Critical Thinking Clinical
b b
Reasoning and Clinical
b b b
A Practical Approach
b b
b 7th Edition
by Rosalinda Alfaro-LeFevre
b b
,Critical bThinking bClinical bReasoning band bClinical bJudgment b7th bEdition: bA bPractical
bApproach bTest bBank bby bRosalinda bAlfaro-LeFevre
Table bof bContents:
1. bWhat bare bCritical bThinking, bClinical bReasoning, band bClinical bJudgment? 3
2. bBecoming ba bCritical bThinker 10
3. bCritical bThinking band bLearning bCultures: bTeaching, bLearning, band bTaking bTests 18
4. bInterprofessional bClinical bReasoning, bDecision bMaking, band bJudgment 30
5. bEthical bReasoning, bProfessionalism, bEvidence-Based bPractice, band bQuality bImprovement 42
6. bPracticing bClinical bReasoning, bClinical bJudgment, band bDecision-making bSkills 66
7. bInterprofessional bPractice bSkills: bCommunication, bTeamwork, band bSelf-Management 88
, Chapter b1. bWhat bare bCritical bThinking, bClinical bReasoning, band bClinical bJudgment?
Alfaro-LeFevre: bCritical bThinking bClinical bReasoning band bClinical bJudgment b7th bEdition
bA bPractical bApproach bTest bBank
Multiple bChoice
Identify bthe bchoice bthat bbest bcompletes bthe bstatement bor banswers bthe bquestion.
1. Which bof bthe bfollowing bcharacteristics bdo bthe bvarious bdefinitions bof bcritical bthinking
bhavein bcommon? bCritical bthinking
1) Requires breasoned bthought
2) Asks bthe bquestions bwhy? bor bhow?
3) Is ba bhierarchical bprocess
4) Demands bspecialized bthinking bskills
ANS: b1
The bdefinitions blisted bin bthe btext bas bwell bas bdefinitions bin bBox b2-1 bstate bthat bcritical
bthinking brequires breasoning bor breasoned bthinking. bCritical bthinking bis bneither blinear bnor
bhierarchical. bThat bmeans bthat bthe bsteps binvolved bin bcritical bthinking bare bnot bnecessarily
bsequential, bwhere bmastery bof bone bstep bis bnecessary bto bproceed bto bthe bnext. bCritical
bthinking bis ba bpurposeful, bdynamic, banalytic bprocess bthat bcontributes bto breasoned bdecisions
band bsound bcontextual bjudgments.
PTS:1DIF:Moderate bhigh-level bquestion, banswer bnot bstated bverbatim
KEY: bNursing bprocess: bN/A b| bClient bneed: bSECE b| bCognitive blevel: bAnalysis
2. A bfew bnurses bon ba bunit bhave bproposed bto bthe bnurse bmanager bthat bthe bprocess bfor
bdocumenting bcare bon bthe bunit bbe bchanged. bThey bhave bdescribed ba bcompletely bnew
bsystem. bWhy bisit bimportant bfor bthe bnurse bmanager bto bhave ba bcritical battitude? bIt bwill
bhelp bthe bmanager bto
1) Consider ball bthe bpossible badvantages band bdisadvantages
2) Maintain ban bopen bmind babout bthe bproposed bchange
3) Apply bthe bnursing bprocess bto bthe bsituation
4) Make ba bdecision bbased bon bpast bexperience bwith
bdocumentation bANS: b2
A bcritical battitude benables bthe bperson bto bthink bfairly band bkeep ban bopen bmind.
bPTS:1DIF:ModerateKEY: bNursing bprocess: bN/A b| bClient bneed: bSECE b| bCognitive blevel:
3. The bnurse bhas bjust bbeen bassigned bto bthe bclinical bcare bof ba bnewly badmitted bpatient.
bTo bknow bhow bto bbest bcare bfor bthe bpatient, bthe bnurse buses bthe bnursing bprocess. bWhich
bstep bwould bthenurse bprobably bdo bfirst?
1) Assessment
2) Diagnosis
3) Plan boutcomes