Comprehensive Perinatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care
Kent Whitaker, Paul Eberle, and Lisa Trujillo
4th Edition
,Table of Contents
Chapter 01 Embryologic Development of the Cardiopulmonary System 1
Chapter 02 Assessment of Fetal Growth and Development 6
Chapter 03 Labor Delivery and Physiologic Changes after Birth 11
Chapter 04 Techniques of Neonatal Resuscitation and Stabilization 16
Chapter 05 Assessment of the Neonatal and Infant Patient 21
Chapter 06 Continuing Care of the Neonate 26
Chapter 07 Perinatal Lung Disease and Other Problems of Prematurity 31
Chapter 08 Causes of Persistent Perinatal Illnesses 37
Chapter 09 Techniques of Pediatric Resuscitation and Stabilization 42
Chapter 10 Assessment of the Pediatric Patient 47
Chapter 11 Continuing Care of the Pediatric Patient 52
Chapter 12 Pediatric Diseases Requiring Respiratory Care 57
Chapter 13 Respiratory Care Procedures 63
Chapter 14 Pharmacology 68
Chapter 15 Assessment of Oxygenation and Ventilation 73
Chapter 16 Chest X Ray Interpretation 78
Chapter 17 Concepts of Mechanical Ventilation 84
Chapter 18 Management of the Patient Ventilator System 90
Chapter 19 Common Ventilators and Monitors 96
Chapter 20 Special Procedures and Non Conventional Ventilatory Techniques 102
Chapter 21 Perinatal Transport 107
Chapter 22 Home Care 113
Chapter 23 Care of the Parents 119
Test Bank - Comprehensive Perinatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care, 4th Edition (Whitaker, 2015)
Chapter 01 Embryologic Development of the Cardiopulmonary System
Multiple Choice
1. At which of the following stages does the ovum enter the uterus?
a. morula
b. blastomeres
c. blastocyst
d. trophoblast
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.1 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Maternal History
2. The thicker, outer layer of the embryonic disc, or blastoderm, is the
a. embryo
b. ectoderm
c. endoderm
d. mesoderm
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.1 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Maternal History
3. The central and peripheral nervous system arise from which germ layer?
a. endoderm
b. philoderm
c. mesoderm
d. ectoderm
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.2 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Neonatal Assessment
4. Exposure to which of the following can lead to severe congenital malformations?
a. food coloring
b. radiation
c. vitamins
d. sugar
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.2 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Neonatal Assessment
5. Which of the following prevents the bending or pinching of the umbilical cord that may stop blood flow to the infant?
a. arteries
b. Wharton’s jelly
c. veins
d. amnion
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.2 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Neonatal Assessment
6. At the end of 40 weeks gestation, how much fluid is present in the amnion?
a. 10 milliliters
Test Bank - Comprehensive Perinatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care, 4th Edition (Whitaker, 2015)
b. 10 liters
c. 1 milliliter
d. 1 liter
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.4 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Physical Examination
7. Polyhydramnios indicates a problem with the
a. umbilical cord
b. urinating mechanism of the fetus
c. swallowing mechanism of the fetus
d. cardiovascular function of the fetus
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.2 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Neonatal Assessment
8. At which stage of fetal lung development does the greatest amount of vascularization occur?
a. pseudoglandular
b. canalicular
c. saccular
d. embryonal
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.2 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Neonatal Assessment
9. Secondary crests will eventually form
a. pulmonary surfactant
b. goblet cells
c. serous cells
d. true alveoli
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.2 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Neonatal Assessment
10. Which substance works to lower surface tension on the alveolar wall?
a. blood
b. mucus
c. serum
d. surfactant
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.4 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Physical Examination
11. As the radius of a bubble, or alveolus, decreases, the surface tension
a. fluctuates unpredictably
b. stays the same
c. decreases
d. increases
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.4 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Physical Examination
Test Bank - Comprehensive Perinatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care, 4th Edition (Whitaker, 2015)
12. Which condition is characterized by the rapid deterioration in the respiratory status of a newborn following delivery?
a. respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
b. pneumonia
c. sudden acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
d. asthma
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.2 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Neonatal Assessment
13. Fetal lung maturity can be predicted by withdrawing a sample of amniotic fluid and comparing the level of
phosphatidylglycerol (PG) to
a. ethanol
b. sphingomyelin
c. lecithin
d. serum
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: II.A.3 - General Care | Assess Patient Status and Changes in Status |
Indices of Respiratory Physiology and Mechanics
14. Normally, fetal lung fluid moves steadily at what rate?
a. 15 L/hour
b. 1 ml/hour
c. 15 ml/hour
d. 100 ml/hour
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: II.A.3 - General Care | Assess Patient Status and Changes in Status |
Indices of Respiratory Physiology and Mechanics
15. Why must the lung fluid be completely evacuated from the lungs at birth?
a. To allow for unhindered ventilation in the neonate
b. To collapse the airways during birth
c. To reduce the size of the infant passing through the birth canal
d. To allow the infant to nurse
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: II.A.3 - General Care | Assess Patient Status and Changes in Status |
Indices of Respiratory Physiology and Mechanics
16. By the fifth week of development, the single atrium is divided into two separate chambers by the
a. pulmonary artery
b. sinus venosus
c. septum primum
d. truncus arteriosus
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.1 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Maternal History
17. At what point in development does blood begin to flow?
a. immediately after delivery
b. immediately preceding delivery
Test Bank - Comprehensive Perinatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care, 4th Edition (Whitaker, 2015)
c. around the third week
d. two days after conception
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.1 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Maternal History
18. Pressures in the right, or venous system, compared to those in the left, or arterial system of the fetus are
a. higher
b. incomplete
c. lower
d. the same
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.1 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Maternal History
19. Which of the following carries the fresh blood from the placenta through the umbilical cord and into the fetus?
a. umbilical vein
b. umbilical artery
c. hepatic portal vein
d. aorta
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.1 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Maternal History
20. The first shunt encountered after blood enters the fetal abdominal cavity is the
a. ductus venosus
b. foramen ovale
c. inferior vena cava
d. superior vena cava
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.1 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Maternal History
21. The foramen ovale is located between the right atrium and
a. lungs
b. right ventricle
c. left ventricle
d. left atrium
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.1 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Maternal History
22. The change from fetal circulation to adult circulation is called
a. pulmonary pressure
b. transition
c. coordination
d. resuscitation
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.2 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Neonatal Assessment
23. Baroreceptors are stimulated by
Test Bank - Comprehensive Perinatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care, 4th Edition (Whitaker, 2015)
a. pH
b. ventilation
c. oxygen
d. stretch
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.2 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Neonatal Assessment
24. Chemoreceptors play a role in the regulation of
a. cardiac contractility
b. hypertension
c. ventilation
d. blood vessel diameter
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.2 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Neonatal Assessment
25. Alveoli continue to
a. increase in number for 2 years after birth
b. increase in number for 8 years after birth
c. maintain their count throughout childhood as the lungs are completely developed at birth
d. increase in number for the entire lifetime
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: II.A.3 - General Care | Assess Patient Status and Changes in Status |
Indices of Respiratory Physiology and Mechanics
Test Bank - Comprehensive Perinatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care, 4th Edition (Whitaker, 2015)
Chapter 02 Assessment of Fetal Growth and Development
Multiple Choice
1. A 28-year-old pregnant woman sees her doctor for an ultrasound to determine fetal age. Which of the following
methods might be utilized during her ultrasound to determine this?
a. fetal heart rate determination
b. abdominal length
c. biparietal diameter
d. doppler velocimetry
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.6 - NBRC: I.A.6 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information |
2. A pregnant woman is being seen at her physician’s office for a midtrimester amniocentesis. At what stage of pregnancy
is this woman?
a. first trimester
b. within the first 15 weeks following the last menstrual period
c. second or third trimester
d. 30 days before delivery
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.1 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Maternal History
3. Increased levels of bilirubin in amniotic fluid may indicate
a. Rh incompatibility
b. Down syndrome
c. kidney immaturity
d. the presence of meconium
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.5 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Laboratory
4. An expectant mother has amniocentesis performed and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels are abnormally high. This could
a. Down syndrome
b. a neural tube defect
c. Rh incompatibility
d. fetal lung immaturity
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.5 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Laboratory
5. During routine visits to her obstetrician, a pregnant woman’s fetal heart rate (FHR) was near 140 bpm; however, as she
neared delivery, the FHR dropped to approximately 120 bpm. What course of action should be taken?
a. She should be scheduled for a Caesarian section as soon as possible.
b. Nothing - this is a normal response.
c. Preparations should be made for the delivery of twins.
d. Labor should be induced as soon as possible.
Test Bank - Comprehensive Perinatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care, 4th Edition (Whitaker, 2015)
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.7 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Other Diagnostic
6. Which method of FHR monitoring is the most accurate?
a. use of a stethoscope
b. placement of an electrode into the fetal scalp
c. placement of electrodes on the mother’s abdomen
d. external abdominal transducer
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.7 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Other Diagnostic
7. Electrodes placed on the mother’s abdomen can pick up the electrical activity of
a. the maternal heart only
b. fetal blood vessels
c. both the maternal and fetal heart
d. the fetal heart only
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.7 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Other Diagnostic
8. Baseline heart rate can be determined by watching the rate tracing for at least
a. 5 minutes
b. 24 hours
c. 1 hour
d. 10 minutes
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.7 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Other Diagnostic
9. A fetus is experiencing bradycardia due to asphyxia. Which of the following treatments may reduce the severity of the
a. sympathomimetic drug administration
b. administration of beta-blockers to the mother
c. oxygen administration to the fetus
d. oxygen administration to the mother
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.F.1 - NBRC: I.F.1 - Critical Care | Select, Assemble, and Troubleshoot
Equipment | Oxygen Administration Devices
10. Sympathomimetic drugs, such as ritodrine, salbutamol, and terbutaline, are administered to a pregnant woman to
a. reduce fetal heart rate
b. stop contractions
c. reduce maternal blood pressure
d. induce contractions
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.1 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Maternal History
, ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Test Bank - Comprehensive Perinatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care, 4th Edition (Whitaker, 2015)
11. Which type of deceleration would result from the umbilical cord being wrapped around an infant’s neck?
a. Type I
b. Type IV
c. Type II
d. Type III
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.7 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Other Diagnostic
12. Fetal scalp pH was measured and the result was 7.22. This result indicates
a. a normal result
b. an inconclusive result
c. slight asphyxia
d. severe asphyxia
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.5 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Laboratory
13. The acronym EDC stands for
a. estimated date of conception
b. estimated delivery and conception
c. estimated date of confinement
d. expected date of confinement
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.1 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Maternal History
14. The first day of a woman's last menstrual period was March 25. What is the estimated date of confinement (EDC)?
a. April 25
b. February 1
c. January 25
d. January 1
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.1 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Maternal History
15. The fundus of a woman's uterus is 19 centimeters above the symphysis pubis. What is the gestational age of the fetus?
a. 40 weeks
b. 38 weeks
c. 19 weeks
d. 20 weeks
NATIONAL STANDARDS: NBRC: I.A.1 - Critical Care | Evaluate Pertinent Information | Maternal History
16. Which of the following is a contraindication to the performance of the contraction stress test (CST)?
a. previous stress test
b. There are no contraindications for the CST.
c. a history of miscarriage