmwho mmsevered mmhis mmleft mmhand mmin mman
mmautomobile mmaccident. mmAlthough mmhis mmprimary mmduty mmcannot mmbe
mmperformed, mmChris mmis mmalso mma mmsubstitute mmhigh mmschool mmteacher. mmHe
mmcollects mma mmfull mmdisability mmincome mmcheck mmevery mmmonth. mmHow mmdoes
mmhis mmpolicy mmdefine mmtotal mmdisability? mm- mmANS-own mmoccupation
the mm"own mmoccupation" mmdefinition mmof mmtotal mmdisability mmrequires mmthat mmthe
mminsured mmbe mmunable mmto mmperform mmthe mminsured's mmcurrent mmoccupation mmas
mma mmresult mmof mman mmaccident mmor mmsickness.
Which mmapproach mmpredicts mma mmperson's mmearning mmpotential mmand mmdetermines
mmhow mmmuch mmof mmthat mmamount mmwould mmbe mmdevoted mmto mmdependents? mm-
mmANS-Human mmlife mmvalue mmapproach
The mmhuman mmlife mmvalue mmapproach mmpredicts mman mmindividual's mmfuture
mmearning mmpotential mmand mmdetermines mmhow mmmuch mmof mmthat mmamount
mmwould mmbe mmdevoted mmto mmdependents.