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The mmbenefit mmperiod mmunder mmNew mmJersey mmTemporary mmDisability mmLaw mmis:
A) mm14 mmweeks
B) mm26 mmweeks
C) mm86 mmweeks
D) mm52 mmweeks mm- mmANS-B
In mmthe mmcase mmof mmreplacement mmof mma mmgroup mmhealth mminsurance mmpolicy,
mmif mma mmperson mmis mmnot mmcovered mmby mmthe mmsucceeding mmplan's mmeligibility
mmrules mmbecause mmof mmabsence mmfrom mmwork mmand mmconfinement mmin mma
mmhospital mmon mmthe mmeffective mmdate, mmbut mmthe mmperson mmis mma mmmember mmof
mman mmeligible mmclass mmand mmwas mmcovered mmby mmthe mmprior mmplan mmon mmits
mmtermination mmdate:
A)The mmprior mmcarrier mmwill mmhave mmto mmcontinue mmto mmcover mmthat mmperson
B)The mmprior mmcarrier mmand mmsucceeding mmcarrier mmwill mmhave mmto mmjointly
mmprovide mmcontinuing mmbenefits mmon mma mmpro mmrata mmbasics
C) mmThe mmsucceeding mmcarrier mmwill mmnonetheless mmhave mmto mmprovide
mmcoverage mmfor mmthat mmperson
D) mmThat mmperson's mmcoverage mmwill mmbegin mmonly mmupon mma mmreturn mmto
mmactive mmwork mmstatus mm- mmANS-A
All mmof mmthe mmfollowing mmare mmtrue mmabout mmthe mmTemporary mmDisability mmLaw
mmin mmNew mmJersey, mmEXCEPT:
A) mmGenerally, mmthe mmlaw mmcovers mmnon-occupational mmdisabilities
B) mmPolitical mmsubdivisions mmof mmthe mmstate mmand mmstate mmuniversities mmare mmnot
mmpermitted mmto mmparticipate mmin mmthe mmstate mmplan
C) mmAll mmcovered mmindividuals mmare mmentitled mmto mmtemporary mmdisability
mmbenefits mmunder mmeither mmthe mmstate mmplan mmor mma mmprivate mmplan
,D) mmNo mmbenefits mmare mmpayable mmfrom mmthe mmstate mmfund mmfor mmany mmperiod
mmfor mmwhich mmbenefits mmare mmpayable mmunder mmany mmWorkers mmCompensation
mmor mmoccupational mmdisease mmlaw mm- mmANS-B
A mmMedicare mmSupplement mmpolicy mmshall mmnot mmprovide mmfor mmtermination mmof
mmcoverage mmfor mmwhich mmof mmthe mmfollowing mmreason?
A) mmContinuous mmloss mmwhich mmcommenced mmwhile mmthe mmpolicy mmwas mmin
B) mmSolely mmon mmthe mmgrounds mmof mma mmcovered mmperson's mmage mmor
mmdeterioration mmof mmhealth
C) mmBoth mmof mmthe mmchoices
D) mmNeither mmof mmthe mmchoices mm- mmANS-B
Insurers mmand mmhospital mmor mmmedical mmservice mmcorporations mmissuing
mmMedicare mmSupplement mmpolicies mmmust mmdeliver mmto mmall mmapplicants mma
mmBuyers mmGuide mmtitled:
A) mmA mmGuide mmto mmMedicare
B) mmA mmGuide mmto mmMedicare mmPart mmB
C) mmBridging mmthe mmMedicare mmGaps, mmA mmGuide mmto mmMedicare mmSupplements
D) mmA mmGuide mmto mmMedicare mmPart mmA mm- mmANS-C
95) mmWhich mmof mmthe mmfollowing mmis mmtrue mmabout mma mmMedicare mmSupplement
mmpolicy mmthat mmprovides mmfor mmpayment mmof mmbenefits mmbased mmon mmthe
mmstandards mmdescribed mmas mm"usual mmand mmcustomary" mmor mm"reasonable mmand
A) mmThe mmpolicy mmmust mminclude mma mmdefinition mm& mmexplanation mmof mmthe
mmabove mmterms mmin mmthe mmoutline mmof mmcoverage
B) mmThe mmpolicy mmmust mminclude mmonly mma mmdefinition mmof mmthe mmabove mmterms
mm& mmno mmexplanation mmrequired
Ck mmOnly mmpreexisting mmcondition mmexclusions mmmust mmbe mmdefined mmand
D) mmNone mmof mmthe mmchoices mm- mmANS-A
Under mma mmMedicare mmSupplement mmpolicy, mmthe mmoutline mmof mmcoverage mmis
mmdesigned mmto mmdo mmwhich mmof mmthe
A) mmClearly mmidentify mmthe mminsurance mmcompany
B) mmDescribe mmthe mmcoverage mm
C) mmBoth mmof mmthe mmchoices
D) mmNeither mmof mmthe mmchoices mm- mmANS-B
,Which mmof mmthe mmfollowing mmis mmtrue mmconcerning mma mmMedicare mmSupplement
mmpolicy mmwhich mmis mmintended mmto mmreplace mmany mmother mmaccident mmor
mmsickness mmpolicy mmcurrently mmin mmforce?
