12/26/24, 10:58 PM NYSTCE CST Multisubject Part 1 (241) 2025 Complete Questions And Verified Answers/ Complete Solutions With Rationale…
NYSTCE CST Multisubject Part 1 (241) 2025
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A method of teaching students to read by
correlating sounds with letters or groups of letters
in an alphabetic writing system. Children are taught,
for example, that the letter n represents the sound
/n/, and that it is the first letter in words such as
nose, nice and new.
The use of phonemes to process spoken and
written language. The broad category of
Phonological Processing phonological processing includes phonological
awareness, phonological working memory, and
phonological retrieval.
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,12/26/24, 10:58 PM NYSTCE CST Multisubject Part 1 (241) 2025 Complete Questions And Verified Answers/ Complete Solutions With Rationale…
Awareness of the sound structure of a language and
the ability to consciously analyze and manipulate
Phonological Awareness this structure via a range of tasks, such as speech
sound segmentation and blending at the word,
onset-rime, syllable, and phonemic levels.
1. Word awareness
2. Responsiveness to rhyme and alliteration during
Development of word play
Phonological Awareness 3. Syllable awareness
4. Onset and rime manipulation
5. Phoneme awareness
Tracking the words in sentences. Knowledge that
words have meaning. (less important to teach
1. Word awareness
Strategy: read-aloud, alphabet chants, high-
frequency word books
Enjoying and reciting learned rhyming words or
alliterative phrases in familiar storybooks or nursery
2. Responsiveness to
rhyme and alliteration Strategy: poetry books, alphabet chants, picture
during word play flashcards w/ objects whose names rhyme.
(Flashcards can be used in sorting and classifying
Counting, tapping, blending, or segmenting a word
into syllables.
Syllable awareness Strategy: Flashcards w/ objects whose names
contain different numbers of syllables.
(Flashcards can be used in sorting activity.)
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,12/26/24, 10:58 PM NYSTCE CST Multisubject Part 1 (241) 2025 Complete Questions And Verified Answers/ Complete Solutions With Rationale…
Onset is the initial consonant in a one-syllable word.
Rime includes the remaining sounds, including the
vowel and any sounds that follow. The ability to
produce a rhyming word depends on understanding
Onset and rime
that rhyming words have the same rime.
Recognizing a rhyme is much easier than producing
a rhyme.
Strategy: Blending and substitution activities.
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, 12/26/24, 10:58 PM NYSTCE CST Multisubject Part 1 (241) 2025 Complete Questions And Verified Answers/ Complete Solutions With Rationale…
This is the student's awareness of the smallest units
of sound in a word. It also refers to a student's ability
to segment, blend, and manipulate these units.
- Identify and match the initial sounds in words, then
the final and middle sounds (e.g., "Which picture
begins with /m/?"; "Find another picture that ends in
- Segment and produce the initial sound, then the
final and middle sounds (e.g., "What sound does zoo
start with?"; "Say the last sound in milk"; "Say the
vowel sound in rope").
- Blend sounds into words (e.g., "Listen: /f/ /ē/ /t/.
Phonemic awareness Say it fast").
- Segment the phonemes in two- or three-sound
words, moving to four- and five- sound words as the
student becomes proficient (e.g., "The word is eyes.
Stretch and say the sounds: /ī/ /z/").
- Manipulate phonemes by removing, adding, or
substituting sounds (e.g., "Say smoke without the
Strategy: listening to alliterative passages, blending
and segmenting words, and manipulating sounds in
words through substitution, deletion, and addition of
phonemics. Elkonin boxes are provided for tactile
blending and segmenting activities.
Involves storing phoneme information in a
Phonological Working temporary, short-term memory store. This phonemic
Memory information is then readily available for manipulation
during phonological awareness tasks.
Phonological retrieval is the ability to recall the
Phonological Retrieval phonemes associated with specific graphemes,
which can be assessed by rapid naming tasks.
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