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psych 412 exam 1 with 100- correct answers
psych 412 exam 1 with 100- correct answers
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psych 412 exam 1 with 100% correct answers
Which |of |the |following |are |ways |that |past |experience |can |allow |an |organism |to |approach |a |new
|situation |in |a |more |adaptive |or |"smarter" |way? |- |correct |answer |-The |animal |formed |a |new
|association |in |the |past |that |helps |in |the |current |situation. |For |example, |the |animal |might |have
|become |nauseous |from |eating |a |particular |kind |of |fruit |in |the |past |and |currently |avoids |that |fruit.
The |animal |might |form |a |mental |representation |of |the |situation. |For |example, |the |animal |may
|have |watched |other |animals |near |some |fruit |and |notice |that |they |weren't |eating |it. |Now, |when
|the |animal |in |question |has |the |opportunity |to |eat |the |fruit, |he |doesn't |eat |it.
What |are |the |two |components |of |successful |perceptual |categorization? |- |correct |answer |-Treating
|similar |items |as |the |same |- |that |is, |generalizing |over |perceptually |similar |individual |experiences.
Treating |similar |items |as |different |- |that |is, |discriminating |among |perceptually |similar |individual
Which |of |the |following |is |true |of |experiments |in |which |humans |and |non-humans |are |trained |on
|rule-based |vs. |information |integration |categories. |- |correct |answer |-Macaques |show |superior
|performance |on |rule-based |categories.
Superior |performance |on |rule-based |categories |suggests |the |use |of |mental |representations |instead
|of |or |in |addition |to |just |associations.
How |can |we |tell |than |human |infants |and |macaques |have |the |ability |to |detect |small |precise |number
|sets? |- |correct |answer |-They |show |surprise |when |2 |items |are |placed |in |a |box |and |then |they |are
|shown |that |the |box |contains |3 |items.
Row |A |shows |that |pigeons |were |trained |to |peck |one |key |when |the |two |objects |presented |were |the
|same |and |another |key |when |they |were |different. |Pigeons |readily |generalized |their |pecking
|responses |when |presented |with |the |stimulus |displays |in |B. |- |correct |answer |-false
, Two |types |of |relational |categories |(or |concepts) |are |- |correct |answer |-more |vs. |fewer
same |vs. |different
How |do |we |know |that |the |generalization |gradient |shown |to |colors |by |pigeons |reflects |cognitive
|categorization |and |not |just |color |similarity |from |their |visual |system? |- |correct |answer |-We |can
|change |the |gradient |by |rewarding |a |narrower |set |of |responses |(e.g., |reward |pecking |blue |and
|withhold |reward |for |pecking |green).
Which |of |the |following |species |have |been |successfully |tested |using |the |information |procedure |for
|the |measurement |of |meta-cognition? |- |correct |answer |-Western |Scrub |Jays
Human |2 |to |2.5-year-olds
The |finding |that |pigeons |peck |to |different |color |disks |at |test |based |on |the |particular |training
|stimuli |they |were |given |(blue |vs. |unlit |or |blue |vs. |green) |is |taken |as |evidence |for |(choose |all |that
|apply) |- |correct |answer |-First |Order |Mental |Model |theories |of |consciousness
15-month-old |humans |and |great |apes |have |both |been |shown |to |pass |a |Theory |of |Mind |test
|through |the |use |of |which |testing |method? |- |correct |answer |-eye |gaze
In |the |meta-cognition |experiment |by |Balcomb |and |Gerken |(2008), |pre-schoolers |learned |some
|paired |associates |(strange |creature |and |the |toy |s/he |likes). |They |were |then |shown |the |creature
|and |asked |if |they |thought |they |remembered |the |favored |toy. |They |could |either |take |the |trial |and
|select |the |toy |or |opt |out |and |not |take |the |trial. |Children |scored |above |chance |on |the |trials |that
|they |took |(didn't |opt |out |of). |But |how |could |the |researchers |tell |whether |they |would |also |have
|scored |above |chance |on |the |trials |they |opted |out |of? |- |correct |answer |-They |were |forced |to |select
|the |favored |toy |on |some |of |the |opt |out |trials.