2025/2026 WITH
What is nephrolithiasis? - CORRECT ANSWERS- Formation of
stones/calculi in the kidney
What are some metabolic risk factors for nephrolithiasis? -
CORRECT ANSWERS- Hypercalcemia, hyperoxaluria,
hyperparathyroidism, or gout
Risk factors for nephrolithiasis - CORRECT ANSWERS- Obesity,
high sodium/protein diet, >40yo, male, gastric bypass, low
hydration/urine output, inflammatory bowel disease, geographic
locations (hot arid climate)
What does PID stand for? - CORRECT ANSWERS- Pelvic
Inflammatory Disease
What are the common symptoms of PID? - CORRECT ANSWERS-
Abdominal pain, pelvic tenderness, genital tract infection or
,What are the common causes of PID? - CORRECT ANSWERS-
Gonorrhea or Chlamydia (C. Trachomatis)
Which reproductive organs can be affected by PID? - CORRECT
ANSWERS- Uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries
What are the treatment options for low-risk prostate cancer? -
CORRECT ANSWERS- Just watchful waiting
What are the treatment options for high-risk prostate cancer? -
CORRECT ANSWERS- Radical prostatectomy, radiation, hormonal
therapy, chemotherapy, cryotherapy, brachytherapy
What are some symptoms of advanced prostate cancer? -
CORRECT ANSWERS- Swelling in legs, bone pain, bowel
dysfunction, urinary obstruction
What are some complications of gonorrhea? - CORRECT
ANSWERS- Complications can include ectopic pregnancy,
infertility, and increased susceptibility to HIV.
How can gonorrhea spread? - CORRECT ANSWERS- Gonorrhea is
spread by sexual transmission and can cause cervicitis, proctitis,
urethritis, PID, conjunctivitis, and pharyngitis.
delivery complications from gonohrrea - CORRECT ANSWERS-
newborns contract and develop blindness
, gonococcal infection in the bloodstream can lead to - CORRECT
ANSWERS- arthritis, meningitis, endocarditis, myocarditis.
How is HSV spread - CORRECT ANSWERS- Close skin contact and
mucosa secretions - can be spread to newborns due to contact
with maternal genital lesions
Erythema mulitforme - CORRECT ANSWERS- pink circular lesions
most commonly caused by hsv
chlamydia trachomatis - CORRECT ANSWERS- not many s/s -
often present with other STIs such as gonorrhea. can cause
conjunctivitis and pneumonia in newborns
Bladder Cancer treatment - CORRECT ANSWERS- TURP
(transuretheral resection of the tumor) chemotherapy,
immunotherapy and rad therapy. rad cystectomy with urinary
diversion for large tumors
UTI risk factors - CORRECT ANSWERS- improper hygiene, tight
restrictive clothing, irritating bath products. sexual intercourse
and use of diaphragms and spermicides
UTI risk factors for males and females - CORRECT ANSWERS-
dehydration, catheterization, diabetes, bladder cancer and
adjacent tissues, cancer treatments