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Language Arts Instruction and Intervention WGU C365 exam with answers.
Language Arts Instruction and Intervention WGU C365 exam with answers.
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Language Arts Instruction and Intervention
WGU C365 exam with answers
holistic |rubric |- |correct |answer |-Scoring |or |ranking |students' |written |pieces |on |the |basis |of |an |
overall |impression |of |each |piece. |Not |as |time |consuming |for |the |instructor |as |Analytic.
analytic |rubric |- |correct |answer |-This |type |of |rubric |analyzes |writing |and |notes |specific |strengths |
and |weaknesses.
maze |- |correct |answer |-Used |to |foster |comprehension. |Students |must |choose |the |correct |response |
from |a |selection |of |three |given |words.
cloze |- |correct |answer |-used |to |foster |comprehension; |exercise |in |which |words |are |deleted |from |a |
passage |and |students |are |asked |to |supply |the |missing |words |(No |word |box |given)
IRI |(informal |reading |inventory) |- |correct |answer |-An |assessment |that |determines |the |Independent, |
Instructional, |and |Frustration |reading |levels |for |the |student. |This |sometimes |includes |a |listening |
capacity |component.
RR |(running |record) |- |correct |answer |-An |assessment |given |to |students |where |100 |words |are |read |
from |a |book |on |the |student's |independent |level |and |teachers |mark |the |miscues. |Given |every |4 |
weeks |and |remediation |can |take |place |immedietaely |if |needed.
Retelling |- |correct |answer |-Used |in |grades |K-3, |students |tell |details |about |what |they |have |heard |
from |a |story |read |to |them. |Teachers |listen |for |key |details |and |main |ideas.
RTI/MTSS |[MTSS |(Multi-Tiered |Systems |of |Support), |formerly |known |as |RTI |(Response |to |
Intervention)] |- |correct |answer |-This |is |an |instructional |framework |that |includes |universal |screening
|of |all |students, |multiple |tiers |of |instruction |and |support |services, |and |an |integrated |data |collection
|and |assessment |system |to |inform |decisions |at |each |tier |of |instruction. |The |framework |can |be |used
|for |literacy, |math, |or |behavior. |Tier |1 |= |Core |Instruction |for |all |students, |Tier |2 |= |Targeted |
Intervention, |Tier |3 |= |Intensive |Intervention
, Authentic |Assessments |- |correct |answer |-These |assessments |connect |what |a |student |is |being |
assessed |on |to |skills |that |have |real |world |application. |For |example, |writing |a |letter |to |the |town |
board |to |approve |a |solar |installation |with |facts |and |reasoned |analysis |versus |a |test |about |solar |
power. |Authentic |assessments |are |also |a |powerful |tool |in |a |culturally |responsive |and |inclusive |
Fluency |Assessment |- |correct |answer |-Used |to |determine |how |many |words |per |minute |a |student |
can |read |accurately. |This |type |of |assessment |may |also |include |a |retelling |to |determine |
comprehension |of |the |text |read.
SAMR |- |correct |answer |-It |stands |for |substitution, |augmentation, |modification, |and |redefinition. |
This |continuum |reflects |the |ways |in |which |technology |can |be |brought |into |the |classroom. |
Substitution |might |be |swapping |out |a |book |for |a |PDF. |Augmentation |might |be |having |an |audio |
recording |of |the |PDF |available |to |students. |Modification |might |be |having |students |manipulate |the |
PDF |to |highlight, |annotate, |take |notes, |etc. |Redefinition |is |when |what |you |are |doing |could |not |
have |been |possible |without |the |technology. |For |example, |having |an |author |do |a |classroom |visit |via
|Google |Meets |and |having |students |ask |questions |about |the |digital |story |or |having |students |take |
parts |and |pieces |of |the |PDF |to |create |a |movie |trailer |with |music, |quotes, |etc. |To |share |via |the |
school |website.
Discussion |board |- |correct |answer |-These |are |targeted |writing |to |learn |opportunities |where |
students |are |provided |with |a |prompt |that |they |can |respond |to |and |then |see |other's |responses. |
Students |can |respond |to |each |other |as |well. |They |are |suitable |subsitutions |for |live |class |
discussions. |You |can |also |use |them |in |coordination |with |a |live |session |to |give |students |time |to |
collect |their |thoughts |beforehand. |They |can |even |be |used |to |guide |a |live |discussion |and |pull |out |
common |patterns |in |responses.
Blog |- |correct |answer |-The |creator |of |this |tool |periodically |adds |content, |with |the |latest |content |
placed |first.
Podcast |- |correct |answer |-Video |or |digital |files |that |can |be |created |by |students |or |teachers, |used |to
|share |presentations
Wiki |- |correct |answer |-It |is |a |classroom-based |private |site |available |only |to |the |class |that |can |used |
as |a |database |or |repository |to |collect |information. |It |allows |students |to |collaborate |together |on |
their |writing, |both |in |terms |of |giving |and |receiving |feedback |and |in |developing |shared |written |
work. |For |example, |groups |could |have |a |page |to |write |about |a |given |habitat |or |each |student |can |