Business Law: Text & Exercises (MindTap Course List)
x x x x x x x
10th Edition by Roger LeRoy Miller, William E. Hollowell
x x x x x x x x
Chapters 1 - 43, Complete
x x x x x
website, in whole or in part.
,Chapter 1 x
Table of Contents
x x
Purpose xand xPerspective xof xthe xChapter ........................................................................................................ 2
Cengage xSupplements........................................................................................................................................ 2
List xof xStudent xDownloads............................................................................................................................ 2
Chapter xObjectives ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Key xTerms ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
What's xNew xin xThis xChapter ............................................................................................................................. 3
Chapter xOutline ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Discussion xQuestions ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Additional xResources........................................................................................................................................10
Cengage xVideo xResources ...........................................................................................................................10
Appendix ............................................................................................................................................................10
Generic xRubrics ............................................................................................................................................10
Standard xWriting xRubric ...............................................................................................................................10
Standard xDiscussion xRubric ........................................................................................................................12
website, in whole or in part.
,Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter
x x x x x
The xpurpose xof xthis xchapter xis xto xexamine xthe xrelationship xbetween xlaw xand xethics. xThe xchapter
xpresents xissues xinvolved xto xdetermining xthe xethical xresponsibilities xof xbusinesses xand xprovides
xstudents xa xframework xfor xanalyzing xand xmaking xethical xdecisions.
Cengage Supplements x
The xfollowing xproduct-level xsupplements xprovide xadditional xinformation xthat xmay xhelp xyou xin
xpreparing xyour xcourse. xThey xare xavailable xin xthe xInstructor xResource xCenter.
• PowerPoint xDeck
List of Student Downloads
x x x
Students xshould xdownload xthe xfollowing xitems xfrom xthe xStudent xCompanion xCenter xto xcompletexthe
xactivities xand xassignments xrelated xto xthis xchapter:
• PowerPoint xDeck x(without xteaching xnotes, xactivities, xor xanswers)
Chapter Objectives
The xfollowing xobjectives xare xaddressed xin xthis xchapter:
1. Discuss xhow xbusiness xcan xdiscourage xunethical xbehavior
2. Explain xthe xrelationship xbetween xlaw xand xethics
3. Compare xduty-based xethics xand xutilitarian xethics
4. Identify xethical xproblems xin xthe xglobal xcontext
Key Terms
business xethics: xEthics xin xa xbusiness xcontext; xa xconsensus xof xwhat xconstitutes xright xor xwrong
xbehavior xin xthe xworld xof xbusiness xand xthe xapplication xof xmoral xprinciples xto xsituations xthat xarisexin
xa xbusiness xsetting.
categorical ximperative: xA xconcept xdeveloped xby xthe xphilosopher xImmanuel xKant xas xan xethical
xguideline xfor xbehavior. xIn xdeciding xwhether xan xaction xis xright xor xwrong, xor xdesirable xor xundesirable,
xa xperson xshould xevaluate xthe xaction xin xterms xof xwhat xwould xhappen xif xeverybody xelse xin xthe
xsame xsituation, xor xcategory, xacted xthe xsame xway.
corporate xsocial xresponsibility x(CSR): xThe xconcept xthat xcorporations xcan xand xshould xact
xethically xand xbe xaccountable xto xsociety xfor xtheir xactions.
cost-benefit xanalysis: xA xdecision-making xtechnique xthat xinvolves xweighing xthe xcosts xof xa xgiven
xaction xagainst xthe xbenefits xof xthe xaction.
duty-based xethics: xAn xethical xphilosophy xrooted xin xthe xidea xthat xevery xperson xhas xcertain xdutiesxto
xothers, xincluding xboth xhumans xand xthe xplanet. xThose xduties xmay xbe xderived xfrom xreligious xprinciples
xor xfrom xother xphilosophical xreasoning.
ethical xreasoning: xA xreasoning xprocess xin xwhich xan xindividual xlinks xhis xor xher xmoral xconvictionsxor
xethical xstandards xto xthe xparticular xsituation xat xhand.
website, in whole or in part.
, ethics: xMoral xprinciples xand xvalues xapplied xto xsocial xbehavior.
moral xminimum: xThe xminimum xdegree xof xethical xbehavior xexpected xof xa xbusiness xfirm, xwhich xis
xusually xdefined xas xcompliance xwith xthe xlaw.
outcome-based xethics: xAn xethical xphilosophy xthat xfocuses xon xthe ximpacts xof xa xdecision xon
xsociety xor xon xkey xstakeholders.
outsourcing: xThe xpractice xby xwhich xa xcompany xhires xan xoutside xfirm xor xindividual xto xperform
xwork xrather xthan xhiring xemployees.
principle xof xrights: xThe xprinciple xthat xhuman xbeings xhave xcertain xfundamental xrights x(to xlife,
xfreedom, xand xthe xpursuit xof xhappiness, xfor xexample). xA xkey xfactor xin xdetermining xwhether xa
xbusiness xdecision xis xethical xunder xthis xtheory xis xhow xthat xdecision xaffects xthe xrights xof xothers,
xsuch xas xemployees, xconsumers, xsuppliers, xand xthe xcommunity.
stakeholders: xGroups, xother xthan xthe xcompany’s xshareholders, xthat xare xaffected xby xcorporate
xdecisions. xStakeholders xinclude xemployees, xcustomers, xcreditors, xsuppliers, xand xthe xcommunityxin
xwhich xthe xcorporation xoperates.
triple xbottom xline: xThe xidea xthat xinvestors xand xothers xshould xconsider xnot xonly xcorporate
profits, xbut xalso xthe xcorporation’s ximpact xon xpeople xand xon xthe xplanet xin xassessing xthe xfirm. x(The
xbottom xline xis xpeople, xplanet, xand xprofits.)
utilitarianism: xAn xapproach xto xethical xreasoning xin xwhich xethically xcorrect xbehavior xis xrelated xtoxan
xevaluation xof xthe xconsequences xof xa xgiven xaction xon xthose xwho xwill xbe xaffected xby xit. xIn
utilitarian xreasoning, xa x―good‖ xdecision xis xone xthat xresults xin xthe xgreatest xgood xfor xthe xgreatest
xnumber xof xpeople xaffected xby xthe xdecision.
[return xto xtop]
What's New in This Chapter
x x x x
The xfollowing xelements xare ximprovements xin xthis xchapter xfrom xthe xprevious xedition:
• New xchapter xtitle xand xchapter-opening xintroduction xscenario xdiscussing xrecent
xtechnology xscandal xinvolving xfinger-prick xblood xtest xkits
• New xchapter xorganization xand xsubheads xthroughout x(including xnew xheadings xfor
―outsourcing‖ xand x―corruption‖)
• New xsection xon xMaking xEthical xBusiness xDecisions xand xnew xmaterials xon xSystematic
Approach: xIDDR x(―I xdesire xto xdo xright‖) xthat xwill xbe xused xthroughout xthe xtext xto xanalyze
xethics, xincluding xin xall xof xthe xnew x―A xQuestion xof xEthics‖ xproblems xin xthe xremaining
o New x―Application xof xthe xIDDR xApproach‖ xsubsection xwith xstep-by-step xdiscussionxand
xsample xscenario.
• 1 xNew xExhibit x3–1: xAn xAnalysis xof xEthical xApproaches xto xthe xSample
xDilemma x(for xnew xIDDR xApproach)
o 1 xNew xTerm x& xConcept
• outsourcing
• 1 xNew xEthics xToday xfeature—
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