A) mmApplication mmforms mmmust mminclude mma mmquestion mmdesigned mmto mmelicit
mminformation mmas mmto mmwhether
this mmpolicy mmis mmintended mmto mmreplace mmany mmother mmaccident mmor mmsickness
mmpolicy mmnow mmin mmforce mm
B) mmUpon mmdetermining mmthat mma mmsale mmwill mminvolve mmreplacement, mmthe
mminsurer mmor mmagent mmmust mmfurnish mma mm"Notice mmRegarding mmReplacement"
C) mmBoth mmof mmthe mmchoices
D) mmNeither mmof mmthe mmchoices mm- mmANS-C
If mmcredit mmaccident mmand mmhealth mminsurance mmis mmterminated mmbefore mmthe
mmscheduled mmmaturity mmdate mmof mmthe mmdebt, mmany mmunearned mmpremium mmheld
mmby mmthe mminsurer mmwill mmbe:
A) mmRefunded mmto mmthe mmdebtor
B) mmRefunded mmonly mmif mmthe mmamount mmis mmgreater mmthan mm$10
C) mmAdded mmto mmthe mminsurer's mmsurplus mmfunds
D) mmDebited mmto mman mmaccount mmfor mm"bad mmdebts" mm- mmANS-A
Policies mmrequired mmto mmprovide mmhome mmhealth mmcare mmbenefits mmmust mmcover
mmat mmleast:
A) mm30 mmhome mmhealth mmvisits mmannually mm
B) mm60 mmhome mmhealth mmvisits mmannually
C) mm90 mmhome mmhealth mmvisits mmannually
D) mm120 mmhome mmhealth mmvisits mmannually mm- mmANS-B
Medicare mmSupplement mmpolicies mmshall mmprovide mmthat mmbenefits mmto mmcover
mmcost mmsharing mmamounts mmunder mmMedicare mmwill:
A) mmAutomatically mmchange mmto mmcoincide mmwith mmchanges mmin mmMedicare
mmdeductibles mmand mmcoinsurance mmpayments
B) mmChange mmupon mmrenewal mmto mmcoincide mmwith mmchanges mmin mmMedicare
mmdeductibles mmand mmcoinsurance mmpayments
C) mmAutomatically mmchange mmto mmmeet mmMedicare mmdeductibles mmonly
D) mmAutomatically mmchange mmto mmmeet mmMedicare mmcoinsurance mmpayments
mmonly mm- mmANS-A
Under mma mmMedicare mmSupplement mmpolicy, mmdenial mmof mma mmclaim mmfor mmlosses
mmincurred mmas mma mmresult mmof mmpreexisting mmconditions mmmay mmnot mmbe
mmdenied mmas mma mmresult mmof mma mmpreexisting mmcondition mmafter:
A) mm12 mmmonths mmfrom mmthe mmeffective mmdate mmof mmcoverage
, B) mm24 mmmonths mmfrom mmthe mmeffective mmdate mmof mmcoverage
C) mm3 mmmonths mmfrom mmthe mmeffective mmdate mmof mmcoverage
D) mm6 mmmonths mmfrom mmthe mmeffective mmdate mmof mmcoverage mm- mmANS-D
Medicare mmSupplement mmpolicy mmshall mmnot mmprovide mmfor mmtermination mmof
mmcoverage mm-except mmfor mmnonpayment mmof mmpremium- mmfor mmwhich mmof mmthe
A) mmDependents mmof mman mmeligible mmspouse mmbecause mmthe mminsured's
mmcoverage mmhas mmterminated
B) mmAn mmeligible mmspouse mmbecause mmthe mminsured's mmcoverage mmhas
C) mmAn mminsured mmbecause mman mmeligible mmdependent's mmcoverage mmhas
mmterminated mm
D) mmA mmspouse mmbecause mman mmeligible mmdependent's mmcoverage mmhas
mmterminated mm- mmANS-B
Concerning mmMedicare mmSupplement mmpolicies, mmwhich mmof mmthe mmfollowing
mmis/are mmtrue?
A) mmMedicare mmSupplement mmpolicies mmmay mmnot mmindemnify mmfor mmlosses
mmfrom mmsickness mmon mma mmdifferent mmbasis mmthan mmlosses mmfrom mmaccidents
B) mmSome mmMedicare mmSupplement mmpolicies mmindemnify mmfor mmlosses mmresulting
accidents mmonly
C) mmBoth mmof mmthe mmchoices
D) mmNeither mmof mmthe mmchoices mm- mmANS-A
Health mminsurance mmpolicies, mmother mmthan mmthose mmissued mmby mma mmdirect-
response mminsurer, mmmust mmprovide mmfor mma mmfull mmrefund mmof mmpremium mmif
mmthe mmcontract mmis mmreturned mmwithin:
A) mm10 mmdays
C) mm20 mmdays mm
B) mm30 mmdays
D) mm60 mmdays mm- mmANS-A
Health mminsurance mmpolicies mmissued mmby mma mmdirect-response mminsurer mmmust
mmprovide mmfor mma mmfull mmrefund mmof mmpremium mmif mmthe mmpremium mmif mmthe
mmcontract mmis mmreturned mmwithin:
A)10 mmdays mm
B) mm20 mmdays
C) mm30 mmdays
D) mm60 mmdays mm- mmANS-C