Test GBank G- GPhysical GExamination Gand GHealth GAssessment 1
8e (by
Physical Examination and
Health Assessment 8th Edition
by Jarvis
Table of G
Table Gof GContents 1
Chapter G01: GEvidence-Based GAssessment 2
GChapter G02: GCultural GAssessment 15
Chapter G03: GThe GInterview 31
Chapter G04: GThe GComplete GHealth GHistory 49
GChapter G05: GMental GStatus GAssessment 64
GChapter G06: GSubstance GUse GAssessment 80
Chapter G07: GDomestic Gand GFamily GViolence GAssessment 86
Chapter G08: GAssessment GTechniques Gand GSafety Gin Gthe GClinical 92
GSetting GChapter G09: GGeneral GSurvey Gand GMeasurement 111
Chapter G10: GVital GSigns 118
GChapter G11: GPain 133
GAssessment 141
Chapter G12: GNutrition GAssessment 155
GChapter G13: GSkin, GHair, Gand GNails 176
Chapter G14: GHead, GFace, GNeck, Gand GRegional 194
GLymphatics GChapter G15: GEyes 211
Chapter G16: GEars 228
Chapter G17: GNose, GMouth, Gand GThroat 246
Chapter G18: GBreasts, GAxillae, Gand GRegional GLymphatics 266
GChapter G19: GThorax Gand GLungs 284
Chapter G20: GHeart Gand GNeck GVessels 303
Chapter G21: GPeripheral GVascular GSystem Gand GLymphatic GSystem 320
GChapter G22: GAbdomen 337
Chapter G23: GMusculoskeletal GSystem 358
GChapter G24: GNeurologic G System 382
G Chapter G25: GMale GGenitourinary 400
GSystem GChapter G26: GAnus, GRectum, 414
Gand GProstate 436
Chapter G27: GFemale GGenitourinary GSystem 449
Chapter G28: GThe GComplete GHealth GAssessment: GAdult 452
Chapter G29: GThe GComplete GPhysical GAssessment: GInfant, GChild, Gand 458
GAdolescent GChapter G30: GBedside GAssessment Gand GElectronic 471
Chapter G31: GThe GPregnant GWoman
Chapter G32: GFunctional GAssessment Gof Gthe GOlder GAdult
, Test GBank G- GPhysical GExamination Gand GHealth GAssessment 2
G8e G(by
Chapter 01: Evidence-Based Assessment
1. After Gcompleting Gan Ginitial Gassessment Gof Ga Gpatient, Gthe Gnurse Ghas Gcharted Gthat Ghis Grespirations Gare
Geupneic Gand Ghis Gpulse Gis G58 Gbeats Gper Gminute. GThese Gtypes Gof Gdata Gwould Gbe:
a. Objective.
b. Reflective.
c. Subjective.
d. Introspective.
Objective Gdata Gare Gwhat Gthe Ghealth Gprofessional Gobserves Gby Ginspecting, Gpercussing, Gpalpating, Gand
Gauscultating Gduring Gthe Gphysical Gexamination. GSubjective Gdata Gis Gwhat Gthe Gperson Gsays Gabout Ghim
Gor Gherself Gduring Ghistory Gtaking. GThe Gterms Greflective Gand Gintrospective Gare Gnot Gused Gto Gdescribe
DIF: G Cognitive G Level: G Understanding G (Comprehension)
MSC: GClient GNeeds: GSafe Gand GEffective GCare GEnvironment: GManagement Gof GCare
2. A G patient G tells G the G nurse G that G he G is G very G nervous, G is G nauseated, G and G feels G hot. G These G types G of
G data G would G be:
a. Objective.
b. Reflective.
c. Subjective.
d. Introspective.
Subjective Gdata Gare Gwhat Gthe Gperson Gsays Gabout Ghim Gor Gherself Gduring Ghistory Gtaking. GObjective Gdata
Gare Gwhat Gthe Ghealth Gprofessional Gobserves Gby Ginspecting, Gpercussing, Gpalpating, Gand Gauscultating
Gduring Gthe Gphysical Gexamination. GThe Gterms Greflective Gand Gintrospective Gare Gnot Gused Gto
Gdescribe Gdata.
DIF: G Cognitive G Level: G Understanding G (Comprehension)
MSC: GClient GNeeds: GSafe Gand GEffective GCare GEnvironment: GManagement Gof GCare
3. The G patients G record, G laboratory G studies, G objective G data, G and G subjective G data G combine G to G form G the:
a. Data Gbase.
b. Admitting G data.
, Test GBank G- GPhysical GExamination Gand GHealth GAssessment 3
G8e G(by
c. Financial G statement.
d. Discharge G summary.
Together Gwith Gthe Gpatients Grecord Gand Glaboratory Gstudies, Gthe Gobjective Gand Gsubjective Gdata Gform Gthe
Gdata Gbase. GThe Gother Gitems Gare Gnot Gpart Gof Gthe Gpatients Grecord, Glaboratory Gstudies, Gor Gdata.
DIF: G Cognitive G Level: G Remembering G (Knowledge)
MSC: GClient GNeeds: GSafe Gand GEffective GCare GEnvironment: GManagement Gof GCare
4. When Glistening Gto Ga Gpatients Gbreath Gsounds, Gthe Gnurse Gis Gunsure Gof Ga Gsound Gthat Gis Gheard. GThe
Gnurses Gnext Gaction Gshould Gbe Gto:
a. Immediately Gnotify Gthe Gpatients Gphysician.
b. Document Gthe Gsound Gexactly Gas Git Gwas Gheard.
c. Validate Gthe Gdata G by G asking Ga Gcoworker Gto G listen Gto Gthe G breath Gsounds.
d. Assess G again Gin G20 G minutes Gto Gnote Gwhether G the G sound Gis G still G present.
When Gunsure Gof Ga Gsound Gheard Gwhile Glistening Gto Ga Gpatients Gbreath Gsounds, Gthe Gnurse Gvalidates Gthe
Gdata Gto Gensure Gaccuracy. GIf Gthe Gnurse Ghas Gless Gexperience Gin Gan Garea, Gthen Ghe Gor Gshe Gasks Gan
Gexpert Gto Glisten.
DIF: GCognitive GLevel: GAnalyzing G(Analysis)
MSC: GClient GNeeds: GSafe Gand GEffective GCare GEnvironment: GManagement Gof GCare
5. The Gnurse Gis Gconducting Ga Gclass Gfor Gnew Ggraduate Gnurses. GDuring Gthe Gteaching Gsession, Gthe Gnurse
Gshould Gkeep Gin G mind Gthat Gnovice Gnurses, G without G a G background G of Gskills G and Gexperience G from
Gwhich Gto Gdraw, G are G more Glikely Gto Gmake Gtheir Gdecisions Gusing:
a. Intuition.
b. A Gset Gof Grules.
c. Articles Gin Gjournals.
d. Advice Gfrom Gsupervisors.
Novice Gnurses Goperate Gfrom Ga Gset Gof Gdefined, Gstructured Grules. GThe Gexpert Gpractitioner Guses
Gintuitive Glinks. GDIF: GCognitive GLevel: GUnderstanding G(Comprehension